Title: Ch' 5 Linear Models
1Ch. 5 Linear Models Matrix Algebra
- 5.1 Conditions for Nonsingularity of a
Matrix5.2 Test of Nonsingularity by Use of
Determinant - 5.3 Basic Properties of Determinants
- 5.4 Finding the Inverse Matrix
- 5.5 Cramer's Rule
- 5.6 Application to Market and National-Income
Models - 5.7 Leontief Input-Output Models
- 5.8 Limitations of Static Analysis
25.1 Conditions for Nonsingularity of a Matrix3.4
Solution of a General-equilibrium System (p. 44)
- x y 8x y 9(inconsistent dependent)
- 2x y 124x 2y 24(dependent)
- 2x 3y 58y 18x y 20(over identified
35.1 Conditions for Non-singularity of a
Matrix3.4 Solution of a General-equilibrium
System (p. 44)
- Sometimes equations are not consistent, and they
produce two parallel lines. (contradict) - Sometimes one equation is a multiple of the
other. (redundant)
45.1 Conditions for Non-singularity of a
MatrixNecessary versus sufficient
conditionsConditions for non-singularityRank of
a matrix
- A) Square matrix , i.e., n. equations n.
unknowns. Then we may have unique solution. (nxn
, necessary) - B) Rows (cols.) linearly independent (rankn,
sufficient) - A B (nxn, rankn) (necessary sufficient),
then nonsingular
55.1 Elementary Row Operations (p. 86)
- Interchange any two rows in a matrix
- Multiply or divide any row by a scalar k (k ? 0)
- Addition of k times any row to another row
- These operations will
- transform a matrix into a reduced echelon matrix
(or identity matrix if possible) - not alter the rank of the matrix
- place all non-zero rows before the zero rows in
which non-zero rows reveal the rank
65.1 Conditions for Nonsingularity of a
MatrixConditions for non-singularity, Rank of a
matrix (p. 86)
75.1 Conditions for Non-singularity of a
MatrixConditions for non-singularity, Rank of a
matrix (p. 96)
85.1 Conditions for Nonsingularity of a
MatrixConditions for non-singularity, Rank of a
matrix (p. 96)
95.1 Conditions for Non-singularity of a
MatrixConditions for non-singularity, Rank of a
matrix (p. 96)
105.2 Test of Non-singularity by Use of
DeterminantDeterminants and non-singularityEvalu
ating a third-order determinantEvaluating an nth
order determent by Laplace expansion
- Determinant A is a uniquely defined scalar
associated w/ a square matrix A(Chiang
Wainwright, p. 88) - A defined as the sum of all possible products
?t(-1)t a1j a2kang, where the series of second
subscripts is a permutation of (1,.., n)
including the natural order (1, , n), and t is
the number of transpositions required to change a
permutation back into the original order
(Roberts Schultz, p. 93-94) - t equals P(n,r)n!/(n-r)!, i.e., the permutation
of n objects taken r at a time
115.2 Test of Non-singularity by Use of Determinant
- P(n,r) n!/(n-r)! P(2,2) 2!/(2-2)! 2
- There are only two ways of arranging subscripts
(i,k) of product (-1)ta1ja2k either (1,2) or
(2,1) - The first permutation is even positive (-1)2
and second is odd and negative (-1)1 - 0!(1) 11!(1) 12!(2)(1)
23!(3)(2)(1) 64!(4)(3)(2)(1)
245!(5)(4)(3)(2)(1) 120 6!(6)(4)(3)(2)(1)
720 10! 3,628,800
125.2 Test of Non-singularity by Use of Determinant
and permutations 2x2 and 3x3
135.2 Test of Non-singularity by Use of Determinant
4 x 4 permutations 24
145.2 Evaluating a third-order determinantEvaluati
ng an 3 order determent by Laplace expansion
- Laplace Expansion by cofactors if /A/ 0, then
/A/ is singular, i.e., under identified
155.2 Determinants
- Pattern of the signs for cofactor minors
165.1 Conditions for Nonsingularity of a
MatrixConditions for non-singularity, Rank of a
matrix (p. 96)
175.1 Conditions for Non-singularity of a
MatrixConditions for non-singularity, Rank of a
matrix (p. 96)
185.2 Evaluating a determinant
- Laplace expansion of a 3rd order determinant by
cofactors. If /A/ 0, then singular
195.2 Test of Non-singularity by Use of Determinant
- P(3,3) 3!/(3-3)! 6
- A 1(5)9 2(6)7 3(8)4 -3(5)7 6(8)1
9(4)2 - Expansion by cofactorsA (1)c11 (2)c12
(3)c13 - C11 5(9) 6(8)
- C12 -4(9) 6(7)
- C13 4(8) 7(5)
- Expansion across any row or column will give the
same for the determinant
205.3 Basic Properties of DeterminantsProperties
I to III (related to elementary row operations)
- The interchange of any two rows will alter the
sign but not its numerical value - The multiplication of any one row by a scalar k
will change its value k-fold - The addition of a multiple of any row to another
row will leave it unaltered.
215.3 Basic Properties of DeterminantsProperties
IV to VI
- The interchange of rows and columns does not
affect its value - If one row is a multiple of another row, the
determinant is zero - The expansion of a determinant by alien cofactors
produces a result of zero
225.3 Basic Properties of DeterminantsProperties
I to V
- If /A/ ? 0
- Then
- A is nonsingular
- A-1 exists
- A unique solution to
- XA-1d exists
- /A/ /A'/
- Changing rows or col. does not change but
changes the sign of /A/ - k(row) k/A/
- ka row or col.b /A/
- If row or col akb, then /A/ 0
235.4 Finding the Inverse aka the hard way
- Steps in computing the Inverse Matrix and solving
for x - 1. Find the determinant A using expansion by
cofactors. - If A 0, the inverse does not exist.
- 2. Use cofactors from step 1 and complete the
cofactor matrix. - 3. Transpose the cofactor matrix gt adjA
- 4. Divide adj.A by A gt A-1
- 5. Post multiply matrix A-1 by column vector of
constants d to solve for the vector of variables x
24 255.4 Finding the Inverse MatrixExpansion of a
determinant by alien cofactors, Property VI,
Matrix inversion
- Expansion by alien cofactors yields /A/0
- This property of determinants is important when
defining the inverse (A-1)
265.4 A Inverse (A-1)
- Inverse of A is A-1
- if and only if A is square (nxn) and rank n
- AA-1 A-1A I
- We are interested in A-1 because xA-1d
275.4 matrix A matrix of parameters from the
equation Axd
28C Matrix of cofactors of A
29C' or adjoint A Transpose matrix of the
cofactors of A
31Matrix AC'
32(No Transcript)
33Inverse of A
34Solving for X using Matrix Inversion
355.4 A Inverse, solving for P
36Cramers rule
37Cramer's rule
38Cramer's rule
39Deriving Cramers Rule
405.4 Finding the Inverse aka the hard way
- Steps in computing the Inverse Matrix and solving
for x - 1. Find the determinant A using expansion by
cofactors. - If A 0, the inverse does not exist.
- 2. Use cofactors from step 1 and complete the
cofactor matrix. - 3. Transpose the cofactor matrix gt adjA
- 4. Divide adj.A by A gt A-1
- 5. Post multiply matrix A-1 by column vector of
constants d to solve for the vector of variables x
41Derivation of matrix inverse formula
- A ai1ci1 . aincin (scalar)
- Adj. A transposed cofactor matrix of A
- A(adj.A)AI (expansion by alien cofactors 0
for off diagonal elements) - A(adj.A)/A I
- A-1 (adj.A)/A QED Roberts Schultz, p.
425.4 Finding the Inverse aka the hard way
- Steps in computing the Inverse Matrix and solving
for x - 1. Find the determinant A using expansion by
cofactors. - If A 0, the inverse does not exist.
- 2. Use cofactors from step 1 and complete the
cofactor matrix. - 3. Transpose the cofactor matrix gt adjA
- 4. Divide adj.A by A gt A-1
- 5. Post multiply matrix A-1 by column vector of
constants d to solve for the vector of variables x
435.4 A Inverse
- A(adjA) AI
- A(adjA)/A I ( A is a scalar)
- A-1A(adjA)/A A-1I
- adjA/A A-1
44Finding the Determinant
- 1Y 1C1G I0
- -bY1C 0G a-bT0
- -gY0C 1G 0
45Derivation of matrix inverse formula
- A ai1ci1 . aincin (scalar)
- Adj. A transposed cofactor matrix of A
- A(adj.A)AI (expansion by alien cofactors 0
for off diagonal elements) - A(adj.A)/A I
- A-1 (adj.A)/A QED Roberts Schultz, p.
465.4 Finding the Inverse aka the hard way
- Steps in computing the Inverse Matrix and solving
for x - 1. Find the determinant A using expansion by
cofactors. - If A 0, the inverse does not exist.
- 2. Use cofactors from step 1 and complete the
cofactor matrix. - 3. Transpose the cofactor matrix gt adjA
- 4. Divide adj.A by A gt A-1
- 5. Post multiply matrix A-1 by column vector of
constants d to solve for the vector of variables x
475.4 A Inverse
- A(adjA) AI
- A(adjA)/A I ( A is a scalar)
- A-1A(adjA)/A A-1I
- adjA/A A-1
485.4 Inverse, an example
49Finding the Determinant
- 1Y 1C1G I0
- -bY1C 0G a-bT0
- -gY0C 1G 0
50The macro model
- YCI0G 1Y - 1C 1G I0
- Cab(Y-T0) -bY 1C 0G a-bT0
- GgY -gY 0C 1G 0
51Macro model
- Section 3.5, Exercise 3.5-2 (a-d), p. 47
- Section 5.6, Exercise 5.6-2 (a-b), p. 111
- Given the following model
- (a) Identify the endogenous variables
- (b) Give the economic meaning of the parameter g
- (c) Find the equilibrium national income
(substitution) - (d) What restriction on the parameters is needed
for a solution to exist? - Find Y, C, G by (a) matrix inversion (b) Cramers
52The macro model
- YCI0G 1Y - 1C 1G I0
- Cab(Y-T0) -bY 1C 0G a-bT0
- GgY -gY 0C 1G 0
53 543.4 Solution of General Eq. System
- (1)(1)-(1)(1) 0(inconsistent dependent)
- (2)(2)-(1)(4) 0(dependent)
- (2)(1)-(1)(3) -1(independent as rewritten)
555.7 Leontief Input-Output Models Structure of an
input-output model The open model, A numerical
example Finding the inverse by approximation,
The closed model
56Miller and Blair 2-3, Table 2-3, p 15 Economic
Flows ( millions)
57Leontief Input-output Analysis
58(No Transcript)
595.8 Limitations of Static Analysis
- Static analysis solves for the endogenous
variables for one equilibrium - Comparative statics show the shifts between
equilibriums - Dynamics analysis looks at the attainability and
stability of the equilibrium
603.4 Solution of General Eq. System
- (1)(1)-(1)(1) 0(inconsistent dependent)
- (2)(2)-(1)(4) 0(dependent)
- (2)(1)-(1)(3) -1(independent as rewritten)
615.6 Application to Market and National-Income
Models Market model National-income
model Matrix algebra vs. elimination of
- Why use matrix method at all?
- Compact notation
- Test existence of a unique solution
- Handy solution expressions subject to manipulation