Title: Light-nuclei discrimination of the space telescope PAMELA
1Light-nuclei discrimination of the space
telescope PAMELA
- Roberta Sparvoli
- for the PAMELA Collaboration
- University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN
- Rome (Italy)
20th ECRS Lisbon (Portugal), 5 8 September
2Nuclear component in CR what can we learn?
3Secondary/primary ratio
Particle Energy
Anti(p) 80 MeV 190 GeV
e 50 MeV 270 GeV
e- 50 MeV 400 GeV
p 80 MeV 700 GeV
(e-)(e) up to 2 TeV
Nuclei Zlt8 100 MeV/n 700 GeV/n
Anti(Z) 10-8
4PAMELA TM beam tests at GSI 16/02/2006 ---
TOF system single paddles of PAMELA TOF S1
0.7 cm thick S2 0.5 cm thick S3 0.7 cm
thick TRACKER system same silicon wafers of
PAMELA P1,P2,P3,P4,P5 300 mm double view
80 cm
TOF 6 channels ADC and 6 channels TDC, same
PAMELA flight electronics with different
gain Tracker without magnet
5Data sample
6Ionization losses discrimination Tracker silicon
We took the files obtained by fragmentation of
the 1200 MeV/n 12C beam by means of the
polyethilene target.
7Ionization losses discrimination TOF
The tracker data are used to clean the data
sample !
8Charge identification
9Charge discrimination (I)
Z s
2 0.27
3 0.29
4 0.19
5 0.13
6 0.12
10Time-Of-Flight Information
- If we add the time-of-flight information we
increase our capability of particle recognition.
K1 and K2 can be derived by the instrument setup
and by data collected at known b.
11The Bethe-Bloch reconstruction
- Once obtained b for every particle we can plot
the energy deposit in one layer vs. b, and fit
the different curves of different Z.
The fitting functions are superposition of 1/b2
and log(b) behaviour. Charge identification is
then obtained by estrapolation from the fitted
12Fitting of curves f(Z)
To fit the curves from GSI test we have taken tha
data sample of 12C at 200 GeV/n with poly target,
recorded at an angle of 45. In this way many
slow protons at high deposit are triggered, and
we can fit both Z1 and Z2 curves.
13Charge discrimination (II)
We took the same data sample coming from
fragmentation of the 12C beam at 1200 MeV/n, to
compare the two methods. The charge resolution
is evidently better, and the abundances results
Z sold snew
2 0.27 0.14
3 0.29 0.09
4 0.19 0.11
5 0.13 0.09
6 0.12 0.04
14Z1 charge resolution
- With the sample of data at 45 it is possible to
fit also Z1 peak.
Z s
1 0.09
- Data collected at a beam test show the good
capabilities of PAMELA at recognizing light
nuclei - Both information from energy loss alone and
energy loss TOF are used for charge
recongition in the second case the results are
excellent - Parallel analysis from different detectors (TOF,
tracker, calorimeter) can additionally improve
the in-flight resolution - In addition, also isotope reconstruction will be
perfomed in-flight, thank to the measurement of
the particle rigidity - Flight data analysis is on-going.