Title: Stochastic Programming models, algorithms and applications
1Stochastic Programming models, algorithms and
E-mailChandra.Poojari_at_brunel.ac.uk Webpage
- The Centre for analysis of Risk and optimisation
modelling applications(CARISMA), Brunel
university. - Introduction to Stochastic programming.
- Application areas of Stochastic programming.
- Modelling paradigms in Stochastic programming.
- Solution techniques in Stochastic programming.
- An integrated environment for modelling and
processing Stochastic programming models.
3The Centre for the Analysis of Risk and
Optimisation Modelling Applications http//carisma
4People in CARISMA
Director Prof Gautam Mitra Deputy Director-
Prof Christos Ionnadies Research Lecturers-
Dr Paresh Date Dr
Fabio Spagnolia Dr Chandra
Poojari Research Associates-
Mr. Frank Ellison Mr George
Birbilis Dr Patrick Valente
5Mission of CARISMA
- The mission of CARISMA is to be a centre of
excellence - recognised for its research and scholarship in
the following - Â
- the analysis of risk,
- optimisation modelling,
- the combined paradigm of risk and return
quantification. - Industry Focus
- Finance Industry - Bank, Insurance, Pension Funds
- Large Corporates - FTSE 100, Multinationals,
EUROTOP - Public Sector/Utilities, Environment, Food,
Agriculture, - Health
6Mathematical programming components
- Modelling systemsA computer language for
describing large-scale optimisation or
mathematical programming problems. - MPL
- Solvers
- FortMP
- FortSP (stochastic programming solver)
7 Need for planning under uncertainty
Consider the following situations
1. A single car breaks down on a freeway and
hundreds of motorist are
caught in a horrific
traffic jam
2. A single circuit breaker tripped in a storm
causes domino effect plunging a wide area into
3. Every year death and destruction due to
natural calamities like earthquakes, flood, and
8Decision making under uncertainty
Shakespeare a Stochastic programmer ?
To be
Not to be
9Decision making under uncertainty
Shakespeare a Stochastic programmer ?
Merchant of Venice
My ventures are not in one bottom trusted/nor to
one place, nor is my whole estate/upon the
fortune of this present.
10 Linear programming to Stochastic programming
A general deterministic linear program
Is the solution sensitive to changes in parameter
values ?
11Extensions to LP
- Decisions not infinitely divisible
- Non-linear relationship
- Multi-time period decisions
- Probabilistic relationship
12Extensions to LP
discrete choice
probabilistic modelling
probabilistic modelling
discrete choice
Multi-time period
Multi-time period
discrete choice
13Applications Supply Chain planning
14 Applications Finance
Binomial tree of stock prices
15 Applications Telecom
A network connection
16 What are Stochastic programs
A stochastic linear program
Modelling techniques
- Chance constrained program
- Recourse program
- Quadratic program.
17Chance constrained model
is log-concave, and A and c are fixed
1.Convex optimisation if
2.Quadratic programming if
is multivariate normal
3. Properties unknown other wise, but in general
Non-linear programming over non-convex set
18Two-stage SP with linear recourse
random event Probability Second-stage
cost Technical matrix Recourse
matrix Right-hand side First-stage
decisions Second-stage decisions.
Subject to
Subject to
19Recourse model using scenarios
1. Piece-wise Convex with non-linear objective
2. Requires multi-dimensional summation.
20Solving a two-stage Stochastic Linear Program
Scenario sub-problem
Scenario sub-problem
Scenario sub-problems
Master problem
21 Algorithms The deterministic equivalent
1. Simplex Worst-case complexity is
exponential. 2. Interior point method
Polynomial time complexity.
22 Algorithms Stage-Decomposition
Benders decomposition
23 Algorithms Scenario-Decomposition
Scenario sub-problems
Augmented Lagrangian decomposition
24Stochastic Programming Integrated environment
25Subsystems in SPInE
- Scenario generator
- Modelling system
- Solver system
- Report generation
26SPInEs menu commands
27View of the scenario tree
28SMPS generation
29Solver control
30Computation of Value-at-Risk
31The Airlines model
Properties of the STORM model
- Two-stage air-freight scheduling model
- Has 1000 scenarios
- The Deterministic equivalent has
- 528,185 rows, 1,259,121 columns and
3,341,696 non-zeroes.
32The Telecom model
33The Supply chain model
Properties of the PLTEXP model
- Five-stage capacity planning model
- Has 1296 scenarios
- The Deterministic equivalent has
- 539,198 rows, 1,410,236 columns and
2,867,137 non-zeroes.
34The Finance model
Properties of the ALM model
- Four-stage asset liability model
- Has 1296 scenarios
- The Deterministic equivalent has
- 539,198 rows, 1,410,236 columns and
2,867,137 non-zeroes.
35Speed-up of the decomposition algorithm
36Speed-up of the decomposition algorithm
37New developments in SPInE
- Application specific generator
- Lagrangean based column generator for SIP
- Stochastic decomposition
- Sampling techniques
- Stochastic programming arises in many practical
contexts. - Alternative modelling techniques.
- Structure exploitation based algorithms.
- High performance and grid computing.
- Integrated optimisation tools.
39Thank You
40(No Transcript)