Title: Career Information Service CIS
1QCE presentations for schools
Career Information Service (CIS)
2Our focus for the presentation
- To highlight the features of the Career
Information Service website (CIS).
3Learning accounts
- Schools register students and the QSA opens their
learning account. - Students are able to access their learning
account through the Career Information Service
website. - Students require a learner unique identifier
(LUI) and password to access their information
4Career Information Service
Click here for forgotten LUI or password. CIS
will use the student email address or secret
question to re-establish their login details.
5Initial login page
New password
New password
Email details
Secret question
6Summary page
- Provides a summary of personal details.
Summary tab
7Enrolments Results
Shows student enrolments and any final results.
Enrolments Results tab
8QCE Planner
Shows projected QCE eligibility.
Eligibility for a QCE is indicated here.
QCE Planner
Click Add Learning to add other learning and see
how QCE eligibility is affected.
Literacy and numeracy requirements and the
subject used to meet these are indicated.
The total number of credits is indicated here.
School subjects are assumed to be a Sound
result. Yellow shading indicates an assumed and
not actual result.
Students can change the numbers of semesters and
results and recalculate QCE eligibility.
9A student having finished Year 12
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Guest access
Guest login
14QCE Planner
15QCE Planner
16QCE Planner
Tick a box, then click the Add button.
17QCE Planner
Course type
18QCE Planner
19QCE Planner Student A
20QCE Planner Student A
21QCE Planner Student B
22QCE Planner Student B
23Find out more
- Queensland Studies Authority
- www.qsa.qld.edu.au