Title: Infective Endocarditis
1Infective Endocarditis
- Suhail Allaqaband
- Sinai Samaritan Medical Center
- Milwaukee, WI
- An estimated 10,000 to 15,000 new cases of IE are
diagnosed in the United States each year - IE has increasingly become a disease of the
elderly - More than one-half of all IE cases in the United
States now occur in patients over the age of 60 - This trend is probably due to two factors
- the decline in the incidence of rheumatic heart
disease - the increasing proportion of elderly subjects in
the general population
- Injection drug use
- Highest risk factor in patients lt 40 years of age
- Prosthetic heart valves
- Prosthetic valve endocarditis comprises a small
but important segment of IE cases - More than 100,000 heart valves are implanted
annually in the United States - IE develops in 1 to 4 of valve recipients
during the 1st year following valve replacement,
and in approximately 1 percent per year
- Nosocomial endocarditis
- Usually a complication of bacteremia induced by
an invasive procedure or a vascular device - Structural heart disease
- Approximately three-fourths of all patients with
IE have a preexisting structural cardiac
abnormality - Congenital heart disease is present in 10-20
cases - The most common predisposing congenital heart
lesions are bicuspid aortic valves, PDA, VSD,
coarctation of the aorta, and tetralogy of Fallot
- Degenerative valvular lesions
- The risk of IE in patients with MVP and
associated regurgitation is estimated to be 5 to
8 times higher than that in the normal population
- Aortic valve disease(stenosis or/and
regurgitation) is present in 12 to 30 percent of
- History of infective endocarditis
- Recurrent endocarditis occurred in 4.5 percent of
one large cohort of non-addicts - Other studies have reported rates of IE
recurrence ranging from 2.5 to 9 percent - HIV infection
- A number of cases of IE have been reported in
patients with HIV infection - It has been suggested that HIV infection is an
independent risk factor for IE in IV drug abusers
7- A number of other, less common predisposing
factors for IE include - Pregnancy
- AV fistulas used for hemodialysis
- Central venous and pulmonary artery catheters
- Peritoneovenous shunts for the control of ascites
- Ventriculoatrial shunts for the management of
hydrocephalus - In addition, patients with ulcerative lesions of
the colon due to carcinoma or inflammatory bowel
disease have a poorly understood predilection to
develop endocarditis secondary to Strep.bovis
8Case Definition
- Duke criteria
- In 1994 investigators from Duke University
modified the previous criteria to include the
role of echocardiography in diagnosis - They also expanded the category of predisposing
heart conditions to include intravenous drug use
9Duke Criteria
- Definitive infective endocarditis
- pathologic criteria
- microorganisms demonstrated by culture or
histology in a vegetation, or in a vegetation
that has embolized, or in an intracardiac abscess
or - Pathologic Lesions vegetation or intracardiac
abscess, confirmed by histology - clinical criteria
- two major criteria, or
- one major and three minor criteria, or
- five minor criteria
10Duke Criteria
- Possible infective endocarditis
- findings consistent of IE that fall short of
definite, but not rejected - Rejected
- firm alternate Dx for manifestation of IE
- resolution of manifestations of IE, with
antibiotic therapy for ? 4 days - no pathologic evidence of IE at surgery or
autopsy, after antibiotic therapy for ? 4 days
11Duke Criteria
- Major criteria
- positive blood culture for IE
- evidence of endocardial involvement
- Minor criteria
- predisposition (heart condition or IV drug use)
- fever of 100.40F or higher
- vascular or immunologic phenomena
- microbiologic or echocardiographic evidence not
meeting major criteria
12Major Criteria
- Positive blood culture for IE
- typical microorganism for IE from two separate
blood cultures in the absence of a primary focus - strep viridans, strep bovis, HACEK group, staph
aureus or enterococci - Persistently positive blood culture
- blood cultures drawn more than 12 hr apart, or
- all of 3 or a majority of 4 or more separate
blood cultures, with first and last drqwn at
least 1 hr apart
13Major Criteria
- Evidence of endocardial involvement
- positive echocardiogram for endocarditis
- oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or
supporting structure, or in the path of
regurgitant jets, or on implanted material, in
the absence of an alternate anatomic explanation - abscess
- new partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve
- new valvular regurgitation (increase or change in
pre-existing murmur not sufficient)
14Minor Criteria
- predisposition
- predisposing heart condition or iv drug use
- fever of 100.40F or higher
- vascular phenomena
- major arterial emboli
- septic pulmonary infarcts
- mycotic aneurysm
- intracranial hemorrhage
- conjunctive hemorrhages
- Janeway lesions
15Dukes Minor Criteria
- immunologic phenomena
- Glomerulonephritis
- Rheumatoid factor
- microbiologic evidence
- positive blood culture not meeting major criteria
or serologic evidence of active infection with
organism consistent with IE - echocardiogram
- consistent with IE but not meeting major criteria
16Validity of Duke criteria
- 405 consecutive cases of suspected IE were
studied - 69 cases of IE were confirmed pathologically
- 55 (80 percent) were clinically classified as
definite using the Duke criteria, versus only 35
being classified as probable by the von Reyn
criteria - 12 of the pathologically confirmed cases were
"rejected" by the von Reyn criteria whereas none
by the Duke criteria - New criteria for diagnosis of infective
endocarditis Utilization of specific
echocardiographic findings. - Duke Endocarditis Service Am J Med 1994 96200
17Diagnostic approach to infective endocarditis
- History
- A careful history should be performed with
special attention given to a history of prior
cardiac lesions and historical clues pointing
toward a recent source of bacteremia - Physical examination
- A meticulous clinical examination should be
performed looking for clinical evidence of small
and large emboli with special attention to the
fundi, conjunctivae, skin, and digits - Cardiac examination may reveal signs of new
regurgitant murmurs and signs of CHF - Neurologic evaluation may detect evidence of
focal neurologic impairment
18Diagnostic approach to infective endocarditis
- Positive blood culture results
- A minimum of three blood cultures should be
obtained over a time period based upon the
severity of the illness - Additional laboratory tests
- An elevated ESR and/or an elevated level of CRP
is usually present - Most patients quickly develop a normochromic
normocytic anemia - The WBC count may be normal or elevated
19Diagnostic approach to infective endocarditis
- Additional laboratory tests
- elevated levels of serum globulins
- presence of cryoglobulins and circulating immune
complexes - hypocomplementemia
- false positive serologic tests for syphilis
- abnormal urinalysis
- microscopic or gross hematuria, proteinuria, or
pyuria - the combination of RBC casts on urinalysis and a
low serum complement level may be an indicator of
immune-mediated glomerular disease
20Diagnostic approach to infective endocarditis
- Electrocardiogram
- All patients with suspected IE should have an EKG
to determine whether there is evidence of heart
block or a conduction delay and to establish a
baseline should such a complication develop later
21Diagnostic approach to infective endocarditis
- Echocardiography
- Should be performed in all patients with
suspected IE - A TTE should initially be obtained in patients
with native heart valves, while those with
prosthetic valves should undergo TEE - Detection of a vegetation by TTE is a positive
test - However, a negative study does not preclude the
diagnosis and should be followed by TEE, when
there is an intermediate or high suspicion of IE
22Improved diagnostic value of echocardiography in
patients with infective endocarditis by
transoesophageal approach A prospective
study.Eur Heart J 1988 Jan9(1)43-53
- 96 patients were studied consecutively with TEE
and TTE - TEE had a sensitivity for the detection of
vegetations of 100 percent as compared to 63
percent with TTE - Both TTE and TEE had specificity of 98
- Only 25 of vegetations less than 5 mm, 69 of
vegetations 6-10 mm, and 100 of vegetations
greater than 11 mm detected by TEE were also
observed with TTE
23Major Pathogens
- Native Valve IE
- Strep.(55), mostly Viridans
- Staph.(30), mostly S.aureus
- Entrococci(5-10)
- Prosthetic Valve IE
- Early (0-2 months)
- Staph(50)- mostly S.epi.
- IE in IV drug abusers
- Staph. aureus(50-60)
- Late (gt60 days)
- Staph(30)
24Treatment of infective endocarditis
- Antimicrobial therapy should be administered in a
dose designed to give sustained bactericidal
serum concentrations throughout much or all of
the dosing interval - In vitro determination of the minimum inhibitory
concentration of the etiologic cause of the
endocarditis should be performed in all patients
25Treatment of infective endocarditis
- The duration of therapy has to be sufficient to
eradicate microorganisms growing within the
valvular vegetations - The need for prolonged therapy in treating
endocarditis has stimulated interest in using
combination therapy to treat endocarditis
- Antibiotic Dosage and route Duration Comments
- Aqueous crystalline 12-18 million U/24 h 4
wks preferred in most patients older than 65 yrs - penicillin G sodium IV either continuously and
in those with impairment of the eighth - or in 6 divided doses nerve or renal
function - or
- Ceftriaxone sodium 2g once daily IV or IM 2 wks
- Aqueous crystalline 12-18 million U/24 h 2
wks when obtained 1h after a 20-30 min. - penicillin G sodium IV either continuously IV
infusion or IM injection, serum - or in six equally concentration of gentamicin
of - divided doses approximately 3 mcg/mL is
desirable - with gentamicin 1 g IM or IV every 8 h 2
wks trough concentration should be lt 1 pg/mL - sulfate
- Vancomycin 30 mg/kg per 24 h IV 4 wks vancomycin
therapy is recommended for - hydrochloride in two equally divided patients
allergic to beta lactams peak doses, not to
exceed 2 serum concentrations of vancomycin
should - gram/24h unless serum be obtained one h after
completion of the - levels are monitored infusion and should be in
the range of
JAMA 1995 2741706
31Indications for surgery in IE
- The indications for surgery in patients with
native-valve IE and prosthetic-valve IE are
essentially the same - Surgery is warranted for patients with active IE
who have one or more of the following
complications - CHF that is directly related to valve dysfunction
- Persistent or uncontrolled infection while
receiving appropriate antimicrobial therapy,
including evidence of perivalvular extension - Recurrent emboli, particularly in the presence of
large vegetations
32Indications for surgery in IE
- Relative indications for surgery
- Evidence of perivalvular infection, such as
intracardiac abscess or fistula formation - Rupture of a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm
- Fungal endocarditis
- Endocarditis due to highly resistant
microorganism - Relapse after a course of adequate antimicrobial
therapy, particularly in prosthetic valve
endocarditis - Culture-negative IE with fever more than 10 days
after starting empirical therapy
33Indications for surgery in prosthetic valve IE
- Same as native valve endocarditis
- Perivalvular infection
- Valve Dehiscence
- excessively mobile prosthesis on echo
- results in hemodynamic instability
- The outcome of surgery in patients with IE has
been good, particularly when surgical treatment
is radical with the removal of all infected and
necrotic tissue - In a recent study of 138 patients who underwent
valve surgery in the presence of active
infection, the early mortality, due to heart
failure or septic multiorgan failure, was 11.5 - Risk factors for early mortality were NYHA class
IV or cardiogenic shock, advanced age,
preoperative acute renal failure, and
staphylococcal infection -
- Operation for infective endocarditis Results
after implantation of mechanical valves. Ann
Thorac Surg 1998 65359.
35ACC/AHA recommendation for surgery in patients
with native valve endocarditis
36ACC/AHA recommendation for surgery in patients
with prosthetic valve endocarditis
37ACC/AHA recommendation for valve replacement with
mechanical prosthesis
38ACC/AHA recommendation forvalve replacement with