Title: Resource Manager for Grid with global
1 Keldysh Institute of
Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences
Resource Manager for Grid with global job
queue and with planning based on local schedules
V.N.Kovalenko, E.I.Kovalenko, D.A.Koryagin,
E.Z.Ljubimskii, A.V.Orlov, E.V.Huhlaev kvn,kei,k
3Resource Brokers
- GRID Resource Broker (GRB) HPC lab, University
of Lecce, Italy and CACR, California Institute of
Technology. http//sara.unile.It/grb/ - EZ-Grid - Department of Computer Science,
University of Houston. - http //www.cs.uh.edu/ ezgrid/
- MetaDispatcher Keldysh Institute of Applied
Mathematics, Moscow
5Architecture of MetaDispatcher
6- Problem of scheduling
- The problem of scheduling is decided on two sets
1) the set of jobs and 2) the set of computing
elements. - Scheduling results
- The dispatch time for each job
- The place, where the job should be directed and
7Two management levels - local and global, each
having own objects job, queue, and management
system - Local Resource Monitor (LRM) and
Config. file
8Question 1 In What Order Should the Global
Jobs Be Served?
- The order, in which the scheduler serves the job
queue, should differ from FIFO. - User should have available the management
facilities for placing his job at any position in
the global queue. - To achieve that
- Limited budget is allocated to each user.
- Within the budget limits user prices his jobs.
- Function GP evaluates global priority of the job
- GPGP(price, required resources, run
time ) -
new job
9Question 2 When Forward a Job to a Target
Computing Element?
10 Question 3 To Which Computing
Elements a Job Should Be Passed?
- The scheduling model of computing installation
- A set of resources
- Resource description
- Static attributes (OS type, CPU time, memory
volume) - Dynamic attributes free/busy, resource amount
11Resource Release Time
Busy resources have an additional attribute
release time estimated from the request of a
running job. Being aware of the release time, the
scheduler is able to plan the future usage of the
busy resource.
However the scheduler must have a guarantee, that
the planned global job will really start and will
not stay waiting in a local queue.
12Question 4 How the Interaction of the Global
Scheduler and Local Resource Monitor Should Be
Question 4 How should the interaction of the
global scheduler and local resource monitor be
If two jobs, local and global, ask for free
resources, which one should be preferred?
Autonomy of computing element Each computing
element of the Grid belongs to a certain owner
that could be able to restrict access for
external jobs completely or partly.
If global and local jobs make demands for the
same resources, their priorities are compared.
For this purpose each computing element i
determines the function LPi() that calculates
the local priority of a global job. This function
depends on jobs price, consumable resources and
run time LPi LPi (price, consumable
resources, run time)
13 Question 4 How the Interaction of the
Global Scheduler and Local Resource Monitor
Should Be Organized?
The global scheduler should distribute its jobs
so that the global jobs would not withhold the
start of any more "expensive local jobs.
The local schedule is the plan of resource
occupation by local jobs for some period of time
in the future. Local schedule
For each local job priority,
assigned resources, occupation and release
15- The local schedule is drawn up by the special
agents of the global scheduler. Such agents,
working on each computing installation, arrange
the schedule in precise conformity with
scheduling strategy and configuration parameters
of the local monitor. - The actual state of all local schedules is
delivered to the information base of the global
scheduler, and, thus, it has available the
information about the usage plan of all virtual
organization resources. - On the basis of this aggregate schedule the
scheduler can make up the layout of global jobs
allocation to resources.
16Program architecture of scheduling
Data Base
Global queue
17- The global scheduler implementing certain
scheduling strategy make up the global schedule. - The information base resides adjacently with the
scheduler and stores aggregate schedule. For data
management the distributed system like Spitfire
of Datagrid project with relational data base as
a core is considered. - The local agents of the scheduler works on each
computing element. Interacting with the local
resource monitor, the agent arranges a local
schedule of this computing element and transfers
updates to the global scheduler. Proposed
implementation is based on Maui scheduler.
18- Future directions
- Backfill algorithm implementation at the global
level to avoid blocking of the jobs. - Advanced resource reservation for distributed
multiprocessor jobs. - Economical model of virtual organization as
applied to scheduling.