Title: CPSC 310 Database Systems
1CPSC 310 Database Systems
- Lecturer Anxiao (Andrew) Jiang
- Lecture Nineteen Query Compilation
2Query Compilation
- Parsing
- Logical Query Plan
3SQL query
parse tree
logical query plan
apply laws
improved l.q.p
pick best
estimate result sizes
l.q.p. sizes
estimate costs
consider physical plans
- Convert SQL query to a parse tree
- Semantic checking attributes, relation names,
types - Convert to a logical query plan (relational
algebra expression) - deal with subqueries
- Improve the logical query plan
- use algebraic transformations
- group together certain operators
- evaluate logical plan based on estimated size of
relations - Convert to a physical query plan
- search the space of physical plans
- choose order of operations
- complete the physical query plan
- Goal is to convert a text string containing a
query into a parse tree data structure - leaves form the text string (broken into lexical
elements) - internal nodes are syntactic categories
- Uses standard algorithmic techniques from
compilers - given a grammar for the language (e.g., SQL),
process the string and build the tree
6Example SQL query
- SELECT title
- FROM StarsIn
- WHERE starName IN (
- SELECT name
- FROM MovieStar
- WHERE birthdate LIKE 1960
- )
- (Find the movies with stars born in 1960)
- Assume we have a simplified grammar for SQL.
7Example Parse Tree
SELECT ltSelListgt FROM ltFromListgt
WHERE ltConditiongt
ltAttributegt ltRelNamegt
ltTuplegt IN ltQuerygt
title StarsIn
ltAttributegt ( ltQuerygt )
starName ltSFWgt
8The Preprocessor
- replaces each reference to a view with a parse
(sub)-tree that describes the view (i.e., a
query) - does semantic checking
- are relations and views mentioned in the schema?
- are attributes mentioned in the current scope?
- are attribute types correct?
- Convert SQL query to a parse tree
- Semantic checking attributes, relation names,
types - Convert to a logical query plan (relational
algebra expression) - deal with subqueries
- Improve the logical query plan
- use algebraic transformations
- group together certain operators
- evaluate logical plan based on estimated size of
relations - Convert to a physical query plan
- search the space of physical plans
- choose order of operations
- complete the physical query plan
10Convert Parse Tree to Relational Algebra
- Complete algorithm depends on specific grammar,
which determines forms of the parse trees - Here give a flavor of the approach
- Suppose there are no subqueries.
- SELECT att-list FROM rel-list WHERE cond
- is converted into
- PROJatt-list(SELECTcond(PRODUCT(rel-list))),
or - ?att-list(?cond( X (rel-list)))
12- SELECT movieTitle
- FROM StarsIn, MovieStar
- WHERE starName name AND birthdate LIKE '1960'
SELECT ltSelListgt FROM ltFromListgt
WHERE ltConditiongt
ltAttributegt ltRelNamegt , ltFromListgt
AND ltConditiongt
movieTitle StarsIn ltRelNamegt
ltAttributegt LIKE ltPatterngt
MovieStar birthdate
ltAttributegt ltAttributegt
starName name
13Equivalent Algebraic Expression Tree
starname name AND birthdate LIKE '1960'
StarsIn MovieStar
14Handling Subqueries
- Recall the (equivalent) query
- SELECT title
- FROM StarsIn
- WHERE starName IN (
- SELECT name
- FROM MovieStar
- WHERE birthdate LIKE 1960
- )
- Use an intermediate format called two-argument
15Example Two-Argument Selection
StarsIn ltconditiongt
lttuplegt IN ?name
ltattributegt ?birthdate LIKE 1960
starName MovieStar
16Converting Two-Argument Selection
- To continue the conversion, we need rules for
replacing two-argument selection with a
relational algebra expression - Different rules depending on the nature of the
subquery - Here show example for IN operator and
uncorrelated query (subquery computes a relation
independent of the tuple being tested)
17Rules for IN
R ltConditiongt
R ?
t IN S
C is the condition that equates attributes in t
with corresponding attributes in S
18Example Logical Query Plan
?birthdate LIKE 1960
19What if Subquery is Correlated?
- Example is when subquery refers to the current
tuple of the outer scope that is being tested - More complicated to deal with, since subquery
cannot be translated in isolation - Need to incorporate external attributes in the
translation - Some details are in textbook
- Convert SQL query to a parse tree
- Semantic checking attributes, relation names,
types - Convert to a logical query plan (relational
algebra expression) - deal with subqueries
- Improve the logical query plan
- use algebraic transformations
- group together certain operators
- evaluate logical plan based on estimated size of
relations - Convert to a physical query plan
- search the space of physical plans
- choose order of operations
- complete the physical query plan
21Improving the Logical Query Plan
- There are numerous algebraic laws concerning
relational algebra operations - By applying them to a logical query plan
judiciously, we can get an equivalent query plan
that can be executed more efficiently - Next we'll survey some of these laws
22Associative and Commutative Operations
- product
- natural join
- set and bag union
- set and bag intersection
- associative (A op B) op C A op (B op C)
- commutative A op B B op A
23Laws Involving Selection
- Selections usually reduce the size of the
relation - Usually good to do selections early, i.e., "push
them down the tree" - Also can be helpful to break up a complex
selection into parts
24Selection Splitting
- ? C1 AND C2 (R) ? C1 ( ? C2 (R))
- ? C1 OR C2 (R) (? C1 (R)) Uset (? C2 (R))
- if R is a set
- ? C1 ( ? C2 (R)) ? C2 ( ? C1 (R))
25Selection and Binary Operators
- Must push selection to both arguments
- ? C (R U S) ? C (R) U ? C (S)
- Must push to first arg, optional for 2nd
- ? C (R - S) ? C (R) - S
- ? C (R - S) ? C (R) - ? C (S)
- Push to at least one arg with all attributes
mentioned in C - product, natural join, theta join, intersection
- e.g., ? C (R X S) ? C (R) X S, if R has all
the atts in C
26Pushing Selection Up the Tree
- Suppose we have relations
- StarsIn(title,year,starName)
- Movie(title,year,len,inColor,studioName)
- and a view
- CREATE VIEW MoviesOf1996 AS
- FROM Movie
- WHERE year 1996
- and the query
- SELECT starName, studioName
- FROM MoviesOf1996 NATURAL JOIN StarsIn
27The Straightforward Tree
??year1996 StarsIn
28The Improved Logical Query Plan
29Laws Involving Projections
- Consider adding in additional projections
- Adding a projection lower in the tree can improve
performance, since often tuple size is reduced - Usually not as helpful as pushing selections down
- If a projection is inserted in the tree, then
none of the eliminated attributes can appear
above this point in the tree - Ex ?L(R X S) ?L(?M(R) X ?N(S)), where M (resp.
N) is all attributes of R (resp. S) that are used
in L - Another example
- ?L(R Ubag S) ?L(R) Ubag ?L(S)
- But watch out for set union!
30Push Projection Below Selection?
- Rule ?L(?C(R)) ?L(?C(?M(R)))
- where M is all attributes used by L or C
- But is it a good idea?
- SELECT starName FROM StarsIn WHERE movieYear
? starName
? starName
? movieYear1996
? movieYear1996
? starName,movieYear
31Joins and Products
- Recall from the definitions of relational
algebra - R C S ?C(R X S) (theta join)
- R S ?L(?C(R X S)) (natural join)
- where C equates same-name attributes in R and S,
and L includes all attributes of R and S dropping
duplicates - To improve a logical query plan, replace a
product followed by a selection with a join - Join algorithms are usually faster than doing
product followed by selection
32Duplicate Elimination
- Moving ? down the tree is potentially beneficial
as it can reduce the size of intermediate
relations - Can be eliminated if argument has no duplicates
- a relation with a primary key
- a relation resulting from a grouping operator
- Legal to push ? through product, join, selection,
and bag intersection - Ex ?(R X S) ?(R) X ?(S)
- Cannot push ? through bag union, bag difference
or projection
33Grouping and Aggregation
- Since ? produces no duplicates
- ?(?L(R)) ?L(R)
- Get rid of useless attributes
- ?L(R) ?L(?M(R))
- where M contains all attributes in L
- If L contains only MIN and MAX
- ?L(R) ?L(?(R))
- Suppose we have the relations
- MovieStar(name,addr,gender,birthdate)
- StarsIn(title,year,starName)
- and we want to find the youngest star to appear
in a movie for each year - SELECT year, MAX(birthdate)
- FROM MovieStar,StarsIn
- WHERE name starName
- GROUP BY year
35Example cont'd
36Summary of LQP Improvements
- Selections
- push down tree as far as possible
- if condition is an AND, split and push separately
- sometimes need to push up before pushing down
- Projections
- can be pushed down
- new ones can be added (but be careful)
- Duplicate elimination
- sometimes can be removed
- Selection/product combinations
- can sometimes be replaced with join
- Convert SQL query to a parse tree
- Semantic checking attributes, relation names,
types - Convert to a logical query plan (relational
algebra expression) - deal with subqueries
- Improve the logical query plan
- use algebraic transformations
- group together certain operators
- evaluate logical plan based on estimated size of
relations - Convert to a physical query plan
- search the space of physical plans
- choose order of operations
- complete the physical query plan
38Grouping Assoc/Comm Operators
- Group together adjacent joins, adjacent unions,
and adjacent intersections as siblings in the
tree - Sets up the logical QP for future optimization
when physical QP is constructed determine best
order for doing a sequence of joins (or unions or
39Evaluating Logical Query Plans
- The transformations discussed so far intuitively
seem like good ideas - But how can we evaluate them more scientifically?
- Estimate size of relations, also helpful in
evaluating physical query plans - Coming up next