Title: Norway
1Norways internal analysis of laws pursuant to
IDRL Guidelines
Dag Olav Høgvold Dag.hogvold_at_dsb.no
2Host Nation Support
- Host Nation Support (HNS) Long tradition in
sending support abroad, but not in receiving - Since 2007 An ongoing process to adjust
Norwegian legislation focus on receiving - Need to ensure legal framework is adjusted to
future needs of receiving support
3Analysis of Norwegian legislation
- Ministry of Justice and the Police Overall
coordinating and facilitating responsibility for
civil protection and emergency planning at
national level - Invited other ministries to review their own
legislation pursuant to IDRL Guidelines - Identify drivers/barriers for sending and
receiving support
- Coord. Ministry of Justice and the Police
- Relevant ministries Health and Care, Agriculture
and Food, Fisheries and Coastal Affairs,
Petroleum and Energy, Foreign Affairs. - Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency
Planning (DSB) - Norwegian Red Cross
- So far 3 coordinating meetings, 2 workshops
5Preparing for future events
- Within 2011 Done necessary preparations for
receiving international support - Legislation system for coordination etc.
- DSB Contact point for HNS. Liaison,
facilitation, provide necessary assistance - Build on existing structures and procedures for
6Nordic cooperation on HNS
- Series of Nordic workshops
- Experiences from previous events
- Already well established routines for HNS
- Policy related challenges
- Practical issues
- A framework for cooperation
- Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands,
Island, Faeroe Islands, UN, NATO, Norw. Red Cross
7IDRL in the context of climate change
- Past decades Increase in small- and medium-sized
disasters weather related events - Expect more frequent and more extreme weather
related events in the future - Countries that have not received support must be
prepared to do so - Examples Catrina (USA), Gudrun (Sweden) 2005
Photo NOAA Satellite and Information Service
Result of the storm Gudrun Photo
8Norwegian Climate Adaptation Programme
- Established 2007
- Interministerial committee
- Headed by Ministry of the Environment
- Secretariat DSB
- Provide knowledge, exchange of experiences,
competence building - Focuses both on extreme events and long-term
effects - No changes in responsbilities
municipality/county levels
9Official Norwegian Report (NOU) on Climate Change
- Norway's vulnerability to climate change
and adaptation requirements - Contribute with advice and guidance to local and
regional planners - Integration with existing planning tools and
methods - Final report (green paper) to be completed by
Dec. 2010
Photo Norwegian Geological Survey NGU
10DRR/CAA Overlapping Responsibilities
Long-term effects
Climate related hazards
Other hazards
- DRR/preparedness and climate change adaptation
responsibilities at local level - Research dissemination
- Overview status, trends
- Legislation overview, gaps
- Risk communication planning for the unknown
- Clarify roles responsibilities sectors
authorities - Scenarios knowledge, but not answers
- International cooperation risks challenges
across borders
Disaster Risk Reduc- tion
Climate Change Adapt.
Integration into local development planning
11Thank you!
- More information
- www.dsb.no