Title: The Simple Life of Simple Machines
1The Simple Life of Simple Machines
2The Simple Life of Simple Machines The
Simple-Machine-Eating-Monster (SMEM) is going to
attack a simple machine and destroy it so mankind
can never use it again. The mayor of Simple land
found a cave that could protect 5 out of the 6
simple machines from SMEM. You need to research
each type of simple machines Wheels and Axel,
Pulley, Lever, Wedge, Screw, and Inclined Plane
on the Internet using the websites below. You
need to form a personal definition and list
objects that contain that simple machine.
After researching each simple machine, you need
to create a slide show defending which simple
machines lives should be spared in the cave and
which one should be left outside. Â
3Simple Machine Research
- Great slide show introducing the simple machines
- Great detailed information on each simple machine
- Scholastic information on simple machines
4Simple Machine Games and Quizzes
- Awesome site to play simple machine games and
good glossary of terms - Cute quiz on simple machines
- Scholastic quiz
- Bulldog simple machine quiz
5The Rubric
- Click on gears to view the rubric