Title: Connecting to a Database in Java
1Connecting to a Database in Java
2Evolution of Data Storage
- 1960s Magnetic Tape
- 1970s Drum and disk
- random access files
- Early Databases
- 1980s Relational Databases
- 1990s Client-Server RDB
3Database Connectivity
- There are good reasons to hold your data in a
central database server - What are they? - This idea led to the client-server paradigm which
has been widely adopted - Nowadays there may be several kinds of server in
a multi-tiered environment
4The Client-server
5Relational Databases
- A relational Database consists of a set of simple
rectangular tables or relations - The column headings are fields
- The rows are records
- A field or set of fields that uniquely identifies
a record is known as a primary key
6eg Products Customer
7SQL Statements
- String qry SELECT code FROM mysecret WHERE
login xxx03u - String qry INSERT INTO xxx03u (item, perl)
VALUES (1,My Wise Saying) - Where you have a String for the saying called
plaintxt - String qry INSERT INTO xxx03u (item, perl)
VALUES (1,plaintext )
8Connecting to a Database
- We have a network which supports a communication
protocol e.g. TCP/IP - The Database listens to a port (a 2 way thing)
- The Database will define some higher level
protocol for queries (SQL) and returned results
(tables) - You DONT WANT to have to code at this level!
- Hence JDBC (it is all done for you again!)
9ODBC Came First
- Open DataBase Connectivity
- From Microsoft in 1992
- Procedural C interface
- Few functions with many options (clumsy)
- Slow
10What is JDBC?
- A Java API for database communication
- A set of classes that perform database
transactions - Connect to relational databases
- Send SQL commands
- Process results
11JDBC Architecture
12JDBC Requires a Driver
- The driver will come in a jar
- Make sure this is in the CLASSPATH
- Register this with the DriverManager
13Our Database is MySQL
- This is brilliant and free!
- Driver is mysql-connect.jar
- java -cp .\mysql-connect.jar
- Or put it in
- C\j2sdk1.x.x\jre\lib\ext
- This is always in the CLASSPATH
14About the Database
- host sauron.cs.nott.ac.uk
- database wisdom
- port 3306
- user xxx03u
- password ISentYouThis"
15Register the Driver
import java.sql. // You NEED
this! Connection contry Class.forName(org
(ClassNotFoundException ex) System.out.println(
16Connect to Database
Connection con con DriverManager.getConnection(
url, username, passwd) Where String url
jdbcmysql//sauron.cs.nott.ac.uk3306/ wisdom
17Create and Execute a Statement
- Statement st con.createStatement()
- String qry SELECT ...
- ResultSet rs st.executeQuery(qry)
- String qry INSERT ...
- st.executeUpdate(qry)
18JDBC Statements
- Getting the data returned
- String code rs.getString(code")
- Needs to be in a try block
- Of course other methods are
- getInt()
- getDouble()
19Navigating the ResultSet
- while(rs.next())
- process a row
20Important point
con.close() when you have finished!
21What about an Access Database?
- Create your database (mydb.mdb)
- Go into control Panel-gtODBC sources and give the
database a name and select Microsoft Access
Driver - Click OK
- Your database is now an ODBC source
22How to connect in Java
- DBconnect()
- try
- Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver")
- pConnectionDriverManager.getConnection("jdbcodbc
mydb.mdb","","") - pStatement pConnection.createStatement()
- catch(Exception e) e.getMessage() // print
this out -
23Thats All You Need to Know!