Title: Hailstorm Mars Scout Mission
1Hailstorm Mars Scout Mission
- Final Proposal Review
- Wednesday, April 27, 2005
2Project Overview
MISSION FACTS Science Subsurface and
Network Platform 6 Ballistic Entry
Penetrators Launch November 8, 2011 Surface
Duration Phase 1 (biogenic) 10 sols Phase 2
(seismology) 100 sols Cost 425M
(FY07) Infrastructure Used MTO DSN
3Mission Objectives
- Science Investigation Strategy
- Discovery driven science objectives MGS,
Odyssey, and ESA Mars Express - Next decade Mars exploration pathway Search for
evidence of past life - Network science demonstration important to
fulfill next decade goals - Connectivity with MEPAG priorities (2004)
- Key Technology Demonstrations
- In-situ access to the near subsurface for the
first time on another planet - Ballistic entry surface penetrators as vehicle
for science return - First network science mission on another planet
- Mission Design Considerations
- Maximizing science mission yield within budget
requirements - Technology development to ensure mission
survivability - Extensive testing to eliminate failure modes
4Science Mission Rationale
Follow the Water
- In-situ exploration of areas suspected of
harboring subsurface water or heavily hydrated
minerals Life (MEPAG 2004 I A1)
In-situ subsurface search for biologically
important N, P and S chemistry Life (MEPAG 2004
I A3)
Follow the Carbon
In-situ exploration of areas suspected of
harboring subsurface organic Carbon chemistry
Life (MEPAG 2004 I B1)
Network Science
Demonstration of seismic monitoring station
network Geology (MEPAG 2004 III B 1)
Landing site certification by measuring
engineering properties of Martian regolith
Precursor (MEPAG 2004 IV A 5)
5Science Traceability Matrix
Science Cost
6Science Baseline and Floor
Baseline Surface Operations Plan
7Targeted Geographical Locations
ESA Mars Express subsurface frozen ocean
Image courtesy of JPL
8Probe Visualization
Probe Cost
- Structure
- Forebody
- Sidewalls Aluminum honeycomb section sandwiched
between stainless steel walls - Head Solid stainless steel
- Aftbody
- Stainless steel walls
Instrument Packaging
9Probe Systems Mass Breakdown
Power Lithium Sulfur Dioxide battery array of 85
cells located in the aft body chosen for high
power density, low weight, and ability to operate
under extreme conditions.
Fore/Aft Connection Fore and aft body physically
and electrically connected using the Flexible
Interconnect System developed for the Deep Space
2 probes
10Probe Communications
Deep Space Network (DSN) 34m Dishes
Relay to MTO
- Miniaturized Radio Antenna On Each Probe
- Length 25 cm
- UHF Band Data Transmission (Freq 405 MHz)
- Nominal Data Rate
- Phase I 2.0 Kbps
- Phase II 0.25 Kbps
- Peak Power
- Phase I 2 W
- Phase II 0.25 W
- Low Weight 0.5 kg
- Communication Sequencing
- Timed transmissions to MTO 20 min window
- Transmission time required
- Phase I 20 mins per sol
- Phase II 12.33 mins per sol
11Cruise Stage
Cruise Stage Cost
Pressurant Tank
Fuel Tanks (2)
Star Tracker
Transponders (1 of 2)
Oxidizer Tanks (2)
CDH Package
Thruster Cluster (1 of 2)
Omni-directional Antennas
Solar Panel
Sun Sensor (1 of 6)
High-Gain Antenna
12Trajectory and Launch Vehicle
Launch Vehicle Cost
- Launch (November 8, 2011)
- C3 8.95 km2/s2
- Direct Transfer
- TOF 299 days
- Martian Atmospheric Entry (September 2, 2012)
- Delta II 2925-9.5
- Lifting capability 1002 kg
- 47 Launch Growth Margin
13Separation Phase
- Stage 2 2nd cluster
- Flight path angle change
- 3 days before entry interface
- Small Dv (0.3 m/s) to meet seismology 50 km
spacing requirement
- Stage 1 1st cluster
- 4 days before entry interface
- Individual probe separation, followed by boom
separation - Small Dv (0.2 m/s) to meet seismology 50 km
spacing requirement
Approximately 1 Hour Later
14Entry, Descent and Impact
- Entry Conditions
- Entry atmospheric velocity (va) 5290 m/s
- Entry interface altitude 142.8 km
- Entry atmospheric flight path angle (ga)
- Cluster 1 12.25º
- Cluster 2 15.75º
- Initial angle of attack unknown
- Initial angular rates unknown
- Impact Conditions
- Derived from science requirements
- Impact velocity 140 m/s lt vp lt 180 m/s
- Impact flight path angle gp lt 30º
- Triads land with 500 km separation
- EDI Trajectory Simulation
- Proprietary Ballistic Entry Descent and Impact
Simulation software (BEDITS) - 3-DOF flight dynamics
- Exponential Martian atmosphere
- Young Penetration Equations (Sandia)
- Design Space
- Depends on Ballistic Coefficient b
- Depends on surface altitude (Mean for Elysium
2.75 km) - MOLA data indicates minimal surface elevation
15Nominal Trajectory
16Uncertainty Modeling
- Random variations in entry profile expected to
create off nominal effects - Combinatorial deviations statistically assessed
with Monte Carlo randomization - 1000 off-nominal cases per probe
- Normal distribution 3 s dispersion
- Entry atmospheric velocity va 5290 75 (m/s)
- Entry atmospheric flight path angle ga 12.25º,
15.75º 0.1º - Probe mass 34 3.4 (kg)
- Impact altitude variation -2750 100 (m)
- Impact Soil Type
- Soil composition unknown
- Variety of soils modeled based on soil hardness
- Science requirements (gt 1 m penetration) met
- All soils with S gt 3.5
- S lt 3.5 not expected in Elysium Planitia
- Blunt conic forebody tip to increase penetration
depth - Impact deceleration (Maximum penetration)
- Aftbody 42,000 g (Earth value)
- Forebody 5000 g (Earth value)
17Monte Carlo Simulation
- Probability of successful impact (Within science
requirements) - Impact velocity requirements met with gt 3 s
limits - Probability 99.99
- Impact flight path angle requirements met with gt
3 s limits - Probability 99.99
- Penetration depth requirements met for nominal
soil type - Probability 100
18Project Schedule
Phase A
Phase C
Phase D
Phase E
Phase B
Preliminary Concept
Concept Study
Preliminary Design
Instrument Testing
Probe Systems Integration
Spacecraft Systems Testing
Spacecraft Systems Integration
Spacecraft/Probe Final Assembly
Pre-Launch Testing
Planetary Operations
Concept Review
PDR 11/08
CDR 6/10
Arrival 9/12
Step-1 Selection
AO Released
Launch 11/11
Jan 2013
Aug 2010
Dec 2011
Jan 2009
Jan 2005
Oct 2006
Nominal Completion
Schedule Margin
19Mission Cost
- Total LCC 424.9M (FY07)
- Includes 30 Contingency
- Planetary Protection
- Goals
- Prevent forward contamination of Mars
- Control contamination of science results
- Category IVa
- Treatment to Viking pre-sterilization levels
required - Additional treatment to meet more stringent
science requirements - Methods
- Pre-assembly treatment of parts
- Non-heat-sensitive components dry-heat microbial
reduction - Heat-sensitive components hydrogen-peroxide
vapor-phase sterilization (low temperature) - Assembly in Class 100,000 clean room
- Encapsulated in bioshield for launch
20Priority Risks
- General Mitigation Strategy
- Use historical data from DS2 mission
- Impact survivability data from drop tests JPL
- Impact survivability data from air gun tests
Sandia National Laboratory - Wind tunnel data on aeroshell aerodynamics NASA
LRC - Budgeted Technology Development Plan (25M FY07)
- Microelectronics impact survivability
- Instrument impact survivability
- Separation mechanisms tested under low
temperature conditions
Wind tunnel testing
Drop tests (2 shells)
Air Gun tests (2 shells)
Forebody/Aftbody Link Testing
Drop tests (2 shellsinstruments)
Air Gun tests (3 shellsinstruments)
Separation Mechanism Testing
Drop tests (2 shellssubsystems)
Air Gun tests (3 shells
Air Gun tests (5 probes)
Integrated System
- Hailstorm delivers valuable science
- Science goals target unexplored region
- Recovers the lost science of DS-2
- Demonstrates feasibility of network science
- Hailstorm mission design ensures high probability
of mission success - Conservative mass and cost estimates used to
create reliable growth margins - Redundancy inherent in platform choice
- Robust technology development program
- Hailstorm helps set the stage for future Mars
exploration - Serves as a precursor for next decade core MEP
missions under the Search for Past Life
investigation pathway - Network science bolsters future human exploration
22Discussion and Questions