Title: Gravity a Fictious Force
1Gravity a Fictious Force?
Equivalence Principle The physics of a free
falling frame is the same as an inertial frame.
You can go to a new reference frame (the free
falling one) that does have gravity!
Gravity is a result of a choice of reference
Einstein Relativistic gravity is the result of
a curved space time gravity is geometry!
2Curved Surfaces
Gausss problem How do you determine if your
space is curved or flat without going outside it?
Answer Measure a triangle and see if it obeys
Pythagorean theorem.
Answer Measure circumference of a circle and
compare it to 2pR.
Curvature definition (2D)
Flat space
Curvature definition (N-D)
Different curvatures
Curvature is related to metric (Riemann geometry)
3Lorentz Transformations
Invariant space interval
Proper time
Moving Lorentz frame
4The Metric Tensor
Flat Space
Metric Tensor
5Rotating Coordinates
Rotating coordinate system
Synchronization term
Time dilation
6Simultaneity Revisited
7Rotating Coordinates (continued)
8Rotational Metric Revisited
Transverse Doppler Effect
9Revisit Gravitational Red Shift
Lower to higher gravitational fields
Clocks run slower in lower gravitational
Metric for position stationary in gravitational
field must link time and position.
10Schwarzschild MetricGravitational Field of a
Spherically Symmetric Mass
Small deviations
Exact metric