Title: National Cyber Security Division NCSD:
1National Cyber Security Division (NCSD)
Sofia, Bulgaria 8-9 September, 2003
2A secure and robust national cyber infrastructure
is vital to the protection of the nations
critical infrastructure and key assets
- Agriculture
- Food
- Water
- Public Health
- Emergency Services
- Defense Industry Base
- Information and Telecommunications
- Energy
- Banking Finance
- Chemical Industry Hazardous Materials
- Postal Shipping
3The Department of Homeland Security established
the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) as
the dedicated Federal focal point for cyber
Information Analysis and Infrastructure
Protection (IAIP) Directorate
Infrastructure Protection
Information Analysis
Risk Assessment Division
Indications and Warning Division
Infrastructure Coordination Division
Infrastructure Protection Division
National Cyber Security Division (NCSD)
4The National Cyber Security Division mission
NCSD Mission Statement
The National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) is
the National focal point for addressing cyber
security issues in the United States. The NCSD
mission includes identifying, analyzing and
reducing threats and vulnerabilities
disseminating threat warning information
coordinating incident response and providing
technical assistance in continuity of operations
and recovery planning. The NCSD also serves as
the single National point of contact for the
public and private sector regarding cyber
security issues, including outreach, awareness,
and training.
5The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
articulates five priorities
6The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
articulates five priorities (contd.)
7The National Cyber Security Division will lead
protection of the Nations critical cyber assets
across three key mission areas
Risk, Threat, Vulnerability Identification
Cyber Security Tracking, Analysis, Response
Center (CSTARC)
Outreach, Awareness, Training
Leverage, design, and lead implementation of
methodologies and best practices with our
partners to assess risks and threats, and to
reduce vulnerabilities to attacks
Implement CSTARC by consolidating government
organizations and leveraging our National and
international leadership and expertise across the
public sector, the private sector, and academia.
Design and lead implementation of training and
awareness efforts and campaigns that use a
multi-level approach to educate industry,
government, and the public on the importance of
their roles in National cyber security
Partnerships The critical enabler of all of the
key activities
With partnerships as the foundation for
implementation, the NCSD will immediately drive
design and implementation of protective measures
to reduce Americas vulnerability to cyber attack
8Next Steps
- Continue to protect the Nations cyber security
infrastructure - Continue to build strong partnerships within the
public and private sectors, as well as
internationally - www.dhs.gov