Title: The Firm
1The Firm
- Outline
- 1. The objectives of the firm
- 2. Measuring costs of production
- 3. Rules for profit maximisation
- 2. Economies of scale scope
21. The objectives of the firm
- A) Profit maximisation
- B) Sales revenue maximisation
- C) Growth maximisation
- investment
- acquisitions
- mergers
- Modern business
- shareholders - profit maximisation
- managers - salary, status, etc.
3The Principal-Agent Problem
- Principal shareholder
- Agents Board, Senior Managers
- Incentives
- Board threat of take-over if share prices fall
- Managers
- profit-related pay
- share options
- fixed-term contracts
42. Measuring the costs of production
- The production function
- transformation of inputs into outputs
- short-run versus long run
- The cost structure of the firm
- short-run versus long run
- fixed and variable costs
- total, average and marginal costs
- break-even point
5Total costs for firm X
Output (Q) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TVC () 0 10 16 21 28 40 60 91
TC () 12 22 28 33 40 52 72 103
TFC () 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
6Average and marginal costs
Costs ()
Output (Q)
73. Rules for profit maximisation
- Economic profit
- Total revenue - Total costs
- Marginal revenue - Marginal costs
8Finding maximum profit using total curves
TR, TC, TP ()
9Finding the profit-maximising output using
marginal curves
Costs and revenue ()
104. Economies of scale scope
- The long run
- returns to scale
- scale economies
- Internal scale economies
- indivisibilities
- increased specialisation
- economies of increased dimension
- economies of scope
114. Economies of scale scope
- External economies of scale
- availability of finance
- agglomeration economies
- Diseconomies of scale
- Information flows
- industrial relations problems
- Loss of flexibility
- The shape of cost curves
125. The external environment
- The nature of competition
- structure - conduct - performance
- the competitive environment
- perfectly competitive (e.g. stock markets)
- monopolistic (e.g. restaurants)
- oligopolistic (e.g. breakfast cereal,
newspapers) - monopoly