Title: Special Needs Shelter Preparedness
1Special Needs Shelter Preparedness
Implementing Lessons Learned
Rhonda R. White, M.B.A. Office of Public Health
Preparedness Florida Department of Health
2Preparedness Cycle
On-Going Evaluation
Promote and protect the health and safety of all
people in Florida
3Special Needs ShelterPreparedness
- Legislation
- Policy
- Program
- ESF8 Support
Promote and protect the health and safety of all
people in Florida
- Agency specific roles
- Flexibility for local implementation
- Rule making authority
Promote and protect the health and safety of all
people in Florida
5Policy Interagency Committee
- Staffing
- Discharge planning
- Communications
- Transportation
- Behavioral health
- Persons with disabilities
- Pets
Promote and protect the health and safety of all
people in Florida
6Special Needs Shelter Program
- After action process
- Facility assessment
- Standard definition
- Asset typing
Promote and protect the health and safety of all
people in Florida
7ESF8 Support
- Incident Command Training
- ESF8 Training
- Deployment Center Training
- Emergency Assistance Compact Coordination
- Federal Partner Coordinator
Promote and protect the health and safety of all
people in Florida
828 Days and Counting