Advanced Commercial Web Site Design: ServerSide Scripting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Advanced Commercial Web Site Design: ServerSide Scripting


The PHP script has direct access to the ... Create a PHP script that will gather this information ... Site navigation. Searching. When to use POST method: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Advanced Commercial Web Site Design: ServerSide Scripting

Advanced Commercial Web Site Design Server-Side
  • Session 6 Interacting with web pages (GET POST)

  • Form processing in PHP
  • GET method
  • Arguments
  • POST method
  • Advantages / Disadvantages

HTTP a stateless protocol
  • The HTTP protocol is text based protocol which
    follows the request/response model
  • Each of the requests is totally independent from
    any other request
  • Hence stateless
  • Many types of the applications need to maintain
    the state between requests
  • The sequence of the requests is important as well
    as what the previous state was

An example HTTP Request
  • GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
  • Host
  • User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11 U Linux i686
    en-US rv1.1) Gecko/20020913
  • Accept text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml
  • Accept-Language gl, es-esq0.66, en-gb
  • Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, compress
  • Accept-Charset ISO-8859-15, utf-8
  • extra lines

An example HTTP response
  • HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  • Date Thu, 17 Oct 2002 123131 GMT
  • Server Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux
  • Last-Modified Thu, 10 Oct 2002 115120 GMT
  • Accept-Ranges bytes
  • Content-Length 3633
  • Connection close
  • Content-Type text/html charsetiso-8859-1

Maintaining the state
  • In order to maintain the state, there are two
    methodologies (two techniques) which are
    complementary in a way.
  • Maintain the state at the server side
  • Every downloaded page includes the state of the
    application, which is sent back to the server
    along with the newly submitted information.
  • Maintain the state at the client side
  • The state is maintained at the client side, by
    storing a piece of information at the client side
    which is sent to the server with every request,
    and modified when the response arrives.

How to transfer the information?
GET method
  • It passes information (arguments) from one web
    page to the web server through the URI1 query
  • How it works?
  • GET appends the pair (varName, value) to the URL
    specified in the ACTION attribute of the HTML
  • A special character (?) is used to concatenate
    the original URL and the appended pairs of
  • The full query string is then sent to the
    processing agent, the server/client side
    application that will process the information in
    this case a PHP script.

1. Uniform Resource Indicator. Also known as URL
(Uniform Resource Locator).
Example on GET method
  • Assume a HTML file with a simple form like the
  • And the corresponding PHP script (get1.php) with
    the following code

ltbodygt ltform action"http//
/get1.php" method"GET"gt ltpgtFirst name ltinput
type"text" size12 name"FirstName"gt ltpgtltinput
type"submit"gt lt/formgt lt/bodygt
ltbodygt lt?php print("Your first name is
_GETFirstName!") ?gt lt/bodygt
The URL query string
  • After typing a name (i.e. Mary) and pressing
    the button Submit Query, the information of the
    form is passed to the processing agent the
    script get1.php, in the following format
  • http//
  • The URL specified in the ACTION attribute
  • A question mark (?)
  • The arguments name (FirstName), an equal sign
    () and its valueoptionally
  • An () is used as a delimiter between multiple
    information pairs
  • http//

GET on the server side
  • The PHP script has direct access to the arguments
    of the GET method, i.e. the argument FirstName.
  • It maps to a PHP variable, retrieving its value
    from the _GET array
  • GET argument PHP variable
  • FirstName ? _GETFirstName

Exercise 6.1 Bank Details GET
  • Create a HTML Form asking the bank details of a
  • The customers first and last name (two text
  • The card number (one text field)
  • The branch short code (one text field)
  • The expiry date two text fields, one for the
    month (mm) and one for the year (yyyy), 2 and 4
    characters respectively.

Exercise 6.1 Bank Details GET (cont.)
  • Create a PHP script that will gather this
  • First checking that the month and year have
    logical valuesMonth 1-12, Year 1901- 2020
  • If either of these numbers is incorrect, an error
    message should be displayed at the corresponding
    column (see below)
  • And will present the details in a table with
    adequate headers.
  • First row will be the headers. Second row will
    have the following
  • The first column will contain the whole name, in
    the form (LastName, FirstName)
  • The second column will contain the branch short
  • The third column will contain the card number
  • The fourth column will contain the expiry date,
    in the form (mm / yyyy)

Exercise 6.1 Bank Details GET(cont.)
Exercise 6.1 Bank Details GET (cont.)
POST method
  • It passes information (arguments) from one
    web-page to another by including it in the body
    of the form. Nothing is visible to the URI1
  • Advantages
  • Security The information entered by the user is
    not shown to the query string or the server logs.
  • Capacity The amount of data that can be
    transferred by POST is larger than in GET method.
  • Disadvantages
  • Bookmarks The results cannot be stored as
    bookmarks since the URL is always the same.
  • Firewall Some strict firewalls tend to strip the
    body of the forms and the included information is

1. Uniform Resource Indicator. Also known as URL
(Uniform Resource Locator)
Example on POST method
  • Assume a HTML file with a simple form like the
  • And the corresponding PHP script with the
    following code

ltbodygt ltform action" http//
x/post.php " methodPOST"gt ltpgtFirst name
ltinput type"text" size12 name"FirstName"gt ltpgt
ltinput type"submit"gt lt/formgt lt/bodygt
ltbodygt lt?php print("Your first name is
_POSTFirstName!") ?gt lt/bodygt
POST on the server side
  • The PHP script has direct access to the arguments
    of the POST method, i.e. the argument LastName.
  • It maps to a PHP variable, retrieving its value
    from the _POST array
  • GET argument PHP variable
  • LastName ? _POSTLastName
  • GET and POST variables can also be retrieved from
    the _REQUEST array
  • _REQUESTLastName

Use of GET POST methods
  • When to use GET methodWhen we need to pull
    information out of the storage
  • Site navigation
  • Searching
  • When to use POST methodWhen we need to put
    information to the back-end storage (i.e. upload
    files) and be secure
  • Add information to a database
  • Authentication/Authorization
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