Title: Social Capital
1Social Capital
- and its Relationship with MoSoSo
- Opportunities and Risks
- Presentation in line with the course Introduction
to Mobile Social Software Applications - University at Jyväslylä 07. December 2006
- Presentation by
- Suvi Nupponen and Jens Neumann
- 1. Intro
- 2. Social Capital
- 3. MoSoSo
- 4. Opportunities and Risks
- 5. Conclusion
3The Information Society
- The Digital Revolution transfrom our Society
- From Industrial-based Society ? Manufacturing
- To Informtion Society ? Information and
- ICT offers new possibilities to create Social
- The Concept of Communities
- From group based to networked based Society
- From little boxes to networked individualism
- The more Interaction ? the higher the value?
- YouTube ? but are all contributions of high
4What is Social Capital?
- The Question of the Transformation Process
- Is our Society better
- Is our Society happier
- Therefore we have to measure the well-being of
- Social Capital
- Refer to Networks of Relationships ? Connecting
- Who you know, not what you know
- Idea of Social Capital
- Networks and their Reciprocity have value for the
people who participate - Formal and informal forms of Social Capital
- Interlacted and thin forms of Socila Capital
5Definition Social Capital? 1/2
- Bourdieu (1992)
- Social capital is the sum of the resources,
actual on virtual, that accrue to an individual
or group by virtue of possessing a durable
network of more or less institutionalized
relationships of mutual acquaintance and
SourceBourdieu, 1992, http//www.analytictech.com
- For Bourdieu, social capital seems to be a
resource that results from social structure.
6Definition Social Capital? 2/2
- Putman (2000)
- Ties of reciprocity, trust and expectation that
we carry with us and are built up through fromal
and infromal social interactions
Source Robert Putnam Bowling Alone the
Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon
and Schuster, 2000.
- For Putnam we have the trust, shared values and
behaviours that connect the users of networks
7Challanges of Social Capital
- Problem
- It has to be proven if there is a real benefit?
- Economists ? turn non-economical to cost-benefits
- Other problems are side step effects?
Source Ronald, S. Burt The Network Structure of
Social Capital, Page 2, 2000.
8Measurements of Social Capital
- Social capital is thought to have a outcome ?
Source Ruuskanen, Petri Sosiaalinen pääoma
käsitteet, suuntaukset ja mekanismit, 2001, Page
9MoSoSo and its Relationship 1/2
- 1. Transformation
- User ? more integration of wireless mobile
- New possibilities to interact ? location is more
important - GPS, WAP, ? WLAN, UMTS, Bluetooth
- 2. Definition
- Social Software ? enables to communicate,
connect, or collaborate through computer-based
systems - MoSoSo ? connect a digital network from any
location and at any time. MoSoSo enables to find
people near to you
10MoSoSo and its Relationship 1/2
- 3. Social Effects
- Enhance, create, strength social interactions
- For example
- Nokia Sensor
- 4. Impact on Social Capital
- Measured by frequency of voice calls, SMS
- Interaction is the key-element
- Yang consider that social capital denpends on
mobility related to space, time, and context
11Opportunities of Social Capital
- Social Capital social economic benefits
(Robert Putnam) - ICT and MoSoSo are used to build a better society
- (birth rates, democracy, equality)
- New technologies create new ways to socialize,
- Internet-age can decrease, transform or
supplement community - Possible effects environment saving, literacy
increasing and better industrial processes - Ways to interact in change
12Risks of Social Capital
- Possible use for good and bad purposes
- Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) un-controlled
over-use - - Who to blame for
- Digital Divide social political problem
- - A gap between those with regular, effective
access to digital technologies and those without - - Skills and literacy
- Information share - safety risks
- Personal privacy - reachable at any time?
- MoSoSo - privacy issues difficult to understand
- MoSoSo designers responsibility
- Social software has impact on the mobile world
and vice versa - Digital revolution has changes our society
- The ways we interact and converse are in change
- Mobile social systems designed to enhance social
interactions in a variety of ways - MoSoSo wireless connecting, easier socialization
- Many challenges to meet
14Thank you for your Attention