Title: Operational Risk Management Refresher Training
1Operational Risk Management Refresher Training
2Why ORM?
- You've done it a thousand times.
- It comes naturally to you.
- Nothing could possibly go wrong, right ?
3Think Again!
4ORM is just Common Sense!!
5What is ORM?
- Definition
- Safety vs ORM
- The Basic Principles of ORM
- ORM Six Steps
- Three Levels of ORM
- Questions
6Operational Risk Management
- A way to identify hazards and assess risks,
revealing what actions will maximize mission
effectiveness and minimize losses. -
7Safetys Place
Hazards, risks, and losses associated with the
safety of personnel and property are an
essential part of any RA, but ...
8Basic Principles of Risk Management
- 1. Accept no Unnecessary Risks
- 2. Make Risk Decisions at the Appropriate Level
- 3. Accept Risk When Benefits Outweigh the Costs
- 4. Integrate ORM into Operations and Planning at
all Levels
9Three Levels of ORM
- Time Critical
- Deliberate
- Strategic
- Each requires a different amount of time and
detail - Can Range from 1 minute to 1 week
- All are ORM and use the Six Steps
10Time Critical ORM
- Individuals taking time to think before acting
- DDD (dumb, different, dangerous)
- Start Step 1, What could go wrong rest
follow - On-and Off-Duty applications
- Risk Management culture
11Deliberate Process ORM
- Focus on a problem/improvement area
- Run through first three steps to provide
options for decision maker - Primarily for on-duty purposes
- Checklist ORM
- Integrates ORM into everyday operations
- Requires ORM process to start
- Duty applications also works for leaves,
TDYs, high risk activities
12Strategic ORM
- Focus on planning process
- Evaluate risks before operations start
- Save money and time
- Takes the longest amount of time produces
greatest results
13ORM Six Step Process
14Step 1 - Identify the Hazard
- What could go wrong?
- Make sure you understand the task and scope of
the operation - Use the experts to identify hazards
- Use Your Resources
15Step 2 - Assess the Risk
- How likely and how big a loss is possible?
- Attempt to measure expected loss
- Severity x Probability
16Sample Risk Matrix
17Step 3 - Analyze Risk Control Measures
- What can we do?
- Produce as many viable options as possible for
leadership to consider - Include all parties projected to be affected by,
or take part in any proposed changes - Devise a game-plan to avoid, reduce/
- eliminate, spread, transfer, or delay the risk
18Step 4 - Make Control Decisions
- What are the best options?
- Risk decisions should be made by the person
directly responsible for the operation - Solution Provide supervisors with the best
situational awareness possible
19Step 5 - Implement Control Measures
- How do we make it happen?
- Brief to affected parties and integrate into
daily operations - Commit necessary resources to plan
- Time, Money, People
20Step 6 - Supervise and Review
- Evaluate implementation and effectiveness of
game-plan - Determine if objectives are met
- Document entire effort to ensure validity and
preservation for future assessments
21Whats my role in ORM
22Personal Risk Management
- You dont have to do a formal assessment
- Run these steps in your mind
- Think before you Act
- Dumb, Different, Dangerous
- Use ORM--Protect Yourself--Have more Fun!
23Way Ahead
- Use Personal Risk Management
- Use risk management to improve effectiveness and
24ORM Resources
- 30 SW ORM Training Guide
- 30 SWI 90-901, ORM
- AFI 90-901 ORM Program
- AFPAM 90-902 Guidelines and Tools
- USAF Risk Management Information System (AFSC
website https//rmis.kirtland.af.mil/index.asp) - 30 SW ORM website link on the VAFB Intranet
25Questions / Comments