Title: Eutherian lineages
1Eutherian lineages
Boreoeutheria Euarchontoglires Primates Scande
ntia Dermoptera Lagomorpha Rodentia ? rodents
- phylogeny
- key innovations
- diversity
- ecology
- epidemiology
- biogeography
- N.A. taxa
- about 30 families
- gt ?000 species
4Rodent evolution
- key innovations jaws and incisors
rootless incisors
diastema no canines
specialized chewing muscles
5Rodent phylogeny
6Rodentia categorized by chewing muscle types
infraorbital foramen comparisons
7Rodentia categorized by chewing muscle types
modifications of origin of masseter muscle ?
increasing efficiency of chewing
8Rodent phylogenysciuromorphous morphology
9Rodentia categorized by chewing muscle types
hystricomorphous - capybara, guinea pig,
10Rodent phylogenyhystricomorphous morphology
11Rodentia categorized by chewing muscle types
myomorphous - rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils
12Rodent phylogenymyomorphous morphology
13Rodentia rodentscategorized by mandible types
14Rodent phylogeny
Sciurognathus jaws
Hystricognathus jaws
15Rodentia convergent evolution
- body types
- locomotion
- ecology
- life history
- behavior
16Rodentia convergent evolution
Dipodidae jumping mice N. America jerboas N.
Africa, C. Asia
Heteromyidae kangaroo rats N. America
Muridae Austrailia, hopping mice Australia
17Rodentia convergent evolution
Ctenomyidae tuco tucos South America
Geomyidae pocket gophers North America
Bathyergidae mole rats Africa
18Rodentia convergent evolution
Hydrochaeridae capybara S. America
Muridae muskrat N. America
Myocastoridae nutria S. America (now N.
19Rodentia convergent evolution
Hystricomorpha Old world porcupine
Caviomorpha New world porcupines
Muroidea Acomys
20Rodentia convergent evolution
- Josephoartigasia monesi
- Uruguay, 2-4 million years ago
Pygmy hippo
21Rodentia convergent evolution
- Phoberomys pattersoni
- Venezuela, 8 million years ago
Pygmy hippo
22Rodentia teeth and feeding
- cusp shape
- crown height
- rooted or rootless
23Rodentia teeth and feeding
- ? ? ? or ?
- short ?
- rooted
24Rodentia teeth and feeding
- ?/super? ? ?
- - high ?
- - rootless (?)
25Rodentia teeth and feeding
- hypsodont/superhypsodont ? herbivory
B browsers Mf mixed feeders G grazers VG
variable grazers VB variable browsers
26- Merriams kangaroo rat
- - arid-adapted physiology and behaviors
- metabolic water food water conservation
- physiological ? conservation
- behavioral ? conservation
27- metabolic ?
- byproduct of ?
28- food selection
- gtH2O available in ? than ?
- - granivores
29- physiological ? conservation
- ? recovery in the kidney
- extremely concentrated ?
30- behavioral ? conservation
- - stay in burrow during ?
31- naked mole rats Heterocephalus glaber
- - ? mammals
32- naked mole rats Heterocephalus glaber
- ? mammals
- Q?
- ? (1-3 males mate)
- ? (males/females defend)
- ? (food, burrows, caring for queen and her
33- grasshopper mice Onychomys
- - insectivory, predatory
34Rodentia community ecology
- habitat selection
- competition ? niche partitioning?
- physiological or behavioral adaptations?
- predator avoidance?
35Rodentia community ecology
- habitat selection ?coexistence
Heteromyidae genus Chaetodipus sandy soil
species w/o rump spines coarse substrates w/
rump spines
36Rodentia community ecology
Muridae genus Peromyscus P. crinitus on
rocks P. truei in pinon-juniper woodland
37Rodentia community ecology
Muridae genus Peromyscus P. maniculatus (deer
mouse) ultimate generalist!
38Rodentia community ecology
- activity patterns effect of moonlight
- predator avoidance
39Rodentia community ecology
- keystone species Dipodomys spectabilis
40Rodentia epidemiology
- emerging DANGEROUS viruses??
Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse) and
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
41Rodentia epidemiology
- emerging DANGEROUS viruses??
rodent / hantavirus ? long history of
42Rodentia epidemiology
- rodents, fleas, and plague
43Rodentia epidemiology
- rodents, fleas, and plague
sylvatic reservoirs prairie dogs (Cynomys),
and rodents using their burrows
44Rodentia hibernation and torpor
- seasonal or daily physiological decrease
- in metabolic rate
45Rodentia hibernation and torpor
46Rodentia biogeography
- Beringia periodic Miocene - Pleistocene
- dispersal route
voles Microtus, Clethrionomys squirrels
Glaucomys, Marmota
47Rodentia biogeography
- Great American Interchange ?
- explosive adaptive radiation
- Cricetidae
- Neotominae North America
- 16 genera, 124 species
- Sigmodontinae South America (mostly)
- 74 genera, 377 species
48Neotominae North America 16 genera, 124 species
Neotoma woodrats
Peromyscus deer mouse, etc.
Onychomys grasshopper mice
Reithrodontomys harvest mice
49Sigmodontinae South America (mostly) 74 genera,
377 species
Phyllotis leaf-eared mice
Oligoryzomys rice rats
Sigmodon cotton rats North American
50Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
51Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Muriodea Muridae or Cricetidae New World mice,
rats, voles, lemmings
52Arvicolinae North America voles
Mircotus lots of species
Phenacomys heather and tree voles
Clethrionomys red-backed voles
53Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Dipodoidea Dipodidaejumping mice (Zapus)
54Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Geomyoidea Geomyidae pocket gophers Heteromyid
ae kangaroo rats, kangaroo mice, pocket
55Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Geomyoidea Geomyidae pocket gophers
56Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Geomyoidea Heteromyidae kangaroo rats,
kangaroo mice, pocket mice
57Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Castoridae Beavers
58Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Sciuridae Squirrels, Chipmunks,
Marmots, Prairie dogs
59Rodent phylogenyNorth American taxa
Caviomorpha Erethizontidae porcupines
60Rodentia all for now