Title: Good Morning
1Good Morning!
2AgendaDay 2, May 1, 2002
3- Climate Setting 830-845
- Purposes of Evaluation 845-1000
- PresentationYou Be the Judge Activity
- Break 1000-1015
- Design an Evaluation for 1015-1130
- Your Intervention
- LUNCH 1130-1230
4- Partnerships Resources 1230-100
- Grant Writing 100-230
- Michele Mindlin, GA Division of Public Health
- Break 230-245
- Grant Writing Activity 245-330
- Debrief 330-345
- Evaluations/Wrap Up 345-400
5Purposes of valuationpage 19 of materials
6What is Successful ProgramEvaluation?
- The systematic collection of information about
program resources, activities and outcomes used
for answering questions about program performance
and making decisions about future program
7Successful Program Evaluation
- A systematic process that provides the best
possible information to answer an important
question, within the given set of real world
8Successful Program Evaluation
- Produces valid results and presents them in a
clear, accessible fashion. - Requires planning and consistent follow-through.
9Successful Program Evaluation
- Differs from research. Research looks at what
CAN HAPPEN by studying controlled conditions. - Evaluation looks at WHAT DOES HAPPEN in the real
10The Evaluation Process
- Establish standards of performance
- Measure current performance
- Compare performance with standards
- Take action
11Evaluation is Used to Determine
- Availability of service (location, scheduling)
- Adequacy of facilities and equipment
- Accessibility of services
- Coverage of the target population
- Appropriateness and quality of activities
12Evaluation is Used to Determine
- Client participation and satisfaction
- Client changes in knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviors - Health status changes in the target group and
general population
13Why do Evaluation?
- Help decision makers decide whether to change or
continue a program or specific activities within
a program. - Helps assess the outcomes of the programs and
policies on community health. - Helps funding sources know that their money is
being used efficiently.
14Do evaluation for the following reasons
- Performance improvement
- Outcome assessment
- Program justification
- Accountability
- Program clarification
- Cost-effectiveness
15Barriers to Evaluation
- Fear of
- evaluation
- failure
- change
- Lack of
- appreciation
- skill
- time
16 valuationResources
17- You Be the Judge
- Instructions
- Instructions
- Page 22
18You have 15 minutes
- 1. You will be given a Nutrition Plan for a
breastfeeding promotion program. - 2. Review this plan in your small group.
- 3. Develop three recommendations for improving
the breastfeeding promotion program for the
upcoming year.
19Sample Intervention Plan page 23
colorectal cancer screening at the 3 major
employers of African-American men in Henry
20Sample Intervention Plan page 23
1. Identify the 10 major employers of
African-American men in Henry County.
Objective By June 1, 2002, identify 10 major
employers of African-American men in Henry County.
21Sample Intervention Plan page 23
Evaluation Will have published list of all
business/employers provided by Henry Co. and will
have list of 10 largest employers of
African-American men by June 1, 2002 S. Gregory
22Sample Intervention Plan page 23
2. Contact business (owners, BOD, Human
Resources, etc) to discuss need and scope of
intervention strategy. Objective By June 15,
2002, phone and written follow-up contact made
with reps from all 10 businesses.
23Sample Intervention Plan page 23
Evaluation Will have records of phone,
written/email correspondence for all 10
businesses by June 15, 2002 K. Probert
24Sample Intervention Plan page 23
3. Work collaboratively with at least 3
businesses to plan for on-site interventions at
worksites. Objective By July 1, 2002, letters
of agreement to collaborate on interventions are
signed with at least 3 businesses.
25Sample Intervention Plan page 23
Evaluation Written letters of agreement will be
finalized for at least 3 businesses by July 1,
2002 K. Probert
26Sample Intervention Plan page 23
4. Do perceived needs survey with sample of males
in each of 3 work sites to gather info for
intervention details services, when offered,
marketing messages, follow-up, potential
barriers, resources needed) Objective By August
1, 2002, perceived needs survey completed with at
least 20 men, 3 supervisors, human resources
manager and/or CEO.
27Sample Intervention Plan page 23
Evaluation Written summary report of perceived
needs survey will be completed by August 1, 2002
S. Gregory
28- Design an Evaluation for
- Your Intervention
- Instructions
- Page 24
29- 1. Review your intervention idea and objectives.
- How will you know when you have accomplished
your objectives? - What kind of measures will you use?
- What tangible record (data set, report, survey,
records, etc) will exist that would indicate or
measure success?
30- 2. Take out pages 8 (Writing Measurable
Objectives worksheet), 15 and 16 (Intervention
Plan worksheets) from Day 1 materials. - 3. Describe how you will evaluate each objective.
31Successful Grant Writing
32- Grant Writing from the Reviewers Perspective
- Instructions
- Page 25
33 1. You are members of a review panel for School
Health Mini-Grants. You are responsible for
reviewing and scoring a proposal and deciding
whether to fund this proposal. 2. The School
Health Mini-Grant (RFP) letter is on page 26.
Use the scoring/comment sheet is on page 27. The
grant proposal is on pages 28-32.
343. As a group, review, discuss and score this
grant proposal based on the original RFP letter
and the scoring sheet. 4. After you have
scored the proposal, make some specific
suggestions on how this proposal might be
35PLEASE complete your EVALUATION!!
36THANKS for your participation!