Title: Temporality in relation with Discourse Structure
1Temporality in relation with Discourse Structure
- Corina Forascu1, 2, Ionut Cristian Pistol1, Dan
Cristea1, 3 - 1Faculty of Computer Science, University Al. I.
Cuza of Iasi, Romania - 2 Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest - 3 Institute for Computer Science, Romanian
Academy, Iasi, Romania - corinfor,ipistol,dcristea_at_info.uaic.ro
- Goal
- Theory
- Discourse Structure RST Veins Theory
- Temporal Information
- Experiment
- Data
- Methods
- Results evaluation
- Conclusions
- Further investigate the interconnection between
temporality and discourse structure - quantitative investigation of the dependencies
between RST (actually, a variation of it VT) and
the temporal relations - if such a link exists, use it to
- reduce the human effort in manual annotation of
temporal relations - automatically annotate temporal relations
- improve discourse parsing
- Goal
- Theory
- Discourse Structure RST Veins Theory
- Temporal Information
- Experiment
- Data
- Methods
- Results evaluation
- Conclusions
5Discourse Structure Fundamental assumptions in
- An inter-unit reference is possible only when the
two units are in a structural relation one with
the other - The nucleus-satellite distinction together with
discourse structure gives indications on the
range of referents to which an anaphor can be
31Veins and referentiality
- VT claim on the strong interconnection between
discourse structure and referentiality has been
proven experimentally - This link has been applied to
- recuperate easier and saver referential relations
when vein structure is known - parse discourse, when referential relations are
32Veins and temporality
- See whether veins are related to temporal
relations as well - the way veins are defined raises the intuition
that they must be - if so, then they can be used to
- recuperate easier and saver temporal relations
when discourse structure is known - help discourse parsing, when temporal relations
are known
33Temporal Information
- TimeML 1.1. specification language for the
event-structure of narrative texts - Mark-up of
- Temporal anchoring TIMEX3, SIGNAL
- Dependencies between events and times TLINK,
34Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxious to turn around Corn Flakes
sales that it soon will begin selling boxes for
as little as 99 cents.
35Temporal Information
ltEVENT eid"e206" class"I_STATE"gt
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 to turn around Corn
Flakes sales that it soon will begin selling
boxes for as little as 99 cents.
36Temporal Information
ltEVENT eid"e32" class"OCCURRENCE"gt
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 to turne32 around Corn
Flakes sales that it soon will begin selling
boxes for as little as 99 cents.
37Temporal Information
ltEVENT eid"e33" class"ASPECTUAL"gt
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 to turne32 around Corn
Flakes sales that it soon will begine33 selling
boxes for as little as 99 cents.
38Temporal Information
ltEVENT eid"e34" class"OCCURRENCE"gt
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 to turne32 around Corn
Flakes sales that it soon will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
39Temporal Information
ltTIMEX3 tid"t192" type"DATE" temporalFunction"f
alse" functionInDocument"CREATION_TIME"
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 to turne32 around Corn
Flakes sales that it soon will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
40Temporal Information
ltTIMEX3 tid"t207" type"DATE" temporalFunction"t
rue" functionInDocument"NONE" value"FUTURE_REF"
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 to turne32 around Corn
Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
41Temporal Information
ltSIGNAL sid"s31"gt
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
42Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltMAKEINSTANCE aspect"NONE" eiid"ei2019"
tense"PRESENT" eventID"e206" /gt ltMAKEINSTANCE
aspect"NONE" eiid"ei2020" tense"NONE"
eventID"e32" /gt ltMAKEINSTANCE aspect"NONE"
eiid"ei2021" tense"FUTURE" eventID"e33" /gt
ltMAKEINSTANCE aspect"PROGRESSIVE" eiid"ei2022"
tense"NONE" eventID"e34" /gt
43Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei201
9" relType"INCLUDES" /gt ltTLINK
eventInstanceID"ei2019" relType"BEFORE" /gt
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t207" eventInstanceID"ei20
21" relType"IS_INCLUDED" /gt ltTLINK
relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei2021"
relType"AFTER" /gt
44Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei201
9" relType"INCLUDES" /gt ltTLINK
eventInstanceID"ei2019" relType"BEFORE" /gt
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t207" eventInstanceID"ei20
21" relType"IS_INCLUDED" /gt ltTLINK
relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei2021"
relType"AFTER" /gt
45Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei201
9" relType"INCLUDES" /gt ltTLINK
eventInstanceID"ei2019" relType"BEFORE" /gt
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t207" eventInstanceID"ei20
21" relType"IS_INCLUDED" /gt ltTLINK
relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei2021"
relType"AFTER" /gt
46Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei201
9" relType"INCLUDES" /gt ltTLINK
eventInstanceID"ei2019" relType"BEFORE" /gt
ltTLINK relatedToTime"t207" eventInstanceID"ei20
21" relType"IS_INCLUDED" /gt ltTLINK
relatedToTime"t192" eventInstanceID"ei2021"
relType"AFTER" /gt
47Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltSLINK signalID"s31" subordinatedEventInstance"e
i2020" eventInstanceID"ei2019" relType"MODAL"
/gt  ltSLINK signalID"s31" subordinatedEventInst
ance"ei2020" eventInstanceID"ei2021"
relType"MODAL" /gt
48Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltSLINK signalID"s31" subordinatedEventInstance"e
i2020" eventInstanceID"ei2019" relType"MODAL"
/gt  ltSLINK signalID"s31" subordinatedEventInst
ance"ei2020" eventInstanceID"ei2021"
relType"MODAL" /gt
49Temporal Information
Kellogg is so anxiouse206 tos31 turne32 around
Corn Flakes sales that it soont207 will begine33
sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99 cents.
ltALINK relatedToEventInstance"ei2022"
eventInstanceID"ei2021" relType"INITIATES" /gt
- Goal
- Theory
- Discourse Structure RST Veins Theory
- Temporal Information
- Experiment
- Data
- Methods
- Results evaluation
- Conclusions
51Experimental data (1)
52Experimental data (2)
53Experiment method
RST Treebank Lisp-notation
TimeBank XML
Computed Veins
Merged structure RST veins temporal
54Experiment method
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1" ?gt
- ltTimeML xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchem
a-instance" xsinoNamespaceSchemaLocation"TimeML1
.1.xsd"gt - Â ltDOCNOgtWSJ891030-0089lt/DOCNOgt ltDDgt 891030lt/DDgt
- Â ltANgt891030-0089.lt/ANgt
- Â ltHLgtKellogg Pours Water on Plans to Build Big
Cereal Plant _at_ ---- _at_ By Richard Gibson _at_ Staff
Reporter of The Wall Street Journallt/HLgt ltDDgt - Â ltTIMEX3 tid"t192" type"DATE"
temporalFunction"false" functionInDocument"CREAT
ION_TIME" value"1989-10-30"gt10/30/89lt/TIMEX3gtlt/DD
gt - Â ltSOgtWALL STREET JOURNAL (J)lt/SOgtltCOgtKlt/COgt
ltINgtFOOD PRODUCTS (FOD)lt/INgt - - ltTEXTgtltRootgt
- - ltrel ID"1001" nuc"no" h"8" vein"8"gtltrel
ID"0" nuc"no" h"8" vein"8"gtltrel ID"1"
nuc"yes" h"8" vein"8"gt - - ltrel ID"2" nuc"yes" h"8" vein"8"gtltrel
ID"3" nuc"yes" h"8" vein"8"gt - - ltrel ID"4" nuc"yes" h"8" vein"8"gtltrel
ID"5" nuc"yes" h"8" vein"8"gt - ltrel ID"6" nuc"yes" h"8" vein"8"gt
- ltsgtltseg ID"7" CONTINUE"" nuc"no" h"7"
vein"7,8"gt - Â ltw pos"DT"gtThislt/wgtltw pos","gthasntlt/wgtltw
pos"BEN"gtbeenlt/wgt - Â ltENAMEX TYPE"ORGANIZATION"gtltw
pos"IN"gtKellogglt/wgtltw pos"NN"gtColt/wgtltw
pos"."gt.lt/wgt lt/ENAMEXgt - Â ltw pos"CD" /gtltw pos"NN"gtslt/wgtltw
pos"NN"gtyearlt/wgtltw pos"."gt.lt/wgt - Â lt/seggtlt/sgt
- ltsgtltseg ID"8" CONTINUE"" nuc"yes" h"8"
vein"7,8"gt - Â ltw pos"DT"gtThelt/wgtltw pos"NN"gtoat-branlt/wgt
55Experiment results a) relations-on-the-veins
56Experiment results b) annotation effort
- Same/adjacent edus 67.18
- Long distance edus 32.82
- 83.42 on veins
- 16.58 not on veins
57Experiment results c) types of temporal
58Experiment results d) types of discourse
- Temporal relations NOT on veins
- "I don't think / Kellogg can get back to 40
this year," / he said. - Mr. Maxwell said / he wouldn't be surprised
- VEIN .. Kellogg can get back to 40 this
year , / Mr. Maxwell said .. - 32 SPAN
- Expectations fulfilled to a great extend
- temporal links are mainly located on the veins
- there is a subset of temporal relations that
behave better in correlation with discourse
structure - there is a subset of discourse relations that
behave worse in relation with temporal relations
60Discussion exceptions
- Mainly in connection with indirect speech (speech
act events do not correlate with temporal
relations) - the class of verbs involving speech acts anchors
temporal relations addressing co-terms outside
veins - the failings to find co-terms in time relations
on the veins happen mainly around the ATTRIBUTION
rhetorical relation, the one involving speech
acts - BUT the same bad correlation around indirect
speech rhetorical relations has been noticed also
in correlation with referentiality (Cristea et
al., 2000)
61Discussion exploitation
- A method to quicken the manual annotation of
temporal relations in texts which include already
an annotation of the structure - an interface could reveal only the discourse
units on the veins - by pruning neighbouring discourse units, the
context of time correlates is enlarged - Automatic time tracking
- pruning method less units should be searched
back until a time correlate is discovered - Automatic discourse parsing
- score better, as structurally placed on identical
veins, the discourse units displaying time
relationships between them
62Discussion exploitation
The oat-bran craze has cost the world's largest
cereal maker market share. The company's
president quit suddenly. And now Kellogg is
indefinitely suspending work on what was to
be a 1 billion cereal plant. The company said
it was delaying construction because of
current market conditions. But the Memphis,
Tenn., facility wasn't to begin turning out
product until 1993, so the decision may
reveal a more pessimistic long-term outlook as
well. Kellogg, which hasn't been as
successful in capitalizing on the public's
health-oriented desire for oat bran as rival
General Mills Inc., has been losing share in
the 6 billion ready-to-eat cereal market.
Kellogg's current share is believed to be
slightly under 40 while General Mills'
share is about 27. Led by its oat-based
Cheerios line, General Mills has gained an
estimated 2 share so far this year, mostly at
the expense of Kellogg. Each share point is
worth about 60 million in sales. Analysts say
much of Kellogg's erosion has been in such
core brands as Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies and
Frosted Flakes, which represent nearly
one-third of its sales volume. Kellogg is so
anxious to turn around Corn Flakes sales
that it soon will begin selling boxes for as
little as 99 cents, trade sources say.
"Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios have eaten away
sales normally going to Kellogg's corn-based
lines simply because they are made of oats,"
says Merrill Lynch food analyst William
63Discussion exploitation
The oat-bran craze has cost the world's largest
cereal maker market share. The company's
president quit suddenly. And now Kellogg is
indefinitely suspending work on what was to
be a 1 billion cereal plant. The company said
it was delaying construction because of
current market conditions. But the Memphis,
Tenn., facility wasn't to begin turning out
product until 1993, so the decision may
reveal a more pessimistic long-term outlook as
well. Kellogg, which hasn't been as
successful in capitalizing on the public's
health-oriented desire for oat bran as rival
General Mills Inc., has been losing share in
the 6 billion ready-to-eat cereal market.
Kellogg's current share is believed to be
slightly under 40 while General Mills'
share is about 27. Led by its oat-based
Cheerios line, General Mills has gained an
estimated 2 share so far this year, mostly at
the expense of Kellogg. Each share point is
worth about 60 million in sales. Analysts say
much of Kellogg's erosion has been in such
core brands as Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies and
Frosted Flakes, which represent nearly
one-third of its sales volume. Kellogg is so
anxious to turn around Corn Flakes sales
that it soon will begin selling boxes for as
little as 99 cents, trade sources say.
"Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios have eaten away
sales normally going to Kellogg's corn-based
lines simply because they are made of oats,"
says Merrill Lynch food analyst William
64Discussion exploitation
8gtgtgt The oat-bran crazee190 has coste189 the
world's largest cereal maker market share. 42gtgtgt
much of Kellogg's erosione204 has been in such
core brands as Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies and
Frosted Flakes, 49gtgtgt that it soont207 will
begine33 sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99
cents, 54gtgtgt "Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios
have eatene36 away sales 55gtgtgt normally
goinge38 to Kellogg's corn-based lines
65Discussion exploitation
8gtgtgt The oat-bran crazee190 has coste189 the
world's largest cereal maker market share. 42gtgtgt
much of Kellogg's erosione204 has been in such
core brands as Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies and
Frosted Flakes, 49gtgtgt that it soont207 will
begine33 sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99
cents, 54gtgtgt "Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios
have eatene36 away sales 55gtgtgt normally
goinge38 to Kellogg's corn-based lines
66Discussion exploitation
8gtgtgt The oat-bran crazee190 has coste189 the
world's largest cereal maker market share. 42gtgtgt
much of Kellogg's erosione204 has been in such
core brands as Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies and
Frosted Flakes, 49gtgtgt that it soont207 will
begine33 sellinge34 boxes for as little as 99
cents, 54gtgtgt "Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios
have eatene36 away sales 55gtgtgt normally
goinge38 to Kellogg's corn-based lines
67Discussion exploitation
- Claims that a correlation exists between an
RST/VT-type discourse structure and the temporal
relations - The claims have been supported by a corpus study
- Applicability
- manual development of gold corpora annotated
for time - discourse parsing, when temporal relations are
known - time tracking, when the discourse structure is
known - chronological focussed summarisation
- We are grateful to Daniel Marcu for making
available the corpus of RST trees used in this
study. - This work has been partially supported by the
CEEX research grant ROTEL-29 of AMCSIT (Romanian
Ministry of Education and Research code