Title: Software Design
1Software Design
2What is Design?
- Design is the activity of specifying a solution
to a problem - Contrast this against other software engineering
phases - Analysis understanding and specifying the
problem (requirements) - Implementation system construction
3Stages in SW Design
- Architectural Design
- Abstract Specification
- Interface Design
- Component Design
- Detailed Design
- Reference Sommerville, Chapter 12
4Architectural Design
- Identify Subsystems and Modules
- Example Program Submission System
- Server
- Teacher Interface
- Student Interface
5Architectural Design, continued
- Design information provided is minimal
- System is simply decomposed into interacting
subsystems or modules - Depicted using a block diagram
- subsystems rectangles
- arrows represent interaction / flow of data and
control / dependency between the subsystems
6Abstract Specification
- Identify services and constraints per subsystem
- Example Server
- set up a class
- set up a project
- submit a program
- Note descriptions of services are informal
7Interface Design
- Per subsystem, specify its interface
- collection of available functions/methods for use
by other subsystems - Consistent with Encapsulation
- Example Server
- function set_up_class
- parameters catnum, section, list of students
(ids and names)
8Interface Specification
- Services per subsystem are formally specified
- Goal provide unambiguous information regarding
extent of external interaction - parameters/inputs, return values/outputs
- Design and implementation details of the
subsystem are still hidden
9Component Design
- Within a subsystem
- determine components
- per component, identify services/interfaces
- Understand interaction between components at the
level of the subsystem - OO Design components are classes
- Design models (using the UML, for example) are
most useful at this level
10Detailed Design
- Specify data structures and algorithms (for
methods) of the individual components (classes) - Generally still implementation-independent
- Although though in practice, specific language
features are used - Techniques Pseudocode, flowcharts, others
11Design Quality
- Cohesion
- Coupling
- Understandability
- Adaptability
- Reference Section 12.3 of Sommerville
- Extent of relationship between parts of a
component - High cohesion is desirable
- Single logical t (or theme)
- all parts should contribute to the function
- Levels of cohesion (p. 218)
- coincidental cohesion (weakest)
- functional cohesion (strongest)
- Dependence between units of a subsystems or
components - High coupling generally undesirable
- units fully depend on each other
- sensitive to change
- convenient/necessary only for small components
- Cohesion and Coupling
- understanding a component independently
- Naming
- reflects real-world intuition
- Documentation
- Complexity
- algorithms
- Sensitivity to change
- are changes in design easy?
- Loosely coupled components
- Self-contained components
16Object-OrientedDesign Notation
- Main Reference UML Distilled, by Martin Fowler
- Chapters 3, 4, 6, and 8
- Supplementary References
- Chapter 14 of Sommerville
- Chapter 22 of Pressman
18Component Design and Detailed Design
- Component Design
- For each subsystem determine components, and
services/interface per component - OO Design components are classes
- Detailed Design
- Determine attributes of classes and relationships
between the classes - Determine functionality of each class and
interactions between classes
19Object-Oriented Modeling
- UML Unified Modeling Language
- Emerging OO Modeling Standard
- Booch, Jacobson, Rumbaugh
- What is depicted?
- Class details and static relationships
- System functionality
- Object interaction
- State transition within an object
20Some UML Modeling Techniques
- Class Diagrams
- Use Cases/Use Case Diagrams
- Interaction Diagrams
- State Diagrams
21ExampleClass Diagram
FFCounter totalcash totalorders
PriceChecker getPrice()
FastFood Restaurant
22ExampleUse Case Diagram
Facilitate Checkout
Search for Book
Facilitate Return
23ExampleInteraction Diagram
2 checkIfAvailable()
Checkout Screen
1 checkIfDelinquent() 3 borrowBook()
4 setBorrower()
24ExampleState Diagram (Book)
Librarian activates book as available
Borrower returns book
25Object-Oriented Design Models
- Static Model
- Class Diagrams
- Dynamic Model
- Use Cases, Interaction Diagrams, State Diagrams,
26OO Static Model
- Classes and Class Diagrams
- Relationships
- Association
- Aggregation/Composition
- Inheritance
- Dependencies
- Attribute and Method names
27OO Dynamic Model
- Goal Represent
- Object behavior
- Object interaction
- Traditional/Procedural Dynamic Modeling
- Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)
- Problem Processes separate from data
- Need modeling notation that highlight tight
relationship between data processes
28DFD Example(Inventory Management)
Accept and Post Delivery
Delivery info
Item Master
29OO CounterpartObject Interaction
new (delivery info)
post (item count)
Item Master
30Building anOO Dynamic Model
- Identify use cases
- Describe each use case through an interaction
diagram - For more complex objects, provide a state diagram
per class - Derive implied methods (and attributes)
31Whats Next?
- Need to understand the notation
- Make sure it helps the software development
process - When to use the UML techniques
- Primarily when specifying OO design
- Formal means of communication across the
different software development stages