Title: Tau reconstruction and H/A ? ??
1Tau reconstruction and H/A ? ??
H/A ? ?? MC events PYTHIA ? OSCAR ? DIGI
(mass 120 GeV ?) 10k events overnight DIGI
? DST crashes DIGI ? Exroot crashes after
few events ran 20 events at a time
4200 events in EXroot tree.
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5- Tau mass Calculation
- Use tau tagged jets with a single track ( ???
n?0,l) - Add energy in ECAL and HCAL cells
- within 0.25 of jet axis
- exclude cells 0.02 (ECAL)/0.09 (HCAL) from track
- Calculate the momentum of photons
- Add track momentum and energy
- Calculate invariant mass
6Reconstructed tau mass from generator e/p of tau
decay particles except neutrinos.
7Tagged tau jet Invariant mass
From CMS note 2005-12
8Electron pion
Assuming the track electron/pion has negligible
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11(From Simone Gennais April CPT talk)
Calculate ?? energy, momentum in collinear
approx. add to the visible e/p to get mass.
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132 ? mass from generator momentum and energy of ?s
Reconstructed 2 ? mass Use energies of ?s to get
ET Use e/p of other tau decay particles as
jet/track energy
14From Simones April talk