Title: Constant Degree, Lossless Expanders
1Constant Degree, Lossless Expanders
joint work with Michael Capalbo (IAS), Salil
Vadhan (Harvard), and Avi Wigderson (Hebrew U.,
2Expander Graphs (Balanced Case)
- An innocent looking object but intimately
related to various fundamental problems (Network
Design, Complexity and Proof Theory,
Derandomization, Coding Theory, Cryptography, ...)
3Expander Graphs (Balanced Case)
- How large can A be?
- Trivial upper bound A ? D.
- Random graphs A?D.
- Previously, best explicit expanders A D/2
(for constant D and large K).
4This Work Const. Degree, Lossless Expanders
that may even be slightly unbalanced
0lt?,?? 1 are constants ? D is constant K? (N)
For the very curious onlyK? (? M/D) D poly
log (1/(? ?)) (fully explicit D quasi poly
log(1/(? ?) )).
5A Bit of Context
- Explicit construction of constant degree
expanders is difficult. - Celebrated sequence of algebraic constructions
Mar73 ,GG80,JM85,LPS86,AGM87,Mar88,Mor94. - Ramanujan graphs with expansion ? D/2
Kahale95. - Combinatorial constructions Ajtai Ajt87,
more explicit and very simple RVW00. - Lossless objects Alo95,RR99,TUZ01
- Unique neighbor, constant degree expanders
6Why Bother with the Deg./2 Barrier?
- Because its there ???
- For most applications of expanders the more
expansion the better. - Specific applications for lossless expanders
- Distributed routing in networks
PU89,ALM96,BFU99. - Expander codes Gal63,Tan81,SS96,Spi96,LMSS01.
- Bitprobe complexity of storing subsets
BMRRS00. - Various storage schemes UW88,BMRS00.
- Hard tautologies for various proof
7Distributed routing in networks
- The Task PU89,ALM96,BFU99 Finding vertex/edge
disjoint paths in a distributed manner. Much
easier if the network is composed of lossless
8Distributed routing in networks
- Simplified scenario Vertex disjoint paths in a
layered graph. Expansion factor from left to
right ? 9D/10.
9Distributed routing in networks
- Simplified scenario Vertex disjoint paths in a
layered graph. Expansion factor from left to
right ? 9D/10. -
Incredibly Fault Tolerant UW87 Works even if
adversary removes 3/4 of D edges from each vertex.
10Simple Expander Codes G63,Z71,ZP76,T81,SS96
N (Variables)
M? N (Parity Checks)
Fix ? 1/10 Sets of size ? K? (? N/D)
expand by a factor 9D/10.
Linear code. Rate 1 - M/N 1 - ? Minimum
distance ? K. Relative distance ? K/N? (? / D)
? / poly log (1/?). For small ? beats the
Zyablov bound and is quite close to the
Gilbert-Varshamov bound of ? log (1/?).
11 Simple Decoding Algorithm in Linear Time ( log n
parallel phases) SS 96
N (Variables)
M? N (Constraints)
Flip\B ? B/4.B\Flip ? B/4.? Bnew?
- Algorithm At each phase, flip every variable
that sees a majority of 1s (i.e, unsatisfied
12Hints Into the Expander Construction
- Starting point RVW00 A simple combinatorial
construction of constant-degree expanders with
simple analysis. - The heart of the construction New Graph
Product Compose large graph w/ small graph to
obtain a new graph which (roughly) inherits - Size of large graph.
- Degree from the small graph.
- Expansion from both.
13The Zig-Zag Product RVW00
14Zig-Zag Analysis (Case I) RVW00
In Case I, the second small step is guaranteed
to expand. The first may be lost. In Case II,
the reversed picture ? Need both small steps.
15Trying to improve
16Zig-Zag for Unbalanced Graphs
- Second eigenvalue analysis for expanders
probably not useful in the unbalanced case. - Extractors NZ93 and condensers (under various
formalizations RR99,RSW00,TUZ01), work well in
the unbalanced case. - In fact, RVW00 analyzed a zig-zag product for
extractors (with an easier goal). - We introduce randomness conductors that
interpolate expanders, extractors, condensers
hash functions, and analyze the zig-zag product
for conductors.
17Randomness Conductors
- Expanders, extractors, condensers hash
functions are all functions, f N ? D ?
M, that transform S of entropy k ? S
f (S,Uniform) of entropy k - Many flavors
- Measure of entropy.
- Balanced vs. unbalanced.
- Lossless vs. lossy.
- Lower vs. upper bound on k.
- Is S close to uniform?
18On the Board ?
- Randomness conductors -- a space of
combinatorial objects - From Expanders to Extractors in a few easy steps.
- On measures of entropy.
- The definition of randomness conductors.
- Previous constructions and composition techniques
from the extractor literature extend to (useful)
explicit constructions of conductors. - The zig-zag product for conductors can produce
constant degree, lossless expanders.
19Summary and Open Problems
- Our Result (Slightly Unbalanced), Constant
Degree, Lossless Expanders. - Seen some applications, hints into the
construction, and a short encounter with
randomness conductors. - Further Research
- The undirected case (being lossless from both
sides). - Better expansion yet?
- Continue the study of randomness condensers.
20Definition Randomness Conductors
- For any function ? 0, log N ? 0, log D ?
0,1, the function f N ? D ? M, is an ?
- conductor if ? k, k,
S is ? - close to min entropy k
(min entropy k ? ? x, Prx ? 2-k)
21Lossless Expanders are Incredibly Fault Tolerant
?(S) gt(1-?) S
- Let an adversary remove (1-?) D edges for each
vertex. - Still expands by a factor (1- ? / ?) D !!