Title: Intro to MicroHydro Power
1Intro to Micro-Hydro Power
Gary Flomenhoft, BSME, MPP,CEE Lecturer/Research
Associate Community and International
Development, CDAE Gund Institute, University of
Vermont Project Director, Dominica Renewable
Energy Workshop http//www.uvm.edu/gflomenh/Domin
2Hydro Currently
- 1/10 of electricity, US.
- 20 World electricity
3Hydro-Electric Systems
- Sizes- large, small, Micro
- Types- Impoundment, Run-of-the River, diversion,
pumped storage - Turbines- reaction and impulse
- Home-Hydro-Power
4Large Hydro-systems
- Defined as greater than 30 megawatts by
Department of Energy - Hoover dam- (1300 MW)
- Grand Coulee (6480 MW
- Largest
- Venezuela (10 GW)
- Itaipu-Brazil (12.6 GW
- China- 18.6 GW (2009)
5Three Gorges Dam
- Over one mile long
- 575 feet tall.
- 25-75 billion dollars.
- 20 years of construction
- 18,600 MW
- Completion in 2009
6Small Hydro-systems
- DOE 100kw 30mw
- Industries, towns
- Thailand (9mw)
- Winooski (5MW)
- Essex (7MW)
7Micro-hydro system
- DOE 0-100 kw
- Farm, home, village
- Increasing in s Today
8Impoundment Type or Run-of-the-River w/o
9Diversion Type
10Diversion (Brazil)
11Pumped Storage
- Energy control- produce power on demand
- 70-80 efficency
- Net electricity consumers
- Can be PV and wind powered
12Turbines Reaction or Impulse
- Depends on head, flow, and pressure
- Impulse- similar to water wheel (cupped Blades)
Spins in the air - Reaction- used in large facilities
- (Blades similar to boat propeller) Submerged in
13Turbines Reaction or Impulse
14Turbines Reaction or Impulse
15Impulse-type Turbine-Pelton
- High-head/low flow
- (Vertical drop gt 10m)
- High pressure (PSI)
16Inside of Micro Turbine
- 4 inch diameter impulse turbine
- Creates 200 watts of power
- Cost 1440
17Harris DC Hydro systems
18(No Transcript)
1914 KW Canyon Industries Pelton
20Impulse-type Turbine-Turgo
Turgo Medium head (gt4ft)
21Impulse-type Turbine-Crossflow
- Low-head situations (high flow/ low PSI)
22Reaction-type Turbine-Francis
- Low-head situations (high flow/ low PSI)
23Reaction-type Turbine-Propellor
- Low-head situations (high flow/ low PSI)
24Reaction-type Turbine-Kaplan
- Low-head situations (high flow/ low PSI)
25Schematic Micro-Hydro
- How to determine power?
- Watts head x GPM/10 (53 efficiency)
27Dominica 1 High head/Low flow
Head 120 feet Flow 80-120 GPM Power 1KW
28Schematic Forbay tank
29Intake Construction
30Intake Construction
31Intake Construction
32Intake Construction
33Penstock 4 SCH 40 PVCPainted for UV protection
34Penstock 4 SCH 40 PVCPainted for UV protection
Sahyadri Energy Systems PF-175
- hydroelectric generator
- Length is approx 480 ft.
- 4 inch diameter
- Approx cost 1600
42Head 10 feet Flow 1000 GPM Power 1KW
Dominica 2 Low Head/High Flow
43- Low-Head System Installation
47Pipe Installation
48Pipe Installation
49Pipe Installation
50Pipe Installation
51Pipe Installation
52Trough Installation
53Trough Installation
54Trough Installation
55Dominica 2 Turbine LH-1000
56Turbine LH-1000
57Hydropower Pros Cons
- Current hydropower technology, while essentially
emission-free, can have undesirable environmental
effects, such as fish injury and mortality from
passage through turbines, as well as detrimental
effects on the quality of downstream water.
- Disrupt natural flow patterns of the stream
- Fertilization of flood plain
- Fish migration
- Sediment and stratification
- Decommissioning and Dam removal
- Hydro licensing / re-licensing
- Fish Wildlife Service (FWS), the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the Forest
Service (FS), the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM), the National Park Service (NPS), the
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the Bureau of
Reclamation (BuRec), Army Corps of Engineers, and
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
59Fish Passage
- Fish populations can be impacted if fish cannot
migrate upstream past impoundment dams to
spawning grounds or if they cannot migrate
downstream to the ocean. - Upstream fish passage
- Fish ladders or elevators
- trucks
- Downstream fish passage
- aided by diverting fish from turbine intakes
using screens or racks or even underwater lights
and sounds, and by maintaining a minimum spill
flow past the turbine.
60Fish Ladder
61Water Quality and Flow
- Hydropower plants can cause low dissolved oxygen
levels in the water, a problem that is harmful to
riparian habitats and is addressed using various
aeration techniques. Maintaining minimum flows of
water downstream of a hydropower installation is
also critical for the survival of riparian
62Environmentally Friendly Turbines
- Environmentally friendly turbines, also called
"fish friendly" turbines, aim to reduce fish
mortality when passing through the turbine, while
also increasing water quality by maintaining
dissolved oxygen concentrations.
- Control of floods and water flow
- Generate electric cleanly and is renewable
- Efficiency Energy to Electricity at 90
- http//www.ferc.gov/industries/hydropower/gen-info
/water-power/wp-pump.asp - http//www.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/hydro_plan
t_types.html - http//www.homepower.com/files/hp44-24.pdf
- http//library.thinkquest.org/20331/types/hydro/ty
pes.html - Hinrichs, Kleinbach. ENERGY, Its use and the
Environment,Tompson Learning, 2002.