Title: GammaRay Bursts GRBs and the GLAST Experiment
1Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs)and the GLAST Experiment
- G. Tosti
- Physics Dept. INFN Perugia
2What is a GRB?
- Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), discovered in 1967 by
the Vela setellites ( Klebesadel et al. 1973),
are brief (lt seconds), intense flashes of em
radiation with typical photon energies gt100 keV
that arrive at Earth from unpredictable locations
several times daily.
They are the most concentrated and brightest em
explosions in the Universe.
(see the recent review by P. Meszaros
3CGRO-BATSE (1991-2000)
The first significant steps in understanding GRBs
started with the 1991 launch of the Compton
Gamma-Ray Observatory.
4CGRO-BATSE (1991-2000) Spatial Distribution
The all-sky survey from the BATSE instrument
showed that bursts were isotropically
distributed, ? cosmological origin of GRBs
5CGRO-BATSE (1991-2000) Temporal Behaviour
Two categories of GRBs long (t gt 2 s) and
short, (tlt 2 s) were identified
6CGRO-BATSE (1991-2000) Spectral Behaviour
GRB spectra described by the empirical Band
function with parameters a low-energy index,
b high-energy index E0break energy
Ep E0 (2 a) peak energy
7CGRO-EGRET (1991-2000) GeV GRBs
- GRB941017 A distinct higher energy component
was observed by the EGRET TASC detector, which
lasts for longer (230s) than the lower energy
component. - GRB940217 EGRET detected gamma-rays from this
GRB for more than an hour after the prompt
8BeppoSAX and the Afterglows
- Good Angular resolution (lt arcmin)
- Observation of the X-Afterglow
Costa et al. (1997)
- Optical Afterglow (HST, Keck)
- Direct observation of the host galaxies
- Distance determination
Kippen et al. (1998)
Djorgoski et al. (2000)
9GRBs Host Galaxy
10GRBs-SNs Connection
(first hypothesis? Colgate (1968))
11The Fireball model
The fireball model a GRB is produced when an
ultra-relativistic ejecta from a central engine
is stopped in the interactions between shells of
different velocities (internal shocks, d1014 cm)
or with the external medium (external shocks, d
?1016 cm). In those interactions, the kinetic
energy of the relativistic flow is converted in
internal energy of relativistic electrons that
produce the observed radiation via synchrotron
(and IC) emission.
Nature of the inner engine the GRB progenitor is
electromagnetically hidden from direct
observation because all the radiation is emitted
at d gt 1013 cm.
12GRB Jets
Harrison et al (1999)
T. Piran (Science 295, 986)
13Progenitor Theories
- Collapsars possibly associated with long bursts
(t90 gt 2 s.) - NS-NS mergers possibly associated with short
bursts - Emission mechanism independent of exact
progenitor type
C. Freyss cartoon
14Recent results from Swift (2004- )
15Recent results from Swift
16Afterglow Observations
- New multi-component afterglow paradigm
- Basic questions remain open
- Is outflow particle or poynting driven?
- What causes flares and rebrightenings?
- What are jet configurations (long, short GRBs)?
- What are manifestations of off-axis viewings?
17GRB and early Universe studies
- GRBs afterglows are brightest high-z objects
- (opt 17th mag, X-ray 10-9 erg cm-2 s-1)
- Afterglow studies provide
- - Metallicities / abundances
- - Densities
- - Dust ratios
GRB 050904
z 6.29 (12.8 Gyr) T 225 sec Eiso 3.8x1053 erg
18First Short Burst Host Associations
Swift detection of rapidly decaying afterglow
(300s) of short (40ms) GRB 050509b Allowed
host association
Prochaska05 Gorosabel05, Fox05, Pedersen05,
Covino05, Berger05, Soderberg06, Levan06
Gehrels et. al. 2005
19GRB Host Galaxies
Bloom05, Gorosabel05 Gehrels05, Prochaska05
20GRB-SN Connection
- Recent GRB 060218 this z0.03 GRB triggered
supernova discovery - GRBs are new tool for SN understanding
(hypernovae, BH cores, asymmetries, jets)
Long GRBs associated with SN I b/c
21Missing SNe in LSB GRB
Non-observation of SNe in long bursts
GRB z t90 notes
060505 0.089 4s
faint burst 060614 0.125 102s
hard to soft evolution
astro-ph/0608313. Fynbo et.al.
22But were they really long-soft bursts?
GRB 060614
- Canonical 2s is
- Bandpass dependent
- Minimum of N(T90), not 50
- probability point
Short pulse Long flaring New family
Further analysis of SNe missing bursts raises
issues w/ classification
astro-ph/0610635. Gehrels et.al.
23The GLAST mission (Gamma-ray Large Area Space
- The GLAST satellite has two telescopes
- Large Area Telescope
- Pair Conversion
- Detect photons between 20 MeV - 300GeV
- Tracking system
- Silicon Strip Detectors
- Calorimeter
- CsI Cristals (8.5 r.l., hodoscopic)
- Anticoincidence
- Segmented ACD
Launch Vehicle Delta II 2920-10H Launch
Location Kennedy Space Center Orbit Altitude 565
Km Orbit Inclination 24.5 degrees Orbit
Period 95 Minutes Launch Date October 2007
24The GLAST mission (Gamma-ray Large Area Space
- Glast Burst Monitor
- 12 Sodium Iodide (NaI) Scintillation detectors
- Wide Field of View
- Burst trigger
- Coverage of the typical GRB spectrum
- (10 keV-1 MeV)
- 2 Bismunth Germanate (BGO) Scintillation
detectors - Spectral overlap with the LAT
- (150 keV-30 MeV)
25GLAST Performance I LAT
For typical observation angle F 40
Aeff(40) 0.75 Aeff(0)
Effective Area
all layers
At 30 (100) MeV single photon Angular resolution
10 (3)
26Mission Operation
- Operational modes
- Sky survey (full coverage every 3 hours)
- Pointing mode
- GBM and LAT can trigger independently
- GBM will detect 200 burst/year
- gt60 burst/year in LAT FoV
- Position resolution
- GBM lt 15o initially, update lt5o
- LAT gt 10 arcmin depending on burst
- Autonomous repoint
- GLAST can slew to put/keep an intense burst in
the LAT FoV. - Downlink and communications
- Bursts data on ground in near real-time (TDRSS)
- Burst alerts provided to GCN within 10 sec.
- Full science data 8 times a day (TDRSS)
White Sands
Users community
(N. Omodei)
27GLAST Simulations
Detailed sky Model (Galactic extragalactic
diffuse, thousands of AGNs, hundreds of
pulsars, CR, GRBs)
- Phenomenological
- Use observed distributions from BATSE.
- Must extrapolate to LAT Energies.
- Physical Models
- Example Fireball Model (Piran, 1999)
- Hybrid ThermalPowe law model
GLAST LAT simulators GEANT 4 (Full
MC) Parameterized IRF (fast simulator) GBM
Combined signal from GBM (BGO NaI) and LAT
Simulated Data (HEASARC)
(N. Omodei)
28The initial distributions
- Start with BATSE Catalog
- Sample GRB characteristics
- Duration, Flux,spec. index, etc.
- Simulate 1 year of GLAST.
BATSE (Green) Simulation (Blue)
(N. Omodei)
29LAT GRB sensitivity
- Consider different min. energies
- Number of GRB/yr vs Number of LAT counts
- EBL attenuation included
SFR (Porciani Madau 01) Binary Mergers (Fryer
LAT GRB sensitivity extrapolating the spectrum
from BATSE energies to LAT energies assuming an
annual rate of 650 GRB/yr. EBL attenuation
(N. Omodei)
30Unveiling the GRB High Energy Emission
- LAT is an important tool for understanding the
high energy (gt 50 MeV) of GRBs - Wide discovery window
- New energy regime for burst studies
- What we know from EGRET shows an interesting
behavior - Separate components
- Extended/ delayed high energy emission
- GLAST can search for high Energy cutoff
- Highest Energy limit intrinsic of the bursts
- EBL Absorption important only for very high
redshift and intense bursts - More speculatively measuring GRB at different
redshift can be used as a probe for Lorentz
Invariance Violation - Effects arise in some Quantum Gravity Models.
- Time resolution 10µs
- Energy resolution 10
Reconstructed c.o. 5.51.5 GeV G22060
Simulated GRB with c.o. at 4.5 GeV
(N. Omodei)
31GLAST and SWIFT era
- GLAST can provide alerts to GRBs that Swift can
point for follow on observations. - Precise measurements of the position will be
given by Swift! - GLAST will frequently scan the position of the
bursts hours after the Swift alerts, monitoring
for High energy emission. - In these cases, we will have a broad spectral
coverage of the GRB spectrum (from 0.1 keV to
hundreds of GeV gt 9 decades!!). - Swift is seeing 100 bursts per yr 20/yr will
be in the LAT FoV
(N. Omodei)
- GLAST will open a new window on the gamma-ray
sky, exploring an uncovered region of the
electromagnetic spectrum, with big impact on
science! - Glast is being integrated with the SC!
- GLAST - GBM will detect 200 bursts per year, gt
60 suitable for LAT observations. - GLAST - LAT will independently detect 100
bursts - GLAST will provide burst alerts rapidly ( 10
seconds) - Burst position is provided by both the GBM (5o)
and LAT (1o-0.1o) in few seconds and sent to
ground for afterglows follow-up. - GLAST can be repointed autonomously.
- Spectral resolution typically 10 important for
spectral studies (high energy cut-offs, inverse
Compton peaks). - Joined LAT and GBM observations will study the
relationship between GeV emission and keV-MeV - The large lever-arm is a key point for
investigating fundamental questions like the
breaking of the Lorentz Invariance due to Quantum
Gravity effect. - Partnership between Swift and GLAST would open a
new era for the gamma-ray astronomy!
GLAST launch
Simulated data
(N. Omodei)