Title: Java 1'5 and Advanced Features
1Java 1.5 and Advanced Features
- Problem How can we have type-safe data
structures and methods, when we do not know what
types programmers might invent later? - Solution Use placeholders for types that get
filled in and expanded at compile time.
3Generics Example
- Old Way
- Method 1
- List myList new ArrayList()
- What can I put in myList? Any Object!!!!
- Player p (Player) myList.get()
- Method 2 (Try to make safe)
- public class PlayerList
- List players
- Player get( )
- return (Player) players.get( )
4Generic Collections
- New
- ListltPlayergt players new ArrayListltPlayergt()
- Now we can only put players in the list.
- players.add(new Player()) //OK
- players.add(new String()) //Compile Error
- Player p players.get( ) //no cast needed!
5Can create our own generics
public class PairltX, Ygt private X first
private Y second public Pair (X fst, Y
scnd) first fst second scnd public
X getFirst( ) return first public Y
getSecond() return second PairltString,
intgt pair new PairltString, intgt(Bob, 34)
6Improved For loop
- To iterate over collections required us to use a
formulaic for loop or while loop that might be
error prone. - Old way
- Iterator iter players.iterator()
- while (iter.hasNext())
- Player p (Player) iter.next()
- for (int i 0 i lt array.length i)
7Improved For Loop
for (Player p players )
p.doSomething() Works for arrays
too!!! int scores new int20 for ( int i
scores) total i
8Enumerated Types
- We have constants and special categories of
things, and we want to treat them in a type safe
manner, not just as integer codes. We want to
stop an invalid code from being accepted. - Old Way
- class Furnace
- public static final int AUTOMATIC 1
- public static final int OFF 2
- public static final int MANUAL 3
- public static final int FAULT 4
- private int mode OFF
9Enumerated Types
- public enum FurnaceMode
- class Furnace
- private FurnaceMode mode
- public void doSomething()
- switch(mode)
10But Wait, there is more
- We can put behavior IN the enumerated type
- public enum FurnaceMode
- OFF (1),
- MANUAL (3),
- FAULT(4)
- private int errorCode
- public FurnaceMode (int code) errorCode
code - public int value()
- switch (this)
- case OFF return errorCode
11Static Initializer Blocks
- We need to be able to initialize static data, but
it requires more complex initialization than a
simple assignment. - Old Way
- public static final int RATE MyClass.initRate()
12Static Initialization Blocks
- New Way
- public MyClass
- public static final int RATE
- static
- TaxTable tt new TaxTable()
- for (int i0 i lt 100 i)
- tt.iterate()
- RATE tt.getResult()
13Instance Initializer
- I need to initialize an instance variable, and I
would like to put the code near the variable, not
off in a constructor. Used most often to
initialize arrays.
private int values new int13 for (int i
0 i lt values.length i) valuesi i
- Sometimes we need to manipulate objects and
classes at runtime rather than at compile time.
What if I know a game is called VideoPoker,
and I want to make a class using that string, at