Title: Benicia-Martinez Bridge Main Span Contract
1Benicia-Martinez BridgeMain Span Contract
- Financial Status of Project
- May 2004
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5Substructure Issues
- Cause
- Fish issue
- Differing site conditions
- Effect
- Change methods for installing Permanent Steel
Casing (PSC) - Delays
- Escalation
- Inefficiencies
- Change method for constructing CIDH
6Superstructure Issues
- Cause
- Fish issue
- Steel Congestion
- LCA/Lightweight Concrete
- Effect
- Delays
- Re-sequencing the work
- Escalation
- Inefficiencies
7December 2002 Forecast
Changes from Original Budget
Fish Issue 134M Hard Driving 26M
Rock Sockets 40M
Superstructure 20M
8May 2004 Forecast
Changes from Dec02 Forecast
Fish Issue ( 10M) Hard Driving 0M
Rock Sockets 120M
Superstructure 25M
9Moving Forward
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11Bechtel Project Review
- Major Questions Addressed
- Is Caltrans cost estimating methodology
reasonable? - What options are available to reduce project
12Bechtels Project Review Findings
- Cost estimating methodology appears reasonable.
- Terminating and re-bidding remaining work would
not be cost effective and would be more risky. - Negotiating a fixed price contract adjustment for
remaining work is best approach.
13RM 1 Funding Plan
- RM 1 funding plan has financial capacity to fund
overruns - Financial transactions (fund swaps)
- Reducing bridge rehabilitation program funding
- 50 million in RM 2 expenditure plan
14RM 1 Toll Bridge Program Budget ( mil.)
Bridge Adopted Budget Forecast Budget Forecast Project Contingency Forecast Total Budget Difference
Benicia-Martinez 652.8 1019.9 37.8 1057.8 405.0
Carquinez 479.8 484.9 14.9 499.8 20.0
San Mateo-Hayward Widening 217.5 211.4 6.0 217.5
I-880/92 Interchange 133.8 137.7 11.6 149.3 15.5
Richmond-San Rafael Trestle 35.4 35.4 35.4
Richmond-San Rafael Deck 53.4 42.0 11.4 53.4
Bayfront Expressway 36.0 35.2 0.8 36.0
Other 10.1 10 0.1 10.1
TOTAL 1,618.8 1,976.5 82.6 2,059.3 440.5
- Amend the total Benicia-Martinez Bridge project
budget by 405 million for a total project cost
of 1,057.8 billion. - Main Span Construction 338 million
- Support Costs 50 million
- Project Contingency 17 million
- Total Budget Amendment 405 million
- Allocate 366.4 million in toll funds to the
Benicia-Martinez project contingent upon Caltrans
executing a change order.