Title: the SFX framework
1NISO/DLF/CrossRef workshop July 24, 2000 --
Reston VA
the SFX framework the OpenURL
herbert van de sompel ghent university -- belgium
recap on the SFX framework the OpenURL
status of OpenURL implementation DOI - CrossRef
- SFX - OpenURL experiment
herbert van de sompel
3origin of the SFX research
- need for open linking
- linking frameworks should take into account the
- environment in which links are consumed
- links should lead into appropriate resources
(e.g. appropriate copy problem) - extended service links provision of additional
service-links (e.g. link to OPAC)
herbert van de sompel
4the SFX framework
5the SFX server
herbert van de sompel
1. implement a technique to make a resource
understand the difference between a user that has
access to a service component and one that does
herbert van de sompel
1. CookiePusher, user-profiles, DLF certificate,
herbert van de sompel
2. for users with access to a service component,
provide an OpenURL for each transported
herbert van de sompel
2. OpenURL target service
component content elements of the metadata, in
a public syntax
herbert van de sompel
10OpenURL status
- OpenURL support
- available / part of SFX-beta / announced /
- experiments arXiv, CrossRef, Ebsco, Ideal,
ISI, - OCLC, OpCit, Ovid, SilverPlatter, OPACs
- OpenURL gt NISO
herbert van de sompel
11DOI - CrossRef - SFX - OpenURL
Integration of namespace-based linking solutions
and the SFX framework as a means to deliver
context-sensitive linking services
CNRI, CrossRef, Ex Libris, Ghent U, IDEAL
herbert van de sompel
12herbert van de sompel
13herbert van de sompel
14identification of the key components of a
namespace-based linking system that allows
context-sensitive extended service-linking
namespace 1
herbert van de sompel
15dbase id metadata
default resolver
alternative resolver 1
central spot
alternative resolver i
alternative resolver n
id-based link
namespace 1
namespace 2
herbert van de sompel
16demo at http//sfxserv.rug.ac.be8888/public/xref/
OpenURL at http//www.sfxit.com/OpenURL SFX
at http//www.sfxit.com
herbert van de sompel