Title: Workshop
- Governance
- Paul Keating and Eamon Dooley
- Why discuss governance at an IAP conference?
- The Politics of Participation
- Institutionalising Participation
3The Politics of Participation
- Central Government - Local Government
- Representative - Participatory Democracy
- Social Inclusion - Service Provision
- Active Citizenship - Communitarianism
- Participation As a Means - As an End.
4Participation and Development
Service Deliverers
Development Agencies
Output Focus
Outcome focus
Culture of Efficiency
Values Culture
5Policy Focus on Participation
Green paper on Stronger Local Democracy Cohesion
Process Task force on Active Citizenship
6Institutionalising Participation
- Has long been identified as a key challenge in
the global development arena. - Scaling-Up from a pilot, once-off or departmental
approach. - Redefining Organisational relationships
- Inter-organisational
- Intra-organisational
- Client-Public-Citizen
7Inter-organisational Participation
- Why?
- National Policy
- Effective implementation of local development.
8Inter-organisational Participation
- How?
- Can be the most challenging element
- Diverging approaches to Development
- Diverging organisational needs
- Differing resources
- Clarity between agencies is critical
9Intra-Organisational Participation
- Why?
- Congruence - Values and Practice
- Culture - Power and Empowerment
- Champion - Need and Challenges
10Intra-Organisational Participation
- How?
- With difficulty and Commitment to the Why
- Internal leadership and external stimulus
- Organisational Theory
- The Learning Organisation
- Participatory Management
11Client-Public-Citizen Participation
- Why
- Strengthen local Democracy
- Fulfil planning requirements.
- Effectiveness.
12Client-Public-Citizen Participation
- How
- Clarify the why
- Be prepared to hand over the stick/Pen
- Training and resources for staff
- Legislation
- Building Trust and Confidence
- Adopting models.
13Why Discuss Governance at an IAP conference?
- Popular and Political commitment to
Participation/Active Citizenship - Recreating- re energising models of partnership
- Evolving the Legislative Framework
- Need for Further Evidence and Models