Title: A Domain-Independent Formalism
1- A Domain-Independent Formalism
- for Software Evolution
- Tom Mens
- Programming Technology Lab
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- February, 2000
2Overview of Presentation - ?
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Reuse Contracts
- Example
- Graph Rewriting Formalism
- Reuse Contract Formalism
- Scalability Issues
- Domain-Independence
- Experiments
- Conclusion
- Address lack of tool support for software
evolution - CASE tools, IDEs, version control tools
- Provide formal foundation for reuse contracts
- clear and unambiguous definitions
- better insight in evolution process
- facilitate tool support
- improve scalability
4Motivation ctd.
- Lack of formal approaches to software evolution
- very few formal approaches available
- always domain-specific
- architectural evolution
- evolving specifications
- usually focus on anticipated changes
- e.g. run-time software reconfiguration
- Need for domain-independent approach to
unanticipated software evolution
5Reuse Contracts
- Document unanticipated evolution in a disciplined
way - Allow to detect conflicts
- When upgrading to new versions of software
- When merging parallel evolutions of same
software artifact (collaborative software
- Lightweight approach
- simple ideas, easy to implement customise
- Evolution of UML class diagrams
7Overview of Presentation - ?
- Introduction
- Graph Rewriting Formalism
- Graphs
- Graph Rewriting
- Application Conditions
- Reuse Contract Formalism
- Scalability Issues
- Domain-Independence
- Experiments
- Conclusion
- Node types
- class
- attribute
- operation
- interface
- Edge types
- assoc
- hasa (aggregation)
- isa (generalisation)
- implements
9Type Graph
- Node edge subtype hierarchy
- Additional constraints needed
- e.g. inheritance hierarchy is acyclic
10(Conditional) Graph Rewriting
- represents evolution of arbitrary software
artifacts - Algebraic single-pushout approach
11Anticipated vs. Unanticipated
- Application conditions can be used to cope with
- Anticipated evolution
- restrict possible evolutions of a single graph
- attach application condition to graph
- restrict possible evolutions of all graphs
- attach application condition to graph rewriting
system - Unanticipated evolution (Reuse Contracts)
- Attach application condition to a graph
production to detect structural conflicts more
12Overview of Presentation - ?
- Introduction
- Graph Rewriting Formalism
- Reuse Contract Formalism
- Detecting evolution conflicts
- Primitive contract types
- Applicability conflicts
- Evolution conflicts
- Scalability Issues
- Domain-Independence
- Experiments
- Conclusion
13Detecting Evolution Conflicts
- Two kinds of evolution conflicts
- Syntactic conflicts
- Semantic conflicts
- Conservative approach only generate conflict
warnings - Approach
- Provide general formal definition
- in terms of graph rewriting formalism
- Complete fine-grained characterisation
14Primitive Contract Types
- Use a restricted set of possible graph
productions - Extension
- Cancellation
- Refinement
- Coarsening
- NodeRetyping
- EdgeRetyping
15Structural Conflicts
- Applicability conflict if P1 and P2 not parallel
independent - Gives rise to ill-formed result graph (syntactic
Refinement (e,area,radius,uses)
Cancellation (area,operation)
16Applicability Conflict Table
- Complete fine-grained characterisation of
applicability conflicts
17Applicability Conflict Table ctd.
- Duplicate Node Conflict
- Double Cancellation Conflict
- Undefined Source Conflict
- Undefined Target Conflict
- Duplicate Edge Conflict
- Double Coarsening Conflict
- Double Node Retyping Conflict
- Double Edge Retyping Conflict
- Undefined Node Retyping Conflict
- Undefined Edge Retyping Conflict
18Alternative Conflict Table
- Compare breaches of application conditions
- more general
- does not rely on primitive contract types
- more scalable
- can be used directly for composite contract
types or domain-specific contract types
19Alternative Conflict Table
20Evolution Conflicts
21Evolution Conflict Detection
- Finer-grained characterisation
- Compare pairs of primitive contract types
- double reachability conflict
- cycle introduction conflict
- Detect graph patterns in result of merge
- more general
- more scalable
- Reduces complexity
- New primitive contract types
- MoveNode
- Promotion
- Demotion
- New conflicts
- e.g. MoveNode vs MoveNode appl. conflict
- e.g. Inconsistent source or target evol. conflict
23Overview of Presentation - ?
- Introduction
- Graph Rewriting Formalism
- Reuse Contract Formalism
- Scalability Issues
- Composite Contract Types
- Normalisation
- Domain-Independence
- Experiments
- Conclusion
24Composite Contract Types
CreateSuperclass (Geo,Circle,Triangle)
25Composite Contract Types ctd.
MoveNode(area,operation,Circle,Geo) MoveNode(cir
cumference,operation,Circle,Geo) Cancellation(Tr
iangle.area,operation) Cancellation(Triangle.cir
26Composite Contract Types ctd.
- Composite contract types
- can be domain-independent
- can be domain-specific (e.g. CreateSuperclass)
- are defined as composite productions
- Conflicts can be detected directly
- using alternative applicability conflict table
- using graph pattern approach
- Advantages
- more practical in use
- atomic, more efficient
- remove unnecessary conflict warnings
27Normalisation algorithm
- Remove redundancy in evolution sequence
- remove redundant couples
- Extension Cancellation
- absorb couples of primitive contract types
- Refinement EdgeRetyping Refinement
- Rearrange primitive contract types
- based on sequential independence
- canonical form
- Extensions NodeRetypings Refinements, ...
28Normalisation ctd.
- Advantages
- compacts evolution sequence (reduces complexity)
- removes unnecessary conflict warnings
- makes evolution process easier to understand
- finding specific modifications
- comparing differences between parallel
evolutions - To do
- improve efficiency of normalisation algorithm
- rely on canonical form for merging normalised
evolution sequences
29Overview of Presentation - ?
- Introduction
- Graph Rewriting Formalism
- Reuse Contract Formalism
- Scalability Issues
- Domain-Independence
- Possible Customisations
- Customising the formalism
- Case studies
- Experiments
- Conclusion
30Possible Customisations
- class collaborations
- extension and generalisation of Lucas97
- similar to UML collaboration diagrams
Mensal99 - UML class diagrams
- software architectures Romero99
- others
- other UML diagrams
- non-OO paradigms?
31Case study UML class diagrams
- Specify type graph type constraints
- Specify domain-specific modifications
- Primitive contract types
- Extension AddOperation, AddAttribute,
AddClassifier - Cancellation DropOperation, DropAttribute,
DropClassifier - Refinement AddGeneralisation, AddAssociation
- Composite contract types (e.g. CreateSuperclass)
- Fine-tune conflict detection
- type graph gives rise to new applicability
conflicts - wf-constraints capture some evolution conflict
warnings e.g. cycle introduction for
inheritance-edges - use domain-specific knowledge to ignore conflict
warnings e.g. ignore cycle introduction for
32Domain-specific normalisation
AddClass(B) AddClass(A) AddOperation(A.m)
DropClass(B) AddAttribute(A.a)
AddClass(A) AddAttribute(A.a)
Domain-specific customisation
Extension(B,class) Extension(A,class)
Extension(A.m,operation) Cancellation(B,class
) Extension(A.a,attribute) Cancellation(A.m,o
Extension(A,class) Extension(A.a, attribute)
Domain-independent framework
(not for composite contract types)
33Case study software architectures
- need to detect more high-level conflicts
- introduce derived edges
34Overview of Presentation - ?
- Introduction
- Graph Rewriting Formalism
- Reuse Contract Formalism
- Scalability Issues
- Domain-Independence
- Experiments
- Conclusion
- Implementation of basic formalism
- primitive contract types, conflict detection
- implemented in PROLOG
- rapid prototyping
- expressing conflict detection rules directly
- unification mechanism for detecting graph
patterns - use SOUL to access and reason about Smalltalk
code - Scalability
- normalisation algorithm
- no validation of composite contract types
- lack of adequate (large-scale) industry case
36Experiments ctd.
- Domain-specific customisation
- customisations of PROLOG framework
- UML class diagrams
- small experiments with UML CASE tools
- identify basic conflicts for class diagrams
(based on small changes in industry case study) - software architectures Romero99
- Further experiments needed
- develop and implement efficient algorithms
- validate scalability aspects
- integrate in CASE tool and version control tool
37RCs for version control
- Current-day version control systems
- use version graph
- perform textual merging
- only research prototypes for syntactic/semantic
merging - Next generation version control tools
- Use normalisation
- to compact version graph
- to compare between alternative variants easily
- refactor commonalities in different variants
- More sophisticated merge tools
- syntactic and semantic merging
- domain-independent
38Overview of Presentation - ?
- Introduction
- Graph Rewriting Formalism
- Reuse Contract Formalism
- Scalability Issues
- Domain-Independence
- Experiments
- Conclusion
- Contribution
- Future Work
- Domain-independent formalism for evolution
- can be applied in all phases of software
life-cycle - Reuse contract formalism enables
- formal distinction between syntactic semantic
conflicts - complete fine-grained characterisation of
conflicts - scalability (composite contract types,
normalisation) - Simple yet general model for evolution
- easy to implement in tools
- simple ideas with large practical impact
- Better support for evolution in tools
- CASE tools, IDEs, version control systems
40Future Work
- Focus on conflict resolution
- More scalability issues
- techniques to reduce potential conflicts
- use more sophisticated conflict detection
techniques - in presence of composite contract types
- modify normalisation algorithm
- factorisation algorithm for generating composite
contract types - formal properties (e.g. commutativity, inverse,
...) - Co-evolution
- between different models / between model and
metamodel - Enhancing underlying graph formalism
- nested hyperedges, encapsulation mechanism,
parameterisation mechanism, more complex
application conditions, ... - extension needs to preserve formal properties