Title: ERP by Mary Sumner
1ERP by Mary Sumner
- Chapter 1
- Table 1 -1 Historical Evolution of ERP Systems
2Independent vs. Dependent Demand
Finished product
Component parts
3Basic Fixed-Order Quantity Model and Reorder
Point Behavior
4Material Requirements Planning
- Materials requirements planning (MRP) is a means
for determining the number of parts, components,
and materials needed to produce a product - MRP provides time scheduling information
specifying when each of the materials, parts, and
components should be ordered or produced - Dependent demand drives MRP
- MRP is a software system
- More information about MRP can be found in
Chapter 6 Handout ERP System Production and
Materials Management
- The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004
6Closed Loop MRP
Production Planning Master Production
Scheduling Material Requirements
Planning Capacity Requirements Planning
7Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
- Goal Plan and monitor all resources of a
manufacturing firm (closed loop) - manufacturing
- marketing
- finance
- engineering
- Simulate the manufacturing system
8ERP by Mary Sumner
- Chapter 2
- Table 2 -1 and 2- 2 Value Chain by Dr. Michael
Porter (Harvard). - We also use value chain in the SCM textbook by
- Value Chain Model
- Highlights the primary or support activities that
add business value - A good tool for understanding strategy at the
business firm level - Primary Activities
- Directly related to the production and
distribution of a firms products or services
- Support Activities
- Make the delivery of primary activities possible
- Consist of the organizations infrastructure,
human resources, technology, and procurement
11What is the relationship between value chain and
information technology?
Strategic question
- How can IT be used at each point in the value
chain to lower costs, differentiate products, and
change the scope of competition? - Example Next slide
The Firm Value Chain and the Industry Value Chain
13ERP by Mary Sumner
- Just-in-Time/Lean Manufacturing/Toyota Production
System - Pages 91, 96, 137
- Also required in the SCM textbook by Chopra
14House of Toyota
15Toyota Production System (TPS)Related Terms
- Ohno System
- MAN (Material as Needed) - Harley Davidson
- MIPS (Minimum Inventory Production Systems) -
Westinghouse - Stockless production - Hewlett Packard
- Zero inventory production system
- Lean Manufacturing/Production - MIT
16Push versus Pull
- Push system material is pushed into downstream
workstations regardless of whether resources are
available - Pull system material is pulled to a workstation
just as it is needed
17Traditional U.S. Manufacturing FirmPush (old
style MRP / Material Requirements Planning
- The production of items at times required by a
given schedule planned in advance
Work Station 1
WS 2
WS 3
Information (Production Schedule)
18Pull (JIT) System
- The production of items only as demanded for use
or to replace those taken for use.
Work Station 1
WS 2
WS 3
Information (via Kanban/Card)
- Japanese word for card
- Pronounced kahn-bahn (not can-ban)
- Authorizes production from downstream operations
- Pulls material through plant
- May be a card, flag, verbal signal etc.
- Used often with fixed-size containers
- Add or remove containers to change production rate
20Triangular Kanban
22Figure S12.5
23Basic Fixed-Order Quantity Model and Reorder
Point Behavior
- The function of Kanban
- The function of Inventory Reorder Point (ROP)