Title: Miko Matsumura
1Web Services/SOA on Wall Street
- Miko Matsumura
- VP SOA Products
- webMethods
3Introducing Miko Matsumura
- VP of Technology Standards, Infravio
- VP of Marketing, Infravio
- Chair of OASIS SOA Adoption Blueprints
- VP of SOA Product, webMethods
- Chief Java Evangelist, Sun Microsystems
- Software RD at Hotwired
- Limited Partner, Focus Ventures
- Advisor, TogetherSoft, Asia Java Fund, Kendara,
Dejima - M.S. in Neuroscience from Yale University (Neural
Networks research) - MBA, San Francisco State University
4Introducing Leonid Felikson
- SOA/Web services evangelist, Technical Analyst
Lead at Freddie Mac. - Since 2005 Mr. Felikson represents Freddie Mac in
WS-I organization. - 25 years of experience working in IT field from
application programming to database design and
development, from systems design and architecture
to messaging middleware and systems integration
and management, and lately Web services and SOA. - He has developed numerous curriculums and taught
lectures on Java and J2EE, software middleware
and Web services technologies. - He holds BS and a Master degree in Computer
5webMethods at a Glance
- Global Business Integration Company
- Improve Business Process Productivity and
Visibility via B2B, Integration, BPM, BAM and SOA - 1,400 blue-chip customers 7,000 overall
customers - 9 of the Fortune 20 100 of the Fortune 500
- Recognized as a Leader in the Industry (by
analysts and customers) - Help companies Increase Revenue, Customer
Satisfaction, Operational Efficiency and Cut
Costs - Headquartered in Fairfax, VA, and has offices
throughout the United States, Europe, Asia
Pacific and Japan 850 employees - Financial Strength
- Approximately 210M in annual revenue
- 150M in the bank
- Cerebra, Infravio Acquisitions
- In FY Q4 2006, 25 year over year revenue growth
6Two customer projects go live every business day
730 Production Deployment Events in the last year
SEP 04
SEP 06
DEC 04
MAR 05
JUN 05
SEP 05
DEC 05
MAR 06
JUN 06
7webMethods Enables SOA Success
- Real Success - 70 of our customers
- use webMethods for SOA
And 1/3 have been getting re-use for over 2 years!
2005 Customer Survey, webMethods
Sony Pictures We are already building
architecture that allows us to join applications
and business processes in a next generation SOA
8SOA Foundation of an Architecture
Management and Control
Agility and Freedom
9 SOA Defined
Service Oriented Architecture is a paradigm for
organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities
that may be under the control of different
ownership domains. It provides a uniform means to
offer, discover, interact with and use
capabilities to produce desired effects
consistent with measurable preconditions and
expectations. OASIS SOA Reference Model
Technical Committee
10Freddie Mac
11Provider and Consumer Patterns
12Core Patterns
- Consumer Patterns
- Service Discovery Pattern
- The Service Consumption Pattern
- Provider Patterns
- Service Registration Pattern
- The Service Provider Pattern
- Governance Patterns
- The Management (run time) Pattern
- The Validation (design time) Pattern
- The Lifecycle (change time) Pattern
- The Federation Pattern
13Reference Architecture Burton Group
Service mediation systems
Service management
14Consumer Pattern Service Discovery
Service Consumer
15Consumer Pattern Service Discovery
Service Consumer
Lookup Request
16Consumer Pattern Service Discovery
Service Registry
Service Consumer
Service Provider
17Consumer Pattern Consumption
Service Consuming Application
Service Provider
Service Request
18Consumer Pattern Consumption
Service Consuming Application
Service Provider
Service Request
Service Response
19Provider Pattern Service Registration
Service Registry
Service Provider
Registration Request
20Provider Pattern Composition or Orchestration
Service A
Service Consuming Application
Composite Service
Service Request
Service B
Service Response
Composition can be synchronous or asynchronous
21Governance Patterns
22 SOA Governance Defined
Service Oriented Architecture Governance is the
art and discipline of applying structured
relationships, procedures, and policies to
produce managed outcomes for services consistent
with measurable preconditions and
expectations. Mikos Definition
23Governance is the key obstacle
- An InfoWorld 2006 SOA Trend Survey indicates that
Lack of Governance is the main inhibitor for SOA
adoption (48) - Infoworld Research
24Governance is the key obstacle
- Prediction In 2006, lack of working governance
mechanisms in midsize-to-large (greater than 50
services) post-pilot SOA projects will be the
most common reason for project failure (0.8
probability).. - Jess Thompson, Research Director, Gartner
25SOA Governance is Cross-cutting
Corporate Governance
Business Governance
IT Governance
SOA Governance
26Governance Pattern Management (Run Time)
Service Consuming Application
Service Provider
Service Request
Service Response
XML Messages enable in flight machine processing
27Management Pattern (PEP) Can help answer
- What services are deployed? When? Where? Who?
- What consuming applications are utilizing them?
How often? - What is the consumer experience when using the
service? - How does this service perform overall? For
particular consumers? - How are they secured? Any questionable access
attempts? - What version or versions are deployed? Which
consumers use each? - What service level commitments are in place? How
are we doing? - What are the implications of service
unavailability or deprecation? - Who can alter each of these policies? Under what
28Contracts Pattern
External Customer
Internal Customer
Authenticate Engage Contract Access Service
29Run Time Management Contract Parameters
Call Center
- Contract Terms
- Security Terms(e.g. Authentication,
Authorization, Encryption ) - Operational Terms (e.g. Logging, Monitoring,
SLA, Alerting, Reporting, Routing) - Routing Terms(e.g. Load Balancing, Fail-over,
content based routing) - Lifecycle Terms (e.g. Versioning, Deprecation
Rules) - Business Terms(e.g. Billing and Metering,
Business Activity Monitoring) - Data terms(e.g Transformations, Caching)
- Reliable Delivery Terms (e.g. Messaging,
Transport Protocol, Transactions Integrity) - Custom Terms(i.e. user defined terms)
30Policy in the management pattern
- Runtime enforcement will not be homogeneous, plan
for diverse solutions - Hardware appliances for XML processing, security
- Application servers and ESBs
- WSM proxies and intermediaries (X-Broker and
Apache Synapse) - Network vendors providing application-oriented
functions - More to come
- Given this, runtime policy will become fragmented
- Registry presents a common place for policy
management - Creation
- Change management
- Approval
- Publishing and deployment
- Reporting
31Governance Pattern Validation (Design Time)
Registry Repository
Service Provider
Registration Request
XML Declarations enable registration time
machine validation
32Validation Pattern
- Primarily focused on controlling the quality of
SOA asset production - What design constraints should be enforced?
- Interoperability
- Granularity and Business Orientation
- Namespace
- Schema
- Granularity
- Security
- Some can be automated, some require manual
approval - Who approves?
- What scope of publishing/availability?
33Validation Pattern Best Practices
- Use namespace conventions to enable enterprise
scale - Utilize Reg/Rep to maintain dependencies and
relationships - Identify stewardship for design governance
consider enterprise/SOA architect role must
have teeth - Create business services and focus reuse and
design governance efforts - Think course-grained and reusable, not chatty
- Define interoperability constraints based on IT
footprint of consumer platform(s) - Q Where does Registry appear in SDLC given this
use case?
34Building the Lifecycle Governance (and
Federation) Patterns
35Service Lifecycle-CBDi
36SOA Adoption Challenges
- Heterogeneity
- Security
- Interoperability
- Hoarding
- Lack of Trust
- Externally Imposed Rules
- Loss of Control
- Assigning Blame
- Compromises
- Distribution of Burden
- Distribution of Incentives
37Interdependent Applications
Interdependent Departments
Reuse Creates Interdependence
Interdependence can destroy agility
Interdependent Companies
How can you change anything when everything is
tied together!?
Contact Center
38When everything is tied together
Changing IT Systems is slow and error prone!
Policies are not being enforced!
Change Processes are a mess!
Cant See whats happening in my SOA?
Cant Trust Services I dont control!
Cant Manage SOA Policy Enforcement!
Cant Find Services to reuse??
Cant Understand how to use these!
Services dont work together!
39Governing Change
- Governance of all modifications to SOA elements
service publishing, consumer on-ramping, service
versioning, deprecation and endpoint
modifications - Questions
- What constraints differ once a service is
deployed? Utilized? - Who would be impacted by a change? Do they need
to be consulted? Under what situations? - What is the process for on-ramping new consumers?
- Negotiation?
- Provisioning?
- Changes may be to service endpoints only
provides abstraction of intermediaries and a
grouping of control.
40Change-time Best Practices
- Use multi-endpoint service definitions to
abstract deployment architectures and minimize
individual endpoint management. - Streamline consumer on-ramping by defining
policies for self-service or business-user
approval. Avoid all coding. - Use dependency profiles to annotate service
relationships and detect impact of change
41SOA Governance Lifecycle
Design Time
Run Time
Change Time
Lifecycle Stage
Ecosystem Component
Metadata Governance Mechanisms
42Multiple Groups, Same SOA Data
43SOA Governance Foundation
44Lifecycle Governance Pattern
Policy and Metadata Registry Repository
Service A
Service Consuming Application
Composite Service
Service Request
Service B
Service Response
Lifecycle Governance encompasses Design Time
Validation, Run Time Management and Change Time
45Infravio X-Registry and X-Broker
Policy Enforcement Event
46Reference Architecture Burton Group
Service mediation systems
Service management
47Federation Pattern