Title: NG is back to its perennial deficit position
1Getting Out of the Fiscal Bind
Presentation by Romulo L. Neri Director
General Congressional Planning and Budget
Getting Out of the Fiscal Bind
2NG is back to its perennial deficit position
3To Keep 2002 Deficit at P 130b..
4If current tax collections will not improve,
deficit will be at P160b
5As a consequence of the deficit, NG borrowing
increased significantly.
6Deficit financing bloats outstanding debt
In percent
In billion pesos
7Deficit financing leads to higher debt service
8The continuing deficit and increasing debt
raise the issue of sustainability.
in Percent
9As of July 3, 2002 SourceBloomberg L.P.
10(No Transcript)
11Rising interest payments crowd out important
government expenditures
12Huge budget allocation also goes to personal
in Percent
13in Percent
14Compared with ASEAN, the Phil. spent less on
capital expenditures
15NG Revenue Performance
In Percent
16Tax Effort by Source
17The countrys revenue performance has
consistently lagged behind its ASEAN neighbors
Source Asian Development Outlook 2002
18Summary of Revenues Waived from Various Fiscal
Incentives Provisions, 1998-2000 (in billion
19VAT evasion is estimated at 60 of potential
2040 of corporate income tax is not collected
In billion pesos
In percent
21Leakage in individual income tax is around 60
22Analysis NG of Fiscal Position, January-August
2002 (Amounts in Billion Pesos)
23National Government Revenue January-August, 2001
vs. 2002
24Large Regular Taxpayers by SectorJanuary to May
25In percent
26(No Transcript)
27In percent
28What Congress Needs to do
- Approve the Procurement Reform Bill
- Estimated loss due to corruption in public
procurement ranges from P15b to P22b per year.
Shift in electronic procurement will result in
annual savings of up to 40
29What Congress Needs to do
- Approve the Reengineering of BIR
- Transform the agency into an autonomous,
performance-based agency, i.e. governed by a
Revenue Board and headed by a CEO who is under
time bound performance contract with the Board.
30What Congress Needs to do
- Conduct Oversight of BIR
- Convene the Joint Congressional Committee as
mandated in the Tax Code. Also, require BIR to
submit to COA revenue audit.
31What Congress Needs to do
- Rationalize Fiscal Incentives
- Fiscal incentives granted under various laws
have resulted not only in huge revenue losses but
have also made tax administration very unwieldy,
thus, opening avenues for graft and corruption.
32What Congress Needs to do
- Restructure Excise Tax
- Existing specific tax rates should be adjusted
to its 1997 levels. Automatic indexation should
also be provided to capture changes in price.
33What Congress Needs to do
- Reformulate the IRA
- New IRA formula should consider the disparities
in expenditure needs and revenue generating
capacities of LGUs. Criteria for distribution
may include poverty indicators and HDI, assessed
property values and average family income.
- Inefficient Shipping - Port Monopolies