Title: http://nodal.ercot.com 1
1Texas Nodal Market Implementation The ERCOT Post
Nodal Staffing Forecast- Draft for discussion
purposes February 5, 2007
2An initiative is underway to develop a 2007
2009 ERCOT staffing projection including Zonal,
Nodal and transition demand
Start with
- Current approved staffing levels
- Zonal EACs
Establish Zonal Picture
Establish Nodal Picture
Provide update to ERCOT Exec Committee
Produce Update for Feb BOD Meeting
Develop staffing request for 2007 budget
Develop staffing request for 2008 budget
Identify current zonal staffing shortfalls
Develop Nodal go-live staffing levels
- Identify areas that will be impacted by Nodal
transition - Gather existing nodal staffing analysis and
estimates - Factor in transition period (12 months)
- The following documentation has been used
- 2006 Impact Assessments
- PCN Files
- Nodal and Zonal EACs
- ERCOT Nodal System Operation Impact Assessment
- Other internal analysis efforts
- Organization sizing model (Bottom Up analysis
Gather existing zonal staffing shortfall analysis
Develop Nodal steady state staffing levels
Consider utilizing organizational sizing model
Organization Sizing Milestones
Date Milestone
Friday, Jan 26 2007 Initial organization sizing feedback included in Nodal Deep Dive presentation
February 16, 2007 Preliminary organization sizing recommendations due to ERCOT Board of Directors
June 2007 Detailed organization sizing analysis due for 2008 budget process (Uses Bottom-up sizing analysis as needed)
June 2008 Detailed organization sizing analysis due for 2009 budget process (Uses Bottom-up sizing analysis as needed)
3Total TNMIP Effort
TNMIP Contractors and Employees
4ERCOT Staffing Demand Profile
Go Live 1/1/09
Steady State 1/1/10
Nodal Project Begins
Employees Only
New Nodal Functions
Capital Projects
Base Operations
Q1 '07
Q1 '08
Q1 '09
Q1 '10
Pre Nodal
Approved EAC includes a small team (20 people) for two-month stabilization period
ERCOT anticipates a 12-month storm period where additional resources are required to manage daily operations. These are not included in the approved EAC Nodal Budget.
Preliminary analysis indicates the need for 47 additional resources required to support Nodal stead-state operations.
5A set of Nodal facilities requirements has been
produced based on rigorous analysis
- Additional 85 War/Peace Room type seats
- 4 Additional Team Rooms, varying sizes
- Market Trials Room space for 50, control room,
conference room - Training Room Seating for 50
- Plus cubicles and offices as outlined in the
detailed plan
and detailed plans for physical lay-out
The requirements are based on seating demand
6NotesThe staffing forecast is a draft, pending
discussion and approval by the Nodal Steering
CommitteeAn area of continued emphasis is
reducing / transitioning staff dedicated to
zonal, and to realize any efficiency gains with
new systems