Title: Design Patterns
1Design Patterns
- Based on Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides Design
Patterns - Viviane Jonckers
2Patterns and Frameworks
- A class is a mechanisms for encapsulation, it
embodies a certain service providing the data and
behavior that is useful in the context of some
application. A single class is rarely the
complete solution to some real problem - There is a growing body of research in describing
the manner in which collections of classes work
together in the solution of problems. Application
frameworks and design patterns are two ideas that
became popular in this context
3Application Frameworks
- An application framework is a set of classes that
cooperate closely with each other and together
embody a reusable design for a general category
of problems - Although one might abstract and discuss the
design elements that lie behind the framework,
the framework itself is a set of specific classes
that are typically implemented only on a specific
platform or limited set of platforms - The framework dictates the overall structure and
behavior of the application. It describes how
responsibilities are partitioned between various
components and how these components interact
4A Framework as an Upside-down Library
- In a traditional application the
application-specific code defines the overall
flow of execution through the program
occasionally invoking library-supplied code - A framework reverts this relation the flow of
control is dictated by the framework and the
creator of a new application merely changes some
of the methods invoked by the framework - Inheritance is often used as powerful mechanism
for achieving this. Alternatively
application-specific components that obey a
specified interface are plugged in
5Application Framework Example (1)
- GUI application frameworks simplify the creation
of graphical user interfaces for software systems - A GUI application framework implements the
behavior expected from a graphical user interface
(hold windows, buttons, menu's, textfields, etc.
- move and resize windows - handle mouse events
on buttons and menus- ...) - A new application is build by specifying and
arranging the necessary elements (buttons,
menu's, textfields, etc. ) and by redefining
certain methods (responses to the mouse and key
events - )
6Application Framework Example (2)
- Simulation frameworks simplify the creation of
simulation style applications - A simulation framework provides a general-purpose
class for managing the types of objects in the
simulation - The heart of a simulation framework is a
procedure that cycles through the list of objects
introduced in the simulation asking each to
update itself - The framework knows nothing about the particular
application it is going to be used for billiard
balls, fish in a tank, rabbits and wolves in an
ecological game, etc.
7Design Patterns
- Design patterns are an attempt to collect and
catalog the smallest recurring architectures in
object oriented software systems. A design
patterns typically captures the solution to a
problem that has been observed in many different
systems - Design patterns are more abstract than a
framework. Frameworks are partial implementations
of (sub)systems, design patterns have no
immediate implementation at all - Design patterns are smaller architectural
elements than frameworks, most applications (and
frameworks) will use several patterns - Design patterns are architectural level
counterparts of programming idioms
8Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC
- Model/View/Control is a triad of classes used to
build interactive user interfaces in Smalltalk-80 - Model the application object
- View a screen presentation of an application
object - Controller defines the way the system reacts to
user input - 3 well known design patterns appear
- Observer MVC decouples views and models by
establishing a subscribe/notify protocol between
them - Composite MVC supports nested views
- Strategy MVC encapsulates the response mechanism
to user input in a controller object and allows
to associate a controller with a view
9MVC example 1
10MVC example 2
11MVC relations and interactions
Object references in MVC
Communication in MVC
12The Elements of a Design Pattern
- A pattern name
- The problem that the pattern solves
- Including conditions for the pattern to be
applicable - The solution to the problem brought by the
pattern - The elements (classes-objects) involved, their
roles, responsibilities, relationships and
collaborations - Not a particular concrete design or
implementation - The consequences of applying the pattern
- Time and space trade off
- Language and implementation issues
- Effects on flexibility, extensibility,
13The Observer Pattern The Problem
Assume a one to many relationship between
objects, when one changes the dependents must be
- different types of GUI elements depicting the
same application data - different windows
showing different views on the same application
Also known as Dependants, Publish-Subscribe
14The Observer Pattern Participants
- Subject knows its observers, provides an
interface for attaching (subscribe) and detaching
(unsubscribe) observers and provides a notify
method that calls update on all its observers - Observer provides an update interface
- ConcreteSubject maintains a state relevant for
the application at hand, provides methods for
getting and setting that state, calls notify when
its state is changed - ConcreteObserver maintains a reference to a
concrete subject, stores a state that is kept
consistent with the subject's state and
implements the observer's update interface
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16The Observer Pattern Collaboration
- ConcreteSubject notifies its Observers whenever a
change occurs that could make its observers'
state inconsistent - After being informed of a change in the
ConcreteSubject, a ConcreteObserver may query the
Subject for information concerning its state and
then reconcile its own state with that of the
Subject - The change in the ConcreteSubject can be
initiated by one of the Observers or by some
other application object
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18The Observer Pattern Consequences
- Abstract and minimal coupling between Subject
and Observer the subject does not know the
concrete class of any observer, concrete subject
and concrete observer classes can be reused
independently, subject and observer can even
belong to different abstraction layers in the
system - Support for broadcast communication the
notification a subject sends does not need to
specify a receiver, it will broadcast to all
interested (subscribed) parties - - Unexpected updates observers dont have
knowledge about each others presence, a small
operation might cause a cascade of spurious
19The Observer Pattern Implementation (1)
- Mapping subjects to their observer the Subject
keeps explicit references to the Observers it
should notify or some associative lookup (e.g. a
hash table) is installed memory/time trade off
must be made - Observing more than one Subject can make sense
in some situations the update interface must be
extended to keep track of the Subject that is
sending the update allowing the Observer to know
which Subject to examine - Who triggers the updates (i.e. who calls
notify) - have all state changing operations on Subject
call notify after the subjects state is changed
consecutive operations cause several consecutive
updates which may not be necessary and is
inefficient - make clients responsible for calling notify at
the right time clients get the added
responsibility to call notify which makes errors
20The Observer Pattern Implementation (2)
- Dangling references to deleted Subjects deleting
a Subject should not produce dangling references
in its Observers simply deleting the Observers
is often not the best idea (they can be
referenced by others or they can be observing
another Subject) when deleting a Subject the
Observers should be notified so that they can
reset their Subject reference - Make sure that Subject is self consistent before
calling notify Observers query the subject's
state to do their update this rule is easy to
violate unintentionally when Subject subclass
operations call inherited operations - Specifying modification of interest explicitly
update efficiency can be improved when the
observers register for specific events of
interest only
21The Observer Pattern Implementation (3)
- Avoiding observer-specific update protocols, the
pull and the push model - In the push model the Subject sends its Observers
detailed information on what is changed the
Subject class makes assumptions about the
Observers needs - In the pull model the Subject sends nothing but
the most minimal notification and the Observers
ask for details explicitly emphasizes the
Subjects ignorance of its Observers can be
inefficient because Observers must assess what is
changed without help - Encapsulate complex update semantics install an
explicit change manager that manages the
Subject-Observer relationships and defines a
particular update strategy
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23Sorts of Design Patterns
Creational Patterns are concerned with the
process of object creation
Behavioural Patterns are concerned with
algorithms and the assignment of
responsi- bilities between objects
Structural Patterns are concerned with how
classes and objects are composed to form larger
Class Patterns deal with static relationships
between classes and subclasses
Object Patterns deal with object relationships
which can be changed at run time
24Creational Design Patterns
- Abstracts the instantiation process
- Encapsulates knowledge about which concrete
classes to use - Hides how the instances of these classes are
created and put together - Gives a lot of flexibility in what gets created,
who creates it, how it gets created, and when it
it gets created - A class creational pattern uses inheritance to
vary the class that is instantiated - An object creational pattern delegates
instantiation to another object
25Structural Design Patterns
- Structural design patterns are concerned with how
classes and objects are composed to form larger
structures - A class structural pattern uses inheritance to
compose interfaces or implementation
compositions are fixed at design time - An object structural pattern describes ways to
compose objects to realise new functionality the
added flexibility of object composition comes
from the ability to change the composition at
26Behavioral Design Patterns
- Behavioral design patterns are concerned with
algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities
between objects - Behavioral class patterns use inheritance to
distribute behavior between classes - Behavioral object patterns use object composition
rather than inheritance some describe how a
group of peer objects cooperate to perform a
tasks no single object can carry out by itself
others are concerned with encapsulating behavior
in an object and delegating request to it
- Behavioral Patterns
- Chain of Respons.
- Command
- Interpreter
- Iterator
- Mediator
- Memento
- Observer
- State
- Strategy
- Template Method
- Visitor
- Structural Patterns
- Composite
- Façade
- Proxy
- Flyweight
- Adapter
- Bridge
- Decorator
- Creational Patterns
- Singleton
- Abstract factory
- Factory Method
- Prototype
- Builder
28Lexi WYSIWYG document editor
- Document is mix of text and graphics in variety
of formatting styles - Document in middle area
- Pull-down menu's and scroll bars
- Icons for navigating the document
29Design problems (1)
- Document structure - the choice of an internal
representation for the document has impact on
other aspects of Lexi's design because editing,
displaying, textual analysis, etc. requires to
traverse the representation - Formatting - how does Lexi arrange text and
graphics in lines and columns, how to manage
different formatting policies, how do these
policies interact with the document's internal
representation - Embellishing the user interface - Lexi's
interface includes scroll bars, borders, menu's,
etc. that are likely to change as the user
interface evolves, it is important to be able to
add and remove embellishments without changing
the rest of the application
30Design problems (2)
- Supporting multiple look-and-feel standards -
Lexi should adapt easily to different look and
feel standards such as Motif and PM - Supporting multiple window systems - different
look-and-feel standards are implemented on
different window systems, Lexi needs to be as
independent of the window system as possible - User operations - users control Lexi through
various user interface elements (buttons, menu's,
etc.), the functionality behind these interface
elements is scattered, but Lexi must support undo - Spelling checking and hyphenation - Lexi supports
analytical operations such as spelling checks and
hyphenation, how to minimize the changes
necessary to accommodate a new analytical
31Document Structure
- The internal representation should support
- Maintaining the document's physical structure,
I.e. the arrangement of text and graphics into
lines, columns, tables etc. - Generating and presenting the document visually
- Mapping positions on the display to elements of
the internal representation - Additional constraints are
- Treat text and graphic uniformly
- Treat simple and complex (composed) element
uniformly - Allow extra features for some elements (ex.
hyphenate text elements while it makes no sense
to hyphenate a picture)
32Recursive composition
33Document Structure as a Composite pattern
- The internal representation can capture a
document's structure but it does not tell how to
arrive at it - Formatting means breaking collections of glyphs
into lines, lines into columns, columns into
pages, etc. - Formatting algorithms are complex, it is
important to keep them well contained and
independent of the document structure - Many formatting algorithms exist (trade off
time/quality) - Goal it must be easy to replace the formatting
algorithms used (at compile time or even at run
35Formatting (composition) with the Strategy
36Object structure reflecting compositor-directed
line breaking
37Embellishing the User Interface
- Two examples
- Add a border around the text editing area to
demarcate the page of text - Add scroll bars to allow users to view different
parts of a page - Goal
- Make it possible to add en remove embellishments
without changing other classes
38Embellished glyphs through the Decorator pattern
- Transparent Enclosure
- Single-component composition
- Compatible interfaces, clients do not know
whether they they deal with the component or with
its enclosure - The enclosure augments the component behavior by
doing extra's before or after delegating an
MonoGlyphDraw _componentDraw
BorderDraw MonoGlyphDraw
39Embellished object structure
40Supporting multiple look-and-feel standards
- Portability across hardware and software
platforms is a wanted feature for many
applications - Platforms often come with a specific
look-and-feel standard (how the applications
appear and react through widgets such as buttons,
menus and scrollbars) - Application that runs on more than one platform
must conform to the user interface style guide on
each platform - Goal make Lexi conform to multiple existing
look-and-feel standard and to make it easy to add
support for new standards that arise
41GUIFactory class hierarchy of Lexi as used in the
Abstract Factory pattern
42Abstract product classes and concrete subclasses
of Lexi as used in the Abstract Factory pattern
43Supporting multiple window systems
- The windowing environment in which an
application runs is another portability issue (it
is the windowing system that creates the illusion
of multiple overlapping windows on a bitmapped
screen - it manages screen space and routes input
to them from keyboard and mouse) - Several important windowing systems exist
(Macintosh, Windows, X) with largely incompatible
programming interfaces - Goal make Lexi portable over multiple windowing
environments - Applying the Abstract Factory pattern again is
not really an option because we want to reuse the
existing windowing system implementations and not
build our own full windowing system
44An abstract window class for Lexi and its
subclasses targeted at the application programmer
45Relate Windows and Window Implementations through
the Bridge pattern
46User operations
- Lexi's functionality comes in two kinds
- Directly through the document's WYSIWYG
representation enter and delete text, move the
insertion point, select text by pointing and
clicking, etc. - Indirectly through menus, buttons and keyboard
commands create, open, save, close a document,
cut, copy and paste a selection, change font or
style, etc. - Goals
- Support one operation through multiple command
types - Avoid dependencies between user interface and
application classes - Support undo end redo of some (but not all)
47Command class and subclasses
48Relate menu items and commands
49Unexecute and the command history
50Spelling checking and hyphenation
- Goals
- Support multiple algorithms
- Make it easy to add new analysis algorithms
- Two pieces to the solution
- Accessing the information to be analysed that is
scattered over the glyphs -gt the Iterator pattern
encapsulates access and traversal - Do the analysis -gt the Visitor pattern
encapsulated the analysis algorithm
51Iterator class and subclasses
52Traversal versus Traversal Actions