Title: Disaster and Crisis Mental Health
1Disaster and Crisis Mental Health
Special Populations
Center for Mental Health Services Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
2Special Populations
- Children and youth
- Older adults
- People with disabilities
- People with serious mental illness
- People with low socioeconomic status
- Disaster workers
- Cultural and ethnic groups
3Key Concepts of Disaster Impact
- No one who sees a disaster is untouched by it.
- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary victims
- Two types of trauma
- Individual (stress and grief reactions)
- Collective (Damages the bonds and social fabric
of the community. Increases fatigue,
irritability, family conflict.)
4Key Concepts of Disaster Impact
- People pull together during and after a disaster.
(high activity/low efficiency) - Stress and grief are normal reactions to an
abnormal situation. (transitory reactions) - Emotional reactions relate to problems of living.
(abnormal and excessive disruptions to daily
5Key Concepts of Disaster Impact
- Disaster relief can seem complex and
overwhelming - People typically do not seek out mental health
services (self reliance at all costs) - Survivors reject help (others need it more than I
do) - Mental health services are practical rather than
6Key Concepts of Disaster Impact
- Services must be tailored to community norms
- Support systems are crucial to recovery
- Interventions must be consistent with the phase
of disaster
7Physical Reactions to a Disaster
- Headaches
- Generalized discomfort, hot or cold
- Hypertension, heart pounding
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Exacerbation of psychiatric illness
- Accelerated physical decline
- Fatigue or exhaustion
- Increase or decrease in appetite
8Emotional Reactions to a Disaster
- Feeling depressed or sad
- Feeling irritable, angry, resentful
- Experiencing anxiety or fear
- Feeling despair or hopelessness
- Being apathetic
- Feeling overwhelmed
9Cognitive Reactions to a Disaster
- Trouble concentrating or remembering things
- Difficulty making decisions
- Preoccupation with the event
- Recurring dreams or nightmares
- Questioning spiritual beliefs
10Behavioral Reactions to Disaster
- Isolation from others
- Sleep problems
- Increased conflicts with family
- Hyper-vigilance, startle reactions
- Avoiding reminders
- Crying easily
- Not eating
11Special Populations
12Risk Factors for Children
- Exposure to direct life threat and injury
- Witnessing mutilating injuries
- Hearing unanswered cries for help
- Degree of brutality and violence
- Unexpectedness and duration
- Separation from family
- (Pynoos, 1996 Vogel and Vernberg, 1993)
13Pre-School Age Children
Common Reactions
- Sleep problems, nightmares
- Clinging, separation anxiety
- Helplessness, passivity
- Death not permanent
- Fearfulness
- Regression
- Repetitive play
14School Age Children
Common Reactions
- Sleep problems, nightmares
- Preoccupation with disaster, death
- Fears about safety
- Self blame, guilt, responsibility
- Angry outbursts
- Retelling and repetitious play
- Social withdrawal
- Somatic complaints
- School performance problems
15Pre-Adolescents and Adolescents
Common Reactions
- Sleep problems and nightmares
- Self blame, guilt, shame
- Self-consciousness
- Depression, social withdrawal
- Desire for revenge
- Somatic complaints
- Aggressive and risk-taking behavior
- School performance problems
16Factors Affecting Childrens Recovery From
- Developmental level of child
- Pre-disaster mental health of the child
- Ability of the community to offer support
- Separation from parents
- Reaction of significant adults to the disaster
17Factors Affecting Childrens Recovery From
- Communication between parents and child
- Belief about what caused the disaster
- The degree of damage/Violence cause by the
disaster - The degree to which the child was directly
impacted by the disaster
18Special Populations
19Older Adults Reactions to a Disaster
Impact of Losses for Older Adults
- Intense sense of grief over mementos, pets, etc.
- Feel unable to start over
- Past losses re-awakened
- Slower to respond to the impact of the loss
- Experience a long term decline in standard of
20Older Adults Reactions to a Disaster
Stress Symptoms
- Slower to recover psychologically and financially
- Fear of loss of independence
- Depression
- Withdrawal
- Agitation
- Sleep disturbance
- Memory loss
- Disorientation and confusion
- Apathy
21Older Adults
- Physical vulnerability
- Chronic health conditions
- Medication needs
- Auditory, visual, mobility, or cognitive
impairment - Increase anxiety, confusion
- Loss of home health support
22Older Adults Reactions to a Disaster
Environmental Stressors
- Poor health
- Need assistance in daily living
- Isolation
- Poor support system
- Limited income
23Older Adults Reactions to a Disaster
Coping Experience and Life Skills
- Recent losses, or cumulative unresolved trauma
leaves older adults at risk for difficulty in
coping with disaster aftermath. - Successful coping in the past may create a
reservoir of skills which increases resilience
and adaptability to disaster aftermath.
24Older Adults Reactions to a Disaster
Utilization of Assistance
- Slower to admit full extent of their losses may
miss deadline for applying for assistance - Isolation may contribute to lack of awareness of
resources - Lack of transportation, limited mobility
- Tend to under-utilize insurance
25Older Adults Reactions to a Disaster
- Home visits Thorough assessment of losses
- Assist with recovery of possessions
- Suitable residential location/relocation
- Reestablish social and familial contacts
- Assist with securing medical and financial aid
- Assist with ways to be involved with community
recovery efforts - volunteerism
26Special Populations
27People With Disabilities
- Outreach model helps assure access
- Provisions must be made to serve
- Hearing impaired
- Vision impaired
- Mobility impaired
- Developmentally disabled
28People With Mental Illness
- Same basic needs as everyone else
- May have special needs
- May rise to the occasion
- Program should tailor services to ensure
appropriate services are delivered - Often identify unserved or underserved people in
completing outreach
29People With Mental Illness
- Disaster stress reactions may be difficult to
discern from symptoms of mental illness - Consumers may be trained as part of the
preparedness process - Should be given the opportunity to serve the
larger community
30Special Populations
31Disaster Workers
- Emergency Medical Services
- Law Enforcement/Fire Service
- Emergency Management
- Voluntary Agencies
- Utility Workers
32Disaster Workers
- Train peers when possible
- Recognize unique stressors
- Conflicting roles (family vs. job)
- Exposure to chaos, death and destruction
- Very long days, exhaustion
- Community reactions (hero or scapegoat)
33Special Populations
- Cultural and Ethnic Groups
34Major Racial and Ethnic Proportions
- Hispanic Americans
- Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
- American Indians and Alaska Natives
- African Americans
- (as described in the Surgeon Generals report)
35Latino/Hispanic Americans
- Most Latino/Hispanic Americans share the Spanish
language and other cultural influences,
regardless of whether they trace their earliest
ancestry to Africa, Asia, Europe or the Americas. - Despite these commonalities, there is great
variability in language use, cultural practices,
and the context of immigration. - (cult comp pub)
36Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
- Over 40 different ethnic groups
- Fastest growing racial group in the US
- Speak more than 100 languages and dialects
37American Indians and Alaska Natives
- The U.S. Census Bureau estimated that 4.1
million American Indians and Alaska Natives
(Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts) lived in the United
States in 2000.
38African Americans
- Increasing in diversity as greater numbers of
black immigrants arrive from Africa and the
Caribbean. - Repercussions from a legacy of discrimination
continue to influence their social and economic
standing, relations with other groups, and
personal outlooks. - (cult comp pub)
39Special Considerations when Working with Refugees
- Language
- Culture
- Economic marginalization and differences
- Fractures social relations
- Experience of traumatic stressors and of loss
- Family dynamics and role changes
- (cult comp pub p. 75)
40Cultural Differences
Cultural differences exist between rural and
urban survivors, across differences in education
and socioeconomic backgrounds, age groups, and
among different religious and non-religious
groups. Jackson Cook, 1999
41Community Culture
- The culture of the community provides the lens
through which its members view and interpret the
disaster, and the communitys degree of cohesion
helps determine the level of social support
available to survivors. - (from cultural comp pub)
42Cultural Group Information
- Meanings associated with the event
- Experience with emergency response
- Trauma and violence in country of origin
- Signs and symptoms of trauma, grief
- View about mental health, providers
- Tips for professional courtesy
43Key Concepts to Remember
- The target population is normal
- Avoid mental health labels
- Be innovative in offering help
- Fit program services into the community context
44Cultural Competence Semantics and Concepts
- Cultural diversity
- Cultural awareness
- Cultural sensitivity
- Cultural competence
45Cultural Diversity
The heterogeneity of social class, gender, race,
ethnicity and life style present in a
neighborhood, community or geographic locale
impacted by the disaster.
46Cultural Awareness
- Cultural awareness suggests that it may be
sufficient for one to be cognizant, observant and
conscious of similarities and differences among
cultural groups in order to meet their needs.
47Cultural Sensitivity
Awareness of the various cultural groups
affected by the disaster. This includes racial
and ethnic groups hardest hit by the disaster,
language barriers and people with suspicion of
the government.
48Basic Cultural Sensitivity
- Convey respect, good will, courtesy
- Ask permission to speak with people
- Explain the role of the mental health worker
- Acknowledge differences in behavior due to
culture - Respond to concrete needs
- (Paniagua, 1998 Young, 1998)
49Cultural Competency
Awareness of ones own values and prejudices.
Being committed to learning about cultural
differences, and being creative, flexible and
respectful to others values and beliefs in our
interventions and outreach approaches.
50Cultural Competence
- Valuing of diversity
- Recognition of and respect for differences
- Understanding cultural definitions of mental
health, well-being, coping and recovery - Use of mental health and other interventions that
fit - Services and information provided in primary
languages - Use of empowerment-based approaches
- Ongoing cultural awareness and sensitivity
51Guiding Principles for Cultural Competence in
Disaster Mental Health Programs
- Recognize the importance of culture
- Determine the cultural composition of the
community recruit and train disaster workers who
represent the community - Community profile
- Staff recruitment
- Cultural competence training
- Ensure that services are accessible, appropriate
and equitable
52Guiding Principles for Cultural Competence in
Disaster Mental Health Programs
- Recognize the role of
- help-seeking behaviors,
- customs and traditions for healing
- customs and traditions in trauma and loss
- natural support networks.
- Involve as cultural brokers community leaders
and groups representing diverse groups.
53Guiding Principles for Cultural Competence in
Disaster Mental Health Programs
- Ensure that services and materials are
linguistically appropriate - Availability of trained bilingual/bicultural
staff - Translation of educational materials and
documents - Language and sign-language interpretation
54Elements of a Culturally Competent Disaster CCP
- Needs assessment
- Program plan
- Outreach
- Community education
- Community networking
- In-Service training and consultation
- School based programs
- Anniversary events
55 Organizational Approaches
- Effective management structure
- Effective managers and supervisors
- Clear purpose and goals
- Functionally defined roles
- Team support
- Plan for stress management
56Community Outreach
- Initiate contact at gathering sites
- Set up 24-hour telephone hotlines
- Outreach to survivors through media, Internet
- Educate service providers
- Use bilingual and bicultural workers
57 Community Interventions
- Memorials and rituals
- Usual community gatherings
- Anniversary commemorations
- Symbolic gestures
58For More Information