Title: Potassium
By Andrew Science Period 4
Symbol K Atomic Number 19 Group1 Period
4 Atomic Mass39.0983
3Potassium has a cubic Crystal Structure with a
ball in the center of the cube.
4Energy Levels
Potassium has four energy levels. The first
energy level contains two electrons. The second
energy lever contains eight electrons. The third
energy level contains eight electrons, and the
fourth energy level contains one electron.
5Historical and Present day uses For Potassium
There are few uses for Potassium as a pure
element. Most of the time it is combined with
something else, and there are many things that we
need that have Potassium in them. The most
important reason why we need this element, is
because it makes up most of fertilizer, and we
could not have plants without fertilizer. It is
also used as a heat exchange medium, and is
essential to plant and animal life. It helps the
human body by controlling the proper balance of
fluids in cells and other body fluids and also
assists in the digestion of food and proper
function of the eyes.
6Where found on Earth
Potassium is found in numerous places throughout
the Earth. Most of the time it is combined with
another element, and there are few uses for
potassium as a pure element. The most important
source of potassium is from a mine near Carlsbad,
New Mexico. Potassium is found in many foods as
well. We know it best, to be found in bananas,
which contain large amounts of it.
7How its Collected
Potassium is collected by running water into, and
through the mines. The water returns to the
surface and is allowed to evaporate. The PT
compounds in the mine remain behind when all
water has passed through, allowing us to collect
81 Reason we Need Potassium
The 1 Reason we need Potassium is because it is
one of the primary ingredients in fertilizer, and
without fertilizer, we wouldnt have plants!
Without plants, we cant live!
Potassium is the 19th element on the periodic
table of the elements. It is classified in the
group Alkali Metals, and it is a metal. Its
boiling point is 774 degrees Celsius. Its melting
point is 63.65 degrees Celsius. Its density is
0.862 g/cm cubed. It is one of the most reactive
of metals, and is the second least dense known
metal. It is silvery in color, but only after a
fresh surface is exposed.