Title: Applying for a DOEHRSHC
1 Applying for a DOEHRS-HC Data Repository (DR)
2- To submit your audiometric data
- or to pull tests from the DR,
- youll need a DR Account.
- To apply, go to the DOEHRS-HC
- Data Repository homepage
- https//dohrswww.apgea.army.mil/do
3 Go to User Menu and then Click on Account
4Scroll down
5Click on I Agree
6Fill in the requested information
Suggestion Use your DOEHRS-HC password without
the special character
7Use clinic address
8Must be a .mil or AKO email address
See next slide for justifications
9Justification for Import/Export Access
Applicants responsibilities include forwarding
DOEHRS-HC data to the DR Â Applicants
responsibilities include downloading and/or
uploading DOEHRS-HC
hearing test data within the local database
Justifications for Installation Level
Access Applicant is the installation Hearing
Conservation Program Manager  Applicants
responsibilities include managing their
installations Hearing  Conservation
10Click here to submit
11 Youll get an email saying that your
application has been accepted or declined and a
User ID.
12 Apply for a DOEHRS-HC DR Account as soon as
possible. Approval may take a day or more.
13Once approved, enter DOEHRS-HC, go to FilegtUsers
and click on Edit DR Account Information
14Enter DR Account User ID and Password and click
15 You may want to change your DR password when
you change your DOEHRS-HC password. To change
your DR password you must already be logged in to
the DR.
16 Then click on CHANGE PASSWORD
17 Change information
18Depending on your access level, a DOEHRS DR
Account will also provide access to
program management reports, when they become