Title: IPUMS-International Disseminating Census Microdata
14. Creating an Extract (9 slides)
24. Creating an extract
- Password protected to make and retrieve
extracts - Licensed researcher selects
- Countries,
- Censuses,
- Cases/sub-populations,
- Variables, and
- Sample densities
- Extract engine queues request, generates extract
- Researcher retrieves extract via web with SSL
128-bit encryption and analyzes using own wares
(soft/hard/wet) - NO CDs, original codes, or complete datasets
32b. Create an Extract
44 steps in creating an extract(the database is
hugethe key is extracts) 0. Login with your
email and password
51. Select countries census years
62. Select variables
case selection(Selection of cases
73. Selecting cases
84. Downloading the extract
9Analyze with your preferred statistical package
- Un-ZIP with WinZIP careful with Windows
folders - Apply weights (WTPER note 4 decimals!)
- Essential for countries like Brazil, Mexico,
Spain, USA, etc. but not Greece - Expansion factors households (WTHH) or persons
(WTPER) - Derivation of weights WTWT/mean(WT, each
sample), HH or PER
SPSS Instructions for expansion factors.COMPUTE
wtper wtper/10000. Note 4
decimals!!!!!WEIGHT BY wtper.
.. To weight cases, yet maintain the actual
number of cases in the sample, consider, for
example BrazilCOMPUTE wtcensuscensus.RECODE
wtcensus (96 97 98 20) (9917.24) (0016.67)
96 1960, 971970.COMPUTE
wtperwtper/wtcensus.WEIGHT BY wtper.