Title: Introduction to Aerosol Dynamics and Chemistry
1Introduction to Aerosol Dynamics and Chemistry
- Chao-Jung Chien
- Regional Modeling Center,
- Center for Environmental Research and Technology
, UC-Riverside
- Introduction
- Aerosol dynamics
- Physical processes leading to particle
production/growth - Visibility
- Aerosol chemistry
- Chemical processes transforming particles
- Secondary organic aerosol
- CMAQ vs. IMPROVE (aerosol model evaluation)
3Aerosol Definitions
- Aerosols relatively stable suspensions of solid
or liquid particles. - Properties
- Size, chemical composition, hygroscopiscity,
density, and shape. - 0.002-10 mm size range important with respect to
atmospheric chemistry and physics.
4Impacts of Aerosol
- Direct and indirect radiative forcing (Global
warming) - Health effects
- Acid deposition
- Regional Visibility
- Chemical deposition budget for ecosystems
- All effects depend on Size, Mass and Composition.
5Reproduced from Chemistry of the Upper and Lower
Atmosphere, Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts, 2000
6Particle Size Distribution and National Ambient
Air Quality Standards (NAAQs)
Particular matter pollutant Primary and Secondary Primary and Secondary
Particular matter pollutant Conc. (mg/m3) Time
PM10 50 Annual arithmetic mean
PM10 150 24h
PM2.5 15 Annual arithmetic mean
PM2.5 65 24h
Lead 1.5 Quarterly average
7Types of Aerosols
- Marine Aerosol
- 100 300 /cc high coarse particle mass, but
low number. - Coarse marine aerosol are composed of salt from
evaporated spray droplets. - Fine aerosols formed from DMS reaction products.
- Remote Continental Aerosol
- 2000-10000 /cc produced naturally over land.
- Dust, pollen, or oxidation products from ammonia
and sulfates. - Background against anthropogenic emissions
- Urban Aerosol
- As high as 108 to 109 /cc
- Coarse particles contain crustal elements (Fe,
Si, etc.) - Fine particles mainly from combustion sources, or
by gas to particle conversion involving reaction
products of sulfates, nitrates, ammonium and
8Fates of Atmospheric Aerosol
- Sources
- Direct emission (primary particles)
- Physical and Chemical processes (secondary
particles) - Sinks
- Wet (rain out),
- dry deposition
- Transformations
- Coagulation,
- Condensation,
- Cloud Processing
9Aerosol Dynamics
- Mathematical Representations of the Aerosol Size
Distribution - Discrete Distribution (Sectional Approach)
- uses discrete size bins
- very expensive for good size resolution
- used in CAMx
- Continuous Distribution (Modal Approach)
- uses moments of log normal distributions
- CMAQ uses 3 modes Aitken, Accumulation, Coarse
modes. - Three integral properties are included
- Total particle number concentration
- Total surface area concentration
- Total mass concentration of the individual
chemical components
10Particle Production
- Primary Emissions
- Assumed PM2.5 mostly (0.999) in accumulation
mode need to be evaluated. - 90 of PM10 is estimated to be fugitive dust
assigned to coarse mode (as ASOIL), among which
70 is PM25. - Emission rates (E) for aerosol number
D (mm) s
Aitken 0.03 1.7
Accum. 0.3 2
Coarse 6 2.2
11Particle Production/Growth
- Nucleation
- Process by which a gas interacts and combines
with droplets. - Can occur in the absence or presence of foreign
material. - Homogeneous nucleation
- Heterogeneous nucleation
- The production rate of new particle mass
d3.5 diameter of the 3.5 nm particle r density
of the particle at ambient relative humidity
12Particle Growth (Mode Changing)
- Coagulation the process by which small particles
collide with and adhere to one another to form
larger particles. - Condensation a process by which molecules in
the atmosphere collide and adhere to small
particles. - Mode Merging by Renaming
- Growing particles reassigned to a larger mode and
averaged with the new mode.
gas molecules
condens. nuclei
13Cloud Processing of Aerosols
- Aitken mode respond to in-cloud scavenging.
- Accumulation mode forms cloud condensation
nuclei. - Aqueous oxidation of SO2 by oxidants in cloud
producing dissolved sulfate. - New sulfate mass is added to accumulation mode.
14Aerosol Dry Deposition
- Deposition rate depends on particle size, surface
resistance. - Deposition velocity governed by
- Brownian particle diffusivity, and
- Gravitational settling velocity
- In CMAQ, species mass in each mode is deposited
15Typical Time Scales for Various Aerosol Fates
Type of Air Mass Type of Air Mass Type of Air Mass
Fate Urban Remote Marine Non-urban Continental
Condensation 0.01 1 h 1 10 h 0.5 20 h
Coagulationof 0.03-um part. w/ larger particle 0.1 2 days 10 30 days 1 5 days
0.3-um particles 0.5 10 days 0.5 10 days 1 month
0.03-um particles 1 month 1 month 1 month
Transport 2 5 days 1 2 weeks 1 2 weeks
Adapted from Pandis et al., 1995
16Aerosol Light Scattering and Absorption
- Visibility the furthest distance one can see
and identify an object in the atmosphere. - Light absorption
- Scattering
- Rayleigh scattering D ltlt l ( D 0.03 mm, 290 lt
l lt 750 nm) - Mie scattering D l ( 0.03 lt D lt 10 mm )
- Extinction coefficient
- Sum of the scattering and absorption
- Deciview index, deciV
- Extinction coefficient,
- Mie theory extinction
- Reconstructed extinction
bext(1/m) 3fRH((NH4)2SO4NH4NO3) 4OC
18Aerosol Chemistry
- Chemical Composition
- Reactions involved in particle formation and
growth - Thermodynamic of aerosols
- Aerosol liquid water content
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Chemical reactions
- Secondary organic aerosol
19Aerosol Composition
- Inorganics sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, crustal
species, sea salt, hydrogen ions, and water - Organics
Measured size distributions of aerosol sulfate,
nitrate, ammonium, chloride, sodium, and hydrogen
in Claremont, CA (Reproduced from Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics, Seinfeld and Pandis,
20Organic Atmospheric Aerosols
- Components
- Elemental Carbon (EC)
- Black carbon or graphitic carbon
- Emitted during combustion processes
- Organic Carbon (OC)
- Primary OC, directly emitted by sources
- Secondary OC, formed in-situ by condensation of
low-volatility products of the photooxidation of
21Aerosol Liquid Water Content
- ZSR method
- Influenced by relative humidity and ionic ratio
- Chemical equilibrium sulfate, nitrate, ammonium
- NH4NO3(s) NH3(g) HNO3(g)
W liquid water content (kg/m3) Mn conc. of nth
species (moles/m3) mn0 molality (moles/kg3) aw
water activity
22Chemical Reactions involved in particle formation
and growth
- Reactions of gases to form low-vapor-pressure
products followed by nucleation, condensation, or
coagulation between particles. - Reactions of gases on the surfaces to form
condensed-phase products - NaCl(s) HNO3(g) ? HCl(g) NaNO3(s)
- Reactions within the aqueous phases in fogs,
cloud, or aerosol particles. - SO2 oxidation to sulfate
23Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA)
- Reactions of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatics with
atmospheric oxidants (OH, O3, NO3 etc.) to form
condensable multifunctional oxygenated products. - Reactions of biogenic hydrocarbons, e.g.
terpenes, to produce biogenic organic aerosol
species. - Production rates are passed from the
photochemical component to aerosol component. - Representations are limited and require
24Gas/Particle Partitioning
- Yield of SOA as a function of the amount of
organic material already in the particle phase
Pankow, 1994 - Adsorption to particle surfaces
- Mainly mineral particles
- Absorption into aerosol organic matter
- Important for SOCs
Kp (m3/mg) partitioning constant TSP (mg/m3)
total suspended particles conc. F, A (ng/m3)
particulate gaseous associated conc.
of compounds of interest
25Gas/Particle Partitioning
pLo (torr) vapor pressure of the pure
compound Ns (sites/cm2) surface conc. of
sorption sites atsp (m2/g) particle surface
area Q1, Qv (kJ/mol) enthalpy of vaporization R
gas constant T (K) temperature
26Gas/Particle Partitioning
fom weight fraction of TSP in organic matter
(om) phase MWom mean molecular weight of the om
phase z activity coefficient
27Gas-Particle Partitioning
Odum et al. 1996
28Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry
- Binkowski, F. S., Science Algorithms of the EPA
Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ)
Modeling System, EPA/600/R-99/030, 1999. - Seinfeld, J. H. and Pandis, S. N., Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics From Air Pollution to
Climate Change, 1998. - Finlayson-Pitts, B. J. and Pitts, J. N. Jr.,
Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere
Theory, Experiments, and Applications, 2000. - Lane, D. A., Gas and Particle Phase Measurements
of Atmospheric Organic Compounds, 1999. - dAlmeida, G. A., Koepke, P., and Shettle, E. P.,
Atmospheric Aerosols Global Climatology and
Radiative Characteristics, 1991.
- Evaluation of Model Performance