Title: Analytic Epidemiology
1Analytic Epidemiology
- Determining the Etiology of Disease
2Study Development Process
Descriptive Studies Data Collection and Analysis
Model Building and hypothesis formulation
Analyze results and retest
Analytic Studies for Hypothesis testing
3Causality and Causal Relationships
- Must have statistical significance
- Association may be either positive or negative
(if positive, the association is higher than
expected if negative the association is lower
than expected) - Must try to rule out noise (assuring the
comparison of apples to apples by controlling
confounding factors)
4Artifactual or Spurious Associations
- A false or fictitious association can result from
chance occurrence or bias in the study methods - Type 1error occurs from random fluctuation
- Through retesting, we can determine spurious
relationships. - Non-causal associations take place when a factor
and disease are associated indirectly
5Causal Association
- Strength of association
- Dose-Response Relationship
- Consistency of the Association
- Temporally Correct Association
- Specificity of the Association
- Coherence with Existing Information
6Sources of Data
- Primary data information collected directly by
the researcher - Secondary data data that has already been
collected and stored for analysis
7Types of Surveys
- Administrative surveys, medical records, vital
records and statistical data - Telephone surveys
- Self-administered surveys
- Personal interviews
8Measurement Issues
- Measurement is an attempt to assign numbers to
observations according to a set of rules - Variables can be categorical or continuous
- Intent is to translate observations into a system
that allows assessment of the hypothesis
9Types of Categorical Variables
- Nominal variables assigns name or number purely
on arbitrary basis (e.g., race, sex) - Ordinal variables measures assigned from
(typically) a lesser to greater value - Interval variables scale that assigns a number
to an observation based on a constant unit of
measurement - Ratio assigns numbers to observations to
reflect a true point
10Improving the Survey
- How is measure administered?
- Has it been used on similar situations with
success? - Is measure understandable by those being
surveyed? - Is sample accessible and identifiable?
- Is special training required?
- What is length of time in measurement?
- Are results available in timely manner?
11Reliability and Validity Issues
- Reliability the extent to which a measurement
has stability and homogeneity - Validity represents the precision to which the
measure is truly measuring the phenomena being
measured (measure must be reliable to be valid)
12Reliability and Validity Issues
- Content Validity the extent to which the
measure reflects the full concept being studied - Criterion Validity assessed by comparing the
test measure of the phenomenon
- Sensitivity (Se) measures how accurately the
test identifies those with the condition or
trait, i.e., correctly identifies or captures
true positives - High sensitivity is needed
- When early treatment is important
- When identification of every case is important
- Specificity (Sp) measures how accurately the
test identifies those without the condition or
trait, i.e., correctly identifies or excludes the
true negatives. - High specificity is needed when
- Re-screening is impractical
- When reducing false positive is important
15Factors to consider in setting cutoffs
- Cost of false positives v. false negatives
- Importance of capturing all cases
- Likelihood population will be re-screened
- Prevalence of the disease (Pe)
- Low Pe requires high Sp, otherwise too many false
positives - High Pe requires high Se, otherwise too many
false negatives
16(No Transcript)
17Determining SE and SP Rates
- SE TP / (TP FN)
- SP Specificity TN / (TN FP)
- False Neg. Rate 1 SE
- False Pos. Rate 1 - SP
- Positive Predictive Value
- TP/(TP FP)
- Negative Predictive Value
- TN/(TN FN)
18SE and PE Example
- You need to test the validity of cervical smears
pap smears to determine the presence of
cancer of the cervix. Smears were taken from 120
women known to have cancer of the cervix and from
580 women who did not have cancer of the cervix.
In the laboratory, the smears were read blind
as positive or negative. Of the total 700
smears, 200 were read as positive, 110 of which
came from the proven cancer cases.
19The Research Cycle
Operational hypothesis
Empirical findings
Observations and measurements
Statistical Tests
20Types of Studies
- Cross-sectional prevalence rates that may
suggest association (good for developing theory,
but no causal association) - Retrospective (Case-control) good for rare
diseases and initial etiologic studies - Prospective (cohort, longitudinal, follow-up)
yields incidence rates and estimates for risk.
Better for causal association. - Experimental (intervention studies) strongest
evidence for etiology
21Considerations for Study Design
- Stage of hypothesis development
- Nature of disease
- Nature of Exposure
- Nature of study population
- Context of research
22Cross-Sectional Studies
- Single point in time (snapshot studies)
- Risk factors and disease measured at the same
time - Determines prevalence ratios
23Cross-Sectional Study Design
Sample Population
24Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross Sectional
- Advantages
- Gives general description or scope of problem
- Useful in health service evaluation and planning
- Baseline for prospective study
- Identifies cases and controls for retrospective
study - Low-cost
- Disadvantages
- No calculation of risk
- Temporal sequence is unclear
- Not good for rare diseases
- Selective survival can lead to bias
- Selective recall can lead to bias
- Cohort effect may be misleading
25Prospective Study Desgin
- Disease free persons are classified on exposure
at beginning of follow-up period then tracked to
ascertain the occurrence of disease. - Question of Study Do persons with the factor of
interest develop or avoid the disease more
frequently than those without the factor or
26Prospective Study Design
Sample Population
Exposure -
27Prospective Study Criteria
- Obtain Incidence data
- Obtain the incidence among the exposed A/AB
- Obtain incidence among the non-exposed to
determine relative risk C/CD - Determine Relative Risk A/(AB)/C/(CD)
28Advantages and Disadvantages of Prospective
- Advantages
- Provides good assessment of temporal sequence
- Evaluate before onset of disease and watch for
- Disadvantages
- Selection bias
- Loss to follow-up
- Expensive
29Retrospective Study Design
- Subjects are selected on the basis of disease
status either cases or controls then classified
on the basis of past exposure - Question of Study Do persons with the outcome of
interest (cases) have the exposure characteristic
(or history of exposure) more frequently than
those without the outcomes (controls)
30Retrospective Study Design
Exposure Positive A
Exposure Negative B
Exposure Positive C
Exposure Negative D
31Retrospective Study Method
- Compare the odds of exposure among the cases with
the odds of exposure among the controls - Odds of Exposure Among Cases A/(AC)/C/AC)
or A/C - Odds of Exposure Among Controls
B/(BD)/D/BD) or B/D - Get Odds Ratio or odds of expose among cases/Odds
of exposure among controls (A/C)/(B/D)
32Advantages and Disadvantages of Retrospective
- Advantages
- Less expensive than cohort (retrospective)
Studies - Quicker than cohort
- Can identify more than one exposure
- Good for rare diseases
- Well design leads to good etiologic investigation
- Disadvantages
- Selective Survival
- Selective recall
- Temporal sequence not as clear
- Not suited for rare exposures
- Gives an indirect measure of risk
- More susceptible to bias
- Limited to single outcome
33Experimental Studies
- Uses an intervention in which the investigator
manipulates a factor and measures the outcome - Elements of a complete experiment
- Manipulation of data
- Use of a control group
- Ability to randomize subjects to treatment groups
34Advantages and Disadvantages of Experimental
- Advantages
- Prospective direction
- Ability to randomize subjects
- Temporal sequence of cause and effect
- Can control extraneous variables
- Best evidence of causality
- Disadvantages
- Contrive situation
- Impossible to control human behavior
- Ethical Constraints
- External validity uncertain
- Expensive
35Attributable Risk
- The rate of disease in the exposed group
attributable to exposure. - Relative risk measures the strength of the
association - Attributable risk identifies risk of the disease
attributable to exposure or the proportion of
incidence in exposed group attributable to
36Attributable Risk Calculation
- Begins with (Incidence in the Exposed Group) -
(Incidence in the non-exposed group). - Search for the proportion of AR
37Attributable Risk Calculation
Incidence in the Exposed Group
Incidence in the Exposed Group
Incidence in the Exposed Group
38Population Attributable Risk Requirements
- Incidence rate of disease among those exposed to
a trait or characteristic - Incidence rate of disease among those not exposed
to the trait or characteristic - The proportion of the population that has the
trait or characteristic
39PAR Example
Incidence lung cancer, smokers
of smokers in population
Inc. lung cancer, non-smokers
of non-smokers in pop.
EXAMPLE Using NV Rates
(.68) 20.5
40Attributable Risk Example
Incidence, total population
Incidence, non-exposed population
EXAMPLE Using NV Rates
(17.0/1000) 3.5/1000
Incidence, total population
Incidence, non-exposed pop.
Incidence in total population
EXAMPLE Using NV Rates
3.5/20.5 17
42Intervention Comparisons
- To demonstrate any therapeutic effect uses a
PLACEBO - To demonstrate improved therapy compare to
CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT - To demonstrate the most effective regimen compare
43Blinding in Experimental Studies
- The importance of blinding depends on the needed
outcome. Less important if the outcome is clear. - Non-blinded both subject investigator know
the treatment allocation - Single-blinded investigator knows, subject does
not know - Double-blinded neither investigator and subject
44Sources of Bias
- During selection of participants
- Absence of blinding allocation can lead to
differential classification - Other sources of miscalculation
- Withdrawals, ineligible sources, loss to
follow-up - Premature termination
45Selection Bias
- Cases and controls, or exposed and non-exposed
individuals were selected is such that an
apparent association is observed - even if there
is no association. - Biased selection - taking from a pool in which we
know the risk is higher is selection bias. - Small sample size or small response size
46Information Bias
- Methods of information about the subjects in the
study are inadequate and results show information
gathered regarding exposures and/or disease is
- Reporting bias
- Abstracting records
- Bias in interviewing
- Bias from surrogate interviews
- Surveillance bias
- Recall bias
47Other Issues
- Confounding Variables
- To prove that Factor A is a result of disease B,
we say that a third factor, Factor X is a
Confounder if the following is true - Factor X is a known risk factor for Disease B.
- Factor X is associated with Factor A bit is not a
result of Factor A. - Interactions