Title: The Information Resource Management IRM
1The Information Resource Management (IRM)
- Shows the 5 major dimensions to the job of
managing information system resources
Information Resource Management
Distributed Management
Technology Management
Resource Management
Operational Management
Strategic Management
2Strategic use of information Technology
- Not just a service utility
- Use as a resource for competitivee advantage
- Major contributor to profitability of company
- Bring IT in alignment with business goals
3Organisational structure for Information Services
4Decentralised management of IS
- Some aspects of IS located at point of use
- E.g. in the functional departtment that uses the
particular systems
5Human Resource Management
- Recruit qualified personnel
- Develop, organise, and direct the capabilities of
existing personnel - Ongoing training
- Reward excellence
- Aim to retain personnel
6Technology Management
- Responsibility for managing intranets and
extranets - Local area networks
- communications hardware and software
- To ensure a proper level of service to users
7Advanced Technology Management
- Many firms establish separate groups to identify,
introduce and monitor the assimilation of new
technologies into their organisation - Advanced
Technology Groups usually report to the CIO and
are staffed with former senior analysts and the
8Managing End-user computing
- Support end users
- Co-ordinate education
- Enforce standards
9IT Must be Managed to Meet the Challenges of
Todays Business and Technology Environment
Technology Base
Business Pressures
Managing Information Technology
IT Developments
- Agility, flexibility and time
- compression of development,
- manufacturing delivery times
- Reengineering and cross-functional
- integration of business processes
- Competitive advantage, total quality
- customer management focus
- Technology-literate knowledge workers
- Downsizing, networking
- Use of intra extra Nets
- End user computing
- Enterprise collaboration systems
- New development processes
- integrated cross-functional
- software for replacing legacy
- systems
10Companies need to use It to achieve-
- reduced cycle times
- reduced asset levels
- faster development of new products,
- improved customer service
- increasing empowerment of employees,
- increasing knowledge sharing and learning.
11Recommended for success -
- Meaningful management and end-user involvement
- Active participation in planning and controlling
the business uses of IT