Title: City for Children and Young People
1 City for Children and Young People
East Midlands ADCS Awayday 18.07.08 Integrated
Working - Derby
2 The Approach in Derby
- Integrating Children's Services Project
- Positioning services
- Evolution
- Minimising risk
- Strong partnership
- Area / Neighbourhood Management
- Pilot
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5Children and Young Peoples Dept
AD Locality Services
HOS Social Care CC Area Three
HOS Social Care CC Area Two
HOS Child Care Family Learning
HOS Education Welfare
HOS Area One
HOS Youth
Team Leader Social Work
Health Co-ordinator
Integrated Team Leader Youth Support
Integrated Team Leader Under 11s x 3
Education Welfare School Nursing Health
Visiting Social Care Childrens Centres
Youth Service Education Welfare Connexions School
Nursing Social Care
Other Divisions Learning Performance and
Commissioning Strategic Support Specialist
6The Integrated Journey in Locality 1
- Confusing
- Hysteria
- Challenging
- Exhausting
- Chaotic
- Testing
- Premature
- Journey
- Tension
- Learning
- Change
- Laughter
- Support
- Isolated
- Frustrating
- Storming
- Forming
- Norming
- Complex
- Energising
- Rewarding
0 to 11 teams - Childrens Centres, Family
Visitors, Social Workers, Social Care Family
Support, Health Visitors, Nursery Nurses, School
Nurses, Education Welfare, Childrens Centre
Co-ordinators Youth Support Team - Connexions,
Youth Service, Social Care Family Support, School
Nursing, Education Welfare
8 Management Arrangements (example with PCT)
9 Journey
- Some locality, others not.
- Virtual to co-location.
- Very different way of working.
- Not command and control or knowledge based.
- Need a leap of faith.
- Limited resources.
10 Learned/Helped
- Culture
- Dependent
- Autonomous
- Team development.
- Reflective practice.
- Management arrangements.
- Multi-agency working in schools.
- Positive impact on performance e.g. NEET.
- Staff like it.
- Virtual good, co-located better.
- Positive conversations.
- Networking trusting relationships across the
partnership. - Leadership informed by practice.
11 Whats Better?
- Performance
- Co-ordination
- Communication
- Understanding of each other
- Holistic approach
- Access to service
- Getting in there more quickly