Title: DELOS Short Lists of Indicators
1HELIOS Thematic Survey Theme 4 E-learning
and Internationalisation of education and
training systems Preliminary resultsJune 2006
- 4th Thematic Survey (online)
- Sample
- ? Surveys 1-3 Mainly Cedefops ETV database
- ? Survey 4 eLearningEuropa portal
(Commission) - EDEN
- EuroPACE (European network of
universities) - EUA (European University Association)
3Structure of the survey
- Profile of the respondents
- 2 questions on their experience
- 9 questions on their opinions
4The survey
- Survey period mid-May ? end of June.
- Conducted online in 5 languages.
- 409 usable responses
EU25 (78)
5Respondent Profile
- Main respondent types
- Main types of organisations
- Sex and age53 men, 47 women
6Personal experience of the respondents
7More enriching experience
8Q6 Contribution of e-L
9Q6 Contribution of e-L breakdown by sex
10Q7 Main challenges for e-L to expand its int.
11Q8 How important is it for e-L to occur?
12Q9 e-L contribution to the convergence of
learning systems
13Q10 e-L likely to increase
14Q11 e-L contribution to the development of a
European ET area
15Q12 e-L likely to increase the number of people
learning foreign languages?
16Q13 Areas where e-L should have an int. dimension
17Q14 Motivation to enrol in international e-L
flexibility, quality, interaction with
- Easier access to leading institutions Increased
int. exchanges - Support accreditation recognition of
qualifications - Crucial for e-L to occur within EU
- e-L strongly contributes to the convergence of
learning systems - e-L likely to increase informal exchanges
Virtual mobility - Significant contribution of e-L to a European ET
area - Moderate effect of e-L on the number of people
learning languages - Main subjects for international e-L ICT
Languages - Acquiring competencies not available High
profile of the institution
19Thank you !
- Online survey open until end-June
- http//www.education-observatories.net/helios/surv
ey - Detailed analysis will be available through
HELIOS website - www.education-observatories.net/helios