Title: Mario Holzner
1Medium-Term Economic Outlook and Challenges for
the RegionThe countries of Southeast Europe
2Outlook for the SEE countriesGDP, real change in
against previous year
Source wiiw (June 2008), Eurostat forecasts
wiiw, European Commission (Spring) for EU-15.
3GDP growth rates, 2005-2010year-on-year, growth
Source wiiw Annual Database incorporating
national statistics.
4Industry growth rates, 2005-2010year-on-year,
growth in
Source wiiw Annual Database incorporating
national statistics.
5GDP and Industry growth rates, 2005-2010year-on-y
ear, growth in
Source wiiw Annual Database incorporating
national statistics.
6Employment, 2000-2007LFS - employed persons, th,
avg., annual change in
Remark AL, BA registration data.
Source wiiw Annual Database incorporating
national statistics.
7Unemployment, 2000-2007LFS - unemployed persons,
th, avg., annual change in
Remark AL, BA registration data.
Source wiiw Annual Database incorporating
national statistics.
8Employment and Unemployment, 2000-2007LFS
persons, th, avg. , annual change in
Remark AL, BA registration data.
Source wiiw Annual Database incorporating
national statistics.
9Drivers of GDP growth, 2000-2010contributions of
main components to GDP growth, in
Note Net exports including change in stocks and
statistical discrepancies. Source wiiw Annual
Database incorporating national statistics,
forecasts wiiw.
10Real appreciation, 2004-2008EUR per NCU,
PPI-deflated, in against January 2004
Increasing line indicates appreciation.
Source wiiw Monthly Database.
11Serbia Exchange rates, consumer prices and wages
2004-2007, year-on-year growth in
Increasing line indicates appreciation.
Source wiiw Monthly Database.
12SEE EU accession forecast
13Medium-Term Economic Outlook for the SEE
countries - conclusion
- Slight dip 2008, growth increase 2009 2010
- Growth driver domestic demand (remittances
credit boom) - Reindustrialization employment/export increase
- Stable competitive performance (except TR RS)
- Weak net export position
- Minor impact of global growth slowdown, price
hikes - Serbias unbalanced growth path regional risk
- EU accession prospects improving (except TR)
14(No Transcript)
15Financial vulnerability and bubblesin NMS, SEE
main CIS
- Vladimir Gligorov, Olga Pindyuk, Mario Holzner
16Financial vulnerability
Source wiiw Annual Database incorporating
national statistics. BIS/IMF/OECD/WB
17Financial bubbles
Source IFS(IMF). Bloomberg, national stock
18Latvia Credits, house prices and assets growth
Index 2004 q4 100
Source Bank of Latvia Latio, Bloomberg.
19Latvia Credits, house prices and assets growth
percentage change to previous quarter, 4 period
moving average
Source Bank of Latvia Latio, Bloomberg.
20Ukraine Credits, house prices and assets growth
Index 2004 q4 100
Source National Bank of Ukraine, Domik,
21Ukraine Credits, house prices and assets growth
percentage change to previous quarter, 4 period
moving average
Source National Bank of Ukraine, Domik,
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