Title: Infrared Remote Sounding of the Earth's atmosphere with AIRS
1Infrared Remote Sounding of theEarth's
atmosphere with AIRS
- Atmospheric Spectroscopy Laboratory
- L. Larrabee Strow
- Sergio DeSouza-Machado
- Scott Hannon
- Howard Motteler
- Ji Gou
- Yvonne Edmonds (now at Stanford Univ.)
- Simon Carn (JCET)
- Seminars, week of Oct 18, 2004
- Emphasis on climate applications
- AIRS developed primarily for weather forecasting
- 1st new weather satellite technology in 20 years
- AIRS instrument the first hyper(ultra?)spectral
sounder - Physics of the instrument
- Radiative transfer
- Good enough for climate?
- Validation
- Climate parameters
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Clouds
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Methane
- Sulpher Dioxide
- Aerosols (dust, ash)
- Cirrus clouds
3Climate Monitoring with Weather Satellites
- One thermometer, humidity sensor for the globe
- Weather satellites require dense coverage
??expensive sensor with high throughput - If hyperspectral weather satellites are well
calibrated, and intercompared will they be
accurate enough? (Big savings.) - Problems doing climate with weather satellites
- Calibration very expensive
- Validation what is truth?
- U.S. and Europe now providing different
hyperspectral sounders in different orbits - Large data volumes make reprocessing expensive
- Advantages of weather satellites
- Weather satellites appear to be here to stay
- Calibration by sensor vendors is improving
- Technologies are frozen for 15 years at a time
(part of being expensive)
4Radiation from Sun to Earth
5 6 7Climate Model Uncertainties
8Knowledge of Radiative Forcings
9AIRS vs Blackbody Radiances
- Black 300K Red Sept. 2003 mean
radiance, 0 to -10 deg. Lat. - Green 270K Blue Sept. 2003 mean
radiance, -40 to -50 deg. Lat. - Magenta 220K
10An AIRS Spectrum
11 12 13 14Radiative Transfer Equation
15Why AIRS Needs to Last Beyond 2009
16 AIRS on AQUA at TRW
IASI on METOP at Alcatel
17EOS Aqua was launch on 4 May 2002 into a 705km
altitude sun-synchronous orbit. AIRS IR
calibration started on 13 June 2002 Routine
operations started 1 September 2002 Expected end
of life 2009
18Atmospheric Spectroscopy Lab Computers
100 cpus, Linux OS Gigabit backbone network 20
Tbytes On-Line 22 Tbytes On Tape (soon) Ingest
33 Gbytes/day On-line database of AIRS clear
FOVS (0.7 Tbytes)
Dr. Mous Chahine NASA/JPL Dr. George
Aumann NASA/JPL Dr. Roberto Calheiros
INPE/BSA, Brazil Dr. Alain Chedin CNRS,
France Dr. Catherine Gautier UC Santa
Barbara Dr. Mitch Goldberg NOAA/NESDIS Dr.
Eugenia Kalnay U of Maryland, College
Park Dr. John Le Marshall Bureau of
Meteorology, Australia Dr. Larry McMillin
NOAA/NESDIS Dr. Rolando Rizzi University of
Bologna, Italy Dr. Hank Revercomb
University of Wisconsin Dr. Philip Rosenkrans
MIT Dr. William Smith NASA/LaRC Dr.
David Staelin MIT Dr. Larrabee Strow
U of Maryland, Baltimore County Dr. Joel
Susskind NASA/GSFC
20Instrument Parameters
- Grating spectrometer
- ?/? ? 1200
- ? 3.7 15.4 microns, ? 650 2700 cm-1
- 13 lines/mm grating, using order 3-11
- Spectrometer cooled to 155K
- HgCdTe detectors (4482 of them) cooled to 58K
- - 49.5 degree ground swath
- FOV is 13.5 km from 705.3 km orbit
- Calibration with space, blackbody views every
2.67 sec (scan cycle) - Each 2378 channel spectrum taken in 22.4 msec
- 30 spectra a second!
- 30 Gbytes/day (stored next door)
- 22 Tbytes of data over 2 years (8TB on-line, 0.5
Tbyte clear) - 4 visible channels with 2.3km footprint
21 22 23AIRS Optics
24AIRS Ray Trace
25Focal Plane Map
26An AIRS Spectrum(Color Coded by Focal Plane
27 28Ready for Integration on AQUA
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30 31 32IVAN
33AIRS Viz Image of Ivan
34Stability of AIRS Radiometry
- Clear FOVS, ocean only
- Compare observed 2616 cm-1 radiance to
computed radiance using NOAA RTG-SST product - RTA-SST tied to bulk SST measured by large
network of tropical buoys
Slope is 0.008 K/year, so no measurable
radiometric drift Offset due to day/night
aliasing and evaporative cooling of skin This
result is key to using AIRS for climate studies
at other frequencies sensitive to air
temperature, water abundance, and minor gases.
35Stability of AIRS Frequencies
- Need frequency stability for climate studies as
well - AIRS exhibits seasonal frequency cycle,
peak-to-peak is 0.4 of SRF width! - Superimposed on seasonal cycle is a smooth drift
of 0.1-0.3 of SRF width per year. - Seasonal cycle equiv. to 0.7ppm CO2 (out of 0-6
ppm variability) - Long term drift (0.2) equiv. to 0.3 ppm of CO2
(out of 3 ppm per year)
36Minor Gas Retrievals with Airs
AIRS was not designed to measure minor gases
except for O3
- CO2 Monthly zonal averages, soon will have a
2-year record (clear,ocean only) - CH4 Global 2 degree maps zonal averages
(clear, ocean only) - SO2 Case studies (about 8 eruptions studied so
far), no monitoring - CO Large scale retrievals using C. Barnets
AIRS science code in addition to monthly
averages. Land and ocean, uses cloud-cleared
37CO2 Detection with AIRS
- The AIRS dataset used here is a clear-only, ocean
set of FOVs that are subsetted at UMBC from the
L1b data. - These data are averaged on a 2 by 2 degree
lat/long grid. - Most work done with the 792 cm-1 channel, some
with the 2390 cm-1 channel. - The minor gas amounts are computed by shifting
the CO2 profile until the brightness temperature
bias is zero for the particular channel sensitive
to CO2. - Use ECMWF T(z) and H2O(z) (adjusted for observed
total column water) - Fit for effective SST
- Kernel function peaks around 500 mbar, little
sensitivity in boundary layer (why you need OCO). - We have also derived mean monthly CO and CH4
amounts with this same technique. - Most of the results here use zonal averages
derived from a 2 x 2 degree monthly average
lat/lon grid.
38AIRS Jacobians for Minor Gases
CO_2 measurement done with 792 cm-1
channel. Planck T-dependence almost cancels
Boltzmann T-dependence
39Aug. 2002 April 2003 CO2 Monthly Zonal
AveragesUsing the 792 cm-1 Channel
40Zonally Averaged CO2 Variability with Time
41Fit of 20 months to sinusoidal function(secular
trend previously determined)
- CO2 a bsin(2?t/12 c)
- t time in months
42Zonally Averaged CO2 Variability with Time
4320 Months of Zonally Averaged CO2791.75 cm-1
4420 Months of Zonally Averaged CO22390.11 cm-1
45AIRS Global Mean CO2Weighted by cos(LAT)
Estimated bias is 5ppm ( 0.17K) based on
NOAA-CMDL global mean for 2003.
46Comparison of CO2 Using Different Channels(2390
cm-1 bias was scaled to equal mean value of 792
cm-1 bias)
47NOAA CMDL vs AIRS for Dec. 2002(CMDL has not
made these data available for 2003 as yet.)
48VERY Preliminary CO2 Map for May 2003
Obs ppm - 370
49CO2 Future Work
- Extend to land
- Improve S/N with more channels (better spectral
cal of 4.3 micron channels will make this
possible) - Can T(z) and CO2 be retrieved simultaneously w/o
ECMWF? - Monthly averaging probably hides traces of
source/sinks? - IR radiances contain lots of interesting climate
50CO Retrievals from AIRS Radiances
- CO retrieval part of standard T(p), Q(p)
retrieval, implemented in Chris Barnets science
code running on our Linux cluster at UMBC. - Retrieves CO column that nominally peaks 500
mbar, very little boundary layer sensitivity. - Sept. 2002 global retrievals
- INTEX support real-time retrievals of CO to
aid aircraft flight-lines during INTEX. Data
analyzed less than 24 hours after being recorded.
(Thanks to Mitch Goldberg and Walter Wolf for
providing AIRS data from their real-time feed.) - AIRS NOT optimized for CO only a few CO lines
are recorded. - Validation with in-situ sensors and MOPITT
suggest 15 column accuracies.
51CO in AIRS Spectra
52 53AIRS
54- 80 of the planet seen each day, peak
sensitivity 500mb - preliminary validation says good to 15 at
Asian pollution
USA pollution
- Standard retrievals on AMSU footprint, binned to
a 1 degree grid - preliminary validation says good to 15 at 500mb
56Methane from AIRS
- 19 months of methane column in the 200-700 mbar
range - ECMWF Used for atmospheric temperature and
humidity - Monthly averages over ocean using clear FOVs
- Scale is in change in methane from reference
57Zonal Averages of Methane19-month record (Sept.
2002 March 2004) Constant biased to North.
Hemis. winter
? CH4 a bsin(2pi? t/12 c), ? t month
Fit assumed no secular trend!
5809/2002 vs 09/2003
5911/2002 vs 11/2003
6001/2003 vs 01/2004
6103/2003 vs 03/2004
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81Separation of Dust from Cirrus
Imaginary Index of Refraction of Ice and Dust
- Both ice and silicate absorption small in 1200
cm-1 window - In the 800-1000 cm-1 atmospheric window
- Silicate index increases
- Ice index decreases
- with wavenumber
Volz, F.E. Infrared optical constant of
ammonium sulphate, Sahara Dust, volcanic pumice
and flash, Appl Opt 12 564-658 (1973)
82Silicate (ash cloud) Detection at Anatahan
Image is ECMWF bias difference of 1227 cm-1 984
Note slope
83Cirrus Detection at Anatahan
Image is bias ECMWF bias difference of 1227 cm-1
781 cm-1
84SO2 Not in Standard AIRS-RTA
Volcanic Ash
85Mt. Etna Eruption Ash and SO2
86Anatahan Eruption Differential Movement of Ash
vs SO2 Cloud
Ash cloud
SO2 cloud
87Dust Detection 1231 and 966 cm-1
88Optical Depth of Dust Longwave Only
MODIS Visible
89Optical Depth of Dust Shortwave Only
MODIS Visible
90SARTA-Scattering used to fit optical depths,
particle size. Results with/without floating
dust altitude (CO2 slicing) and SST
similar Log-normal distri-bution, particle size
spread 1 micron Used ECMWF fields, not
retrievals, for T(z), Q(z), ozone, etc. Only
longwave window channels are used to fit for dust
91Sept. 2002
92Oct. 2002
93Nov. 2002
94Dec. 2002
95Jan. 2003
96Feb. 2003
97Mar. 2003
98Apr. 2003
99May 2003
100June 2003
101July 2003
102Aug. 2003
103Expanded Scale Shows Biases of -3K!
104Standard Deviation of Dust Bias
105Cirrus Retrievals SARTA-Scattering RTA
106Mean bias for various cirrus particle habits
O C in K
Wavenumber (cm-1)
107Caption of Previous Figure