- NDA and Sangonet National Poverty Conference
- Johannesburg, 17 October 2006
- Michael Aliber
- Human Sciences Research Council
- What is poverty?
- What are the trends in poverty?
- What accounts for these trends?
- Implications for partnerships?
3Main idea / argument
- There is evidence of progress in the fight
against poverty - However, we have a limited number of poverty
reduction tools that work - Understanding this better could help us identify
the roles of various partners - Main role of civil society partners to offer
solidarity, integration, care and hope?
4What is poverty?
- The usual suspects
- Income poverty
- Service poverty
- Asset poverty
- Etc.
- All this is true, however, poverty is also an
5What is poverty?
- We did not have food at home, we could sleep for
two days without a meal and suffer stomach aches
because of hunger. - Poverty is suffering
6What is poverty?
- At our old home we did not suffer as much from
hunger as here. We used to plow . Now everything
is bought and money is needed. - Poverty is contextual, e.g. socio-economic, etc.
7What is poverty?
- we are expected to go and work as domestic
workers and earn close to nothing because our
father did nothing for us . You struggle from
birth till death. - Poverty is often passed on from one generation to
the next
8What is poverty?
- As children growing up in poor families we were
shouted at, at any given opportunity. - Poverty is stigma
9What is poverty?
- My grandmother died and that is when we started
to suffer because she was getting a pension when
she died. - Poverty is vulnerability
10What is poverty?
- Here we are suffering. They write us letters
that we have to pay water and other services. We
dont have money. There is no work. - Poverty is stress and conflict
11What are the trends in poverty?
- Income poverty improving since 2000?
- Hunger appears to be declining
- Access to services definite improvements since
12Est. poverty trends using alternative poverty
lines, 1993-2004
Source van den Berg et al., 2006
13Spatial pattern of poverty changes
14In the past 12 months, did any child in this HH
go hungry because there wasnt enough food?
Source HSRC, 2006
15Index of multiple deprivation
16What accounts for these trends?
- Government programmes
- Social grants - yes
- Service delivery / infrastructure yes
- Development projects? only modestly
- Improved job creation?
- Something else?
17Approx. govt budgets for main interventions to
support the poor, 2004/05
Source HSRC, 2006
18Expenditure on social grants, 1992/3-2004/5
Source HSRC, 2006
19What is the main source of income for this
Source HSRC, 2006
20Notwithstanding increased employment levels
21The contribution of government devt projects,
2002/03 2005/06?
Source OPSC, 2006 (note - excludes school
nutrition programme)
- versus 2.4 to 5.0 mn poor households
- and actual benefits often meagre
22Implications for partnerships?
- Devt projects we dont know how
- Civil society can help govt do it better? /or
- Civil society should steer clear until we know
what works? - Social services
- Where govt cant reach
- To improve the reach of government