Title: Building Best Practice To Reduce ACH
1Building Best PracticeTo Reduce ACH
- Cascade Home Health Hospice
- Eugene, Oregon
- August 21, 2007
2Cascade Home Health Hospice
- Affiliation of Cascade Health Solutions
- Freestanding nonprofit
- Service area 50-mile radius
- Software Suncoast Solutions
- Laptop point of care
- IPG 2 agency
3Cascade Home Health Hospice
- Home health staff
- 10 RNs
- 7 PTs (most are full time)
- 2 part time OTs SLPs
- 1 ½ MSW
- 3 Home health aides
4Cascade Leadership Team
- Judy Howe, RN, Manager Director
- Robin Whaley, PTA, QA Compliance
- Chris Veloon, RN, Rehab Manager
- Jackie Fowler, RN, Staff Development
5Oregon ACH RateGoal To Maintain 21 or Less
National Data Source STAR 12/06 Oregon Data
Source CASPER 4/07
6(No Transcript)
7Cascades Multifaceted Leadership Best Practice
- Clinical expertise
- Communication
- Staff education
- Relationship with physicians discharge planners
8Cascades Multifaceted Leadership Best Practice
Strategies (cont.)
- Telephone assessment guides
- Ongoing audits
- Zone tools
- Stay in front of changes in the medical community
9Clinical Expertise
- Geriatric
- Long-term care
- Home health hospice
- RNs dont panic
- ACH rates, emergent care episodes adverse
events increase when new hires do not have same
level of expertise
- Assertive staff
- Notify management when more training needed
- Case conferences
- Leadership listens to staff
- Physician communication (see handout)
11Staff Education
- Just-in-time
- Weekly case conferences
- Ten-minute in-services as needed
- Weekly one-hour clinical training given by
community experts
12Relationship with Physicians Discharge Planners
- Mutual respect with physicians
- Coach d/c planners on hospital rounds
- Reduction of inappropriate referrals
- Patients stay in hospital longer
- Hospital outcomes improve
13Telephone Assessment Guides
- Generic disease specific (see handouts)
- Staff post at their cubicles as reference
- Reference when making phone calls
- Do not increase paperwork
14Ongoing Audits Zone Tools
- Immediate feedback with audits
- Zone tools posted on patients refrigerators (see
handouts) - Agency phone number in several locations
throughout the home
15Stay in Front of Changes in the Medical Community
- Keep informed of new trends, treatments, etc.
- Example Wound Vacs
- Had in-services booked for staff immediately
16Factors That Influence Success
- All staff come into the office each day
- Disciplines sit together in pods
- Staff insert time in their schedules for patient
phone calls - Small enough that trends can be addressed
quickly, effectively, autonomously
- Thanks for the opportunity to meet with you today
This material was prepared by Acumentra Health,
Oregons Medicare Quality Improvement
Organization, under contract with the Centers for
Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The contents presented do not necessarily reflect
CMS policy. 8SOW-OR-HH-07-17 rev. 08-06-07