Title: Instabilities of driven films
1Instabilities of driven films
- Len Pismen, Technion, Haifa, Israel
- B. Rubinstein (now at UC Davis CA)
- A.Golovin (now at NWU, Evanston IL)
- A. Lyoushnin (now in Perm, Russia)
- Supported by Israel Science Foundation and
- Minerva Center for Nonlinear Physics of
Complex Systems
2Thermally driven film
3Thermally driven film
4(No Transcript)
5Similar (later) computation Davies Troian, PRE
016308 (2003)
6Double shock structure
- Double-shock structure of a widening capillary
ridge of a thermally driven film for V0.01,
K0.6. Successive curves correspond to equal time
intervals ?t200. - UCS -- undercompressive shock, LS -- Lax shock
7Dispersion relations
(b) Dispersion curves ?(k) for the perturbations
of thermally driven spreading films for V 0.002
and (1) G0.0, (2) G 0.001, (3) G 0.01, (4) G
(a) Dispersion curves ?(k) for the perturbations
of thermally driven spreading films for G0.001
and (1) V0.0006, (2) V 0.001, (3) V 0.002,
(4) V 0.004, (5) V 0.01, (6) V 0.02, (7) V
8Stability regions
longitudinal instability ridge widening
with double-shock structure
fingering instability
9Dewetting instability
Harald Hoppe,Marcus Heuberger,and Jacob Klein,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4863 (2001)
10Dewetting of a polymer film (Seemann et al, PRL
87 196101 (2001)
11Evaporating water film(Lipson Leiserson)
12Evaporating polar films
13Evaporating polar films
14Time sequences for a propagating front
15Front instability at smaller evaporation rates
- A.A.Golovin, B.Y.Rubinstein, and L.M.Pismen,
Effect of van der Waals interactions on fingering
instability of thermally driven thin wetting
films, Langmuir, 17 3930 (2001). - A.V.Lyushnin, A.A.Golovin, and L.M.Pismen,
Fingering instability of thin evaporating liquid
films, Phys. Rev. E 65 021602 (2002).
17Sliding droplet
T. Podgorski, J.-M. Flesselles, and L. Limat,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 036102 (2001)